I Believe In Christ

by Lynda Allred

Jesus Christ
A statue of Jesus Christ at temple square in Salt Lake City.

I am so grateful for this opportunity to bare my testimony to many of you, who are out there struggling. I know Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ, know and love each, and every one of us. I know that they live, and have a body of flesh and blood. I know that they both visited a young boy in the grove of trees many years ago to answer his sincere prayer, (Joseph Smith) and to begin the restoration of the true gospel. The gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that the Book of Mormon is a true book, another testament of our Savior Jesus Christ. This book is an account of the Savior’s dealings with the people on the American continent, it goes hand in hand with the Bible. I love the gospel, I love my Savior, and I love the Book of Mormon and the Bible. I have a fervent testimony of the power of prayer. The Lord does hear, and answer our prayers. Many of my prayers have been answered in such a way that I know that Christ lives. I do not have to guess, or hope. There is much power in prayer. I know that we are lead by a prophet on this earth today. This prophet is President Thomas S. Monson. Just like in the days of old our Father in Heaven has given us a prophet on the earth. I know that the gospel will bring peace to your lives, as it has to mine. We will still have struggles, many of them, but the peace that the Savior and his gospel can bring in your lives will help us go through these struggles. We are not alone. We are never alone when we have our Savior Jesus Christ. I say these things, in the name of my beloved Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

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