Yesterday I heard a news report that the Catholic church In Germany was asking its members to pay a state imposed religion tax. This religious tax was legislated after the war to help restore religious buildings. Are German Latter-day Saints required to pay this tax also?

Peter from Orleans Ontario Canada,

2 Responses to “Yesterday I heard a news report that the Catholic church…”

Samuel Delgado
2012-10-06 21:35:26
Hi Peter. I'm no expert on these matters, but my understanding is that individuals in Germany are taxed based on their religion, and that that tax is then given to their respective churches, kind of like a government-required tithe. From the Mormon perspective, this is very poor public policy. Religious contributions are very important, but they should be given voluntarily.

On principle, the "Mormon Church" does not accept money from governments. If the German government is offering the Church tax funds, I am certain they are being refused. This may mean, then, that Mormons in Germany don't have to pay this religious tax.

If Mormons in Germany are being taxed in order to subsidize other religions, this tax is offensive indeed! Other religions are, of course, wonderful in their own ways, but Mormons' first loyalty is obviously to their own faith.

I hope this answer helps! Let me know if you have any additional questions.
2012-10-16 14:54:50
Hi Peter, As a Latter-day Saint from Germany I am happy to answer your question.

As the webmaster (btw: you are doing a tremendous job on this page) correctly guessed, the church tax is only paid by members of those churches that benefit from the tax.

Basically it works like this: the German government (actually the governments of each individual `Bundesland´ - roughly the equivalent of a State in the US) collects the tax from all registered memebers of the Catholic church and the various proestant churches that benefit from the tax. The government keeps part of the money and gives the remaining money to the respective churches.

If you are not a registerd member of the particular churches, you do not pay the church tax. And since the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints does not benefit from the tax (and most likely would refuse to do so anyway), we do not pay it.

I hipe this helps. All the best!

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