I was wondering about the sealing ceremony. If a couple gets divorced, are they still sealed together for eternity? And what if they get remarried and then want to get sealed to their new spouse, or can they do that? Thank you for writing this page, it was beautifully described.

Stephanieee from Salt Lake,

2 Responses to “I was wondering about the sealing ceremony. If a couple gets…”

Pamela Dean
2010-06-21 12:33:14
It seems complicated, but really isn't. First, sealing in the temple means that one is eligible to be together for eternity, as long as the spouses live worthily. Some people mistakenly believe that a temple sealing means that it is guaranteed. It's not. Second, once a divorce happens, the sealing promises still exist, but the relationship does not. That means that if one spouse who has lived worthily and kept all their covenants will not have blessings removed from them because of the actions or inactions of the other spouse. Third, people can be sealed to others. For men, they need the permission of the former spouse. For women a cancellation of sealing must occur, which involves some paperwork and approval by the First Presidency.
2010-06-22 04:13:47
If a couple get leagaly divorced their temple marriage is not affected. If a person wants to cancel their sealing they must have another person to be sealed to first, and they must petition the First Presidency of the church to cancel their previous sealing.

The scripture "what God hath joined together let not man put assunder" is taken very seriously. Luckily God does know and foresee all he just directs the brethren in making the correct choice.

A side note if there are children who have been sealed to both parents than the children are not affected, they are still sealed to both parents and God will work that out when we meet them.

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