I just found your website tonight after Church as I learned today some very sad news: a former missionary baptized a girl from my Country a few years ago and then they moved to the US. He was a stalwart missionary, one who everyone looked to as an example. So you can imagine how excited our little branch was when they decided to come back to our Country to live here one year ago. He lately started to fail in attendance always with different excuses. Finally today he told the branch President he will not longer attend for ‘doctrinal issues’. I can not even imagine how his wife whom he baptized might feel: as far as I know she is willing to attend by herself with the child, now the roles are inverted!

My heart is seriously broken, I am the elder quorum 1st counselor and he was the second, this kind of news are litterally devastating. This fellow said that he is well ready to explain anyone who asks him the reasons behind his choice. Is it wise to inquire him? Or is better to just let him go?


3 Responses to “I just found your website tonight after Church as I learned …”

2011-12-18 02:10:16
I ended up here totally by accident and I don't even know what I clicked to get here. I am not a Mormon, just a new person who has been visited by missionaries a few times and I am looking into maybe joining. And I happen to be in Baltimore. But here is my opinion if you are still looking: This person is someone you obviously respected, admired, and cared for - a brother. How could you let him go and NOT inquire as to what has happened? Maybe nothing can be done to change his mind. But it would seem to me that the least you can do is let him know that he is loved, needed, and missed.

That being said - what do I know? I am not a member, just an older human applying logic, compassion, and common sense as I understand them.

Bruno Paz: Great answer, Anonymous. Thanks for your contribution. :)
2011-12-18 03:37:26
I am a 15-year old boy, secretary of my teacher's quorum and and active member of the church. Though my answer may not seem relevant, I feel the need to address your issue.

This man, this man that you apparently care for as a friend and fellow church member, obviously has a lot of problems going on currently, perhaps something in his family life, or maybe he made some poor decisions and now thinks he cannot return to the church.

Or perhaps for more cynical reasons, he may be being selfish, thinking that he doesn't need to be there or that he's done enough. I personally don't think that the man you described would be like that, but who knows?

The important thing is; He's not coming, and you don't know why. That's a problem.

The best thing to do is to ask, be up front, honest in your intentions, let him know that those at church wish he would attend. Find out what's going on.

This is all in the case in which he is willing to speak of it. If he isn't, leave it be.

The way I see it, forcing somebody to do something, or trying too hard to bring him back will only make him push you away further, and further discourage his churchgoing.

Ask, but don't pry, if you really wish to find out how to help him. Pray about it, God has the answers.

I wish you luck Elder.

-M. G.
2011-12-26 21:22:56
Hello, this is always me who has posted the question originally. I would like to say thank you both to the young fellow from Utah and the investigator from Maryland for their kind replies.

I later heard that officially this brother is in disagreement over some doctrinal issues, yet I am quite sure that it is merely a facade. After your replies, I decided to contact him directly even though despite his availability to explain he has now changed his cell phone number. I guess I will just pay him a visit, in the most Christlike possible way.

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