I want to be a part of the church, but I don’t know what to do. Can you help me?

Danis from Bogota,
(Comment originally posted in Spanish)

One Response to “I want to be part of your church”

Vicente Bravo
2014-08-10 16:51:27

Missionaries: An Introduction.
Hi Danis. I'm happy you're interested in learning more about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church). I've been a member of this church all my life. Like everyone, my life has been blessed in some ways, and challenging in others. Given how fickle life can be, it's so important to have a stable foundation, an anchor, something that a person can always rely on no matter what life throws at him. The teachings of Jesus Christ I've received in my church have been just such a sure foundation. I'm so grateful for the gospel and all the rich blessings it's brought into my life. I'm happy you're interested and hope you find the same peace!

To learn more about our beliefs, I suggest you chat with the Mormon missionaries. Most people who are interested in Mormonism learn about our basic beliefs from one of our 90,000 missionaries. You can request a visit from them online.[/common_text]

I hope this answer helps. Let me know if you have any more questions. I'm happy to help.

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