I understand that in the early days of the Church, the Book of Mormon wasnt used as much in studies and church services as it is today, that members werent encouraged to really read it and know it as they are today? In the early days they mostly used the Bible? Is this true?

If so – when did the church start to really emphasize the use of BoM more among its members?

(This question was posted by someone who decided to join the Church, perhaps thanks in part to answers posted on AllAboutMormons.com. Click here to see other questions posted by Mormon converts.)

2 Responses to “I understand that in the early days of the Church, the…”

Pamela Bonta
2013-02-25 17:05:03
Many hours were spent translating the Book-of-Mormon text and publishing it, even before our religion was officially founded. Missionaries in the early years of our church took copes with them to England, Hawaii, Canada, the South Pacific, Scandinavia and many other places. Brigham Young, who became our second church leader, was given a copy, read it, and then immediately left to find Joseph Smith to talk to him about the book. It is, and always has been, an important book of scripture in our religion. At the same time, we also believe that the Bible is scripture. Both, as well as other scriptures, are emphasized as being guidance from our Heavenly Father.
2013-03-08 21:03:10
We believe the Bible is the Word of God, His sacred revelation to ancient prophets and apostles.
Well, in the "early" days, the BofM hadn't been fully translated and published. But after it was... As soon as it had been put to paper people were encouraged to read it and live by it. I can't find any FACTS that point to it being any other way.

The reason many lessons were taught using solely the Bible in those days is just as simple. More people had read the Bible. Missionaries today STILL use the Bible often as a reference. It gives people a familiar base for their exploration of our religion. Nearly everything the Latter Day Saints believe is supported by the Bible AND the BofM. So if you're teaching someone who already trusts the Bible about our faith... You use the book they already know, and encourage them to get to know the one they don't.

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