Is Thomas Monson really a a prophet of God? I ask because Mormon folklore nowadays says that any General Authority’s words are the undisputable, perfect “Word of God.” Am I supposed to believe that Thomas Monson has never made a mistake?

I’ve noticed that they hardly speak about theology. They speak as if they’re just personal motivators. They seem to focus only on their public relations department, trying carefully to measure each opinion in light of what Mormons want to hear.

Revelations given to Joseph Smith used to be carefully studied, presented, and approved. Why has so much time passed since a revelation has been given to modern Mormon leaders? Are we living in the modern restoration, or not?

BuscadordeVerdad from Bogotá - Colombia,
(Comment originally posted in Spanish)

One Response to “Is Thomas Monson really a prophet?”

Manuel Castro
2014-08-24 18:05:19
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints worldwide gather twice yearly for what they call general conference.
Hi brother. Let me briefly answer some of your questions. If you need more detailed answers, please post each question separately.

1) The church does not teach that prophets are infallible, and no well-informed Mormon believes that they are. You describe a fabricated controversy.

2) If church leaders are simply parroting what they think the people want to hear, as you suggest, they are terrible parrots. The church holds many positions that are inconvenient from the viewpoint of the larger culture in which church members find themselves. They must have a pretty incompetent public relations team. :)

3) If you think the leaders of our church haven't received any revelations lately, you need to listen to General Conference. Some of those revelations might well serve to help motivate people in their personal lives. Don't you believe God cares about our personal progress?

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