Why does suffering exist?

Anonymous from Bolingbrook,

2 Responses to “Why does suffering exist?”

2012-06-18 03:03:52
Hey Anonymous, I think that in many cases suffering exists because sin exists. If you think of much of the suffering that exists in the world, it has its root in somebody's sin. That suffering can be because we made a bad decision and are living with the consequences or somebody else is living with the consequences. Our suffering might originate from the sins and bad decisions of our world and national leaders, as we see in many countries. Then, there are those who are suffering from disabilities and other ailments that have not necessarily resulted from a sin of somebody. An important question to ask ourselves is, How will I deal with this suffering and learn from it to make the world a better place and my life better? I invite you to read an interesting article I found on this topic.
Stephen Douglas
2012-06-22 03:07:28
Suffering is part of life. This life is but a moment and God allows bad things to happen to good people. Ecclesiates 9:11,12 tells us "time and chance" happens to us all. Since God is more concerned about our spiritual progress than He is about our comfort, health, and longevity, it is up to us to look out for ourselves and each other in those regards. We should be asking, "What am I doing to lessen suffering in the world?" We are each other's keepers. The beauty of our faith is that we teach our members how to be better people, better citizens, better friends, better neighbors, and better family members.

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