Hi. My name is Sidney. I’ve been a member of the church since 1999, but I’ve been inactive since 2005. I want to grow closer to Jesus Christ. I’ve lived in Las Vegas, NV for three years and I’ve been wanting to go to church, but I’ve lacked the will. I want to know what congregation corresponds to my area because I want my daughter to know Jesus Christ. I speak Spanish and English but I’d like to go to an English-speaking congregation. Can you help me with this? Thanks… I await your prompt response.

Sidney from Las Vegas, Nevada,

One Response to “Hi. My name is Sidney. I’ve been a member of the church sinc…”

Ricardo Duarte
2010-07-10 19:36:08
Mormon Missionaries
Missionaries in Alagoas, Brazil.
Hi Sidney. What a coincidence; I was in Las Vegas just last week! Many people are surprised to learn that the church is very strong in Las Vegas. There's even a temple in your city!

I'm happy that you feel such a strong desire to grow closer to Jesus Christ. Without a doubt, that's the Holy Ghost trying to lead you on the correct path. The Church has been such a blessing in my life. I was raised in the Church, and the teachings I learned in primary have served as a strong foundation for my whole spiritual life. I know that your daughter can be blessed in the same way. Many parents worry about their children's secular education, but too few worry about their spiritual education. It's excellent that you are concerned about your daughter's spiritual education as well.

You can learn the address and meeting time of the chapel nearest your house online. There are both English and Spanish congregations in Las Vegas. I also encourage you to request a visit from the Mormon missionaries. Aside from helping people join the church, missionaries also help the less-active members return. I'm sure they'd be happy to help you. Let me know if there's anything more I can do to help. Good luck!

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