They sent me home early from my mission because I really didn’t want to be there. When I returned home, the other members of my ward seemed to look down on me. I soon went inactive. Should I come back to the church?

(Comment originally posted in Spanish)

3 Responses to “I came home early from my mission”

Pedro Cruz
2014-03-16 22:53:01
Hi brother. I'm sad to hear you faced these challenges when you returned early from your mission. The other members of your ward shouldn't have behaved that way.

However, I feel compelled to point out that you are responsible for your own decision to leave the church. When you suggest that the poor decisions of your fellow ward members forced you to go inactive, you deny your own agency. You are not a passive creature that other people act on. You are an active person with the ability to choose your own course. And you chose to leave the church.

Why am I emphasizing this so much? Because you can also make the choice to come back to the church. If you recognize that you're in control of your life, it won't matter what other member of your ward think or say. Your spiritual life is between you and God. God wants you to come back to the church so you can get back on the right spiritual path.

Brother, why don't you chat with your bishop? He'll be happy to help you come back to the church. Explain your frustration, but make it clear to him that you want to come back independent of any social concern.

I hope this answer helps. I know God loves you very much. He wants what's best for you. Full participation in His church should be part of your future spiritual plans.
Pamela Bonta
2014-04-28 06:52:03
A statue of Jesus Christ at temple square in Salt Lake City.
Yes. Plain and simple. If you have a testimony of Jesus Christ, the Book of Mormon, and Joseph Smith, absolutely! Your decision to return home early is strictly between you, your mission president, your bishop, and the Lord. It really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks!

On another note, you may find that volunteering or serving a part-time mission from home is better suited for you. You can learn more about these opportunities here, here, and here.

God bless.
2014-04-29 21:39:43
Through prayer, we can communicate with our Heavenly Father. He’s anxious to guide and help us.
Dear brother: Only remember the reason that made You to have the Intention to come back to the church... You know the truth! And God will be so happy when You do that. Please, come back!! You have brothers and sisters at the Church that wiil be so glad when it happen. Do not worry about others, ok?

The church is true, but the members are not perfect. Forgive the persons that had behaviors that hurt You... Forgive and renew Your life.. Do not forget that we have the opportunity to rebuild our lives, Jesus Christ gave his life for us and it is possible. Find the best way to do that, I am sure You can. How about begining to pray and asking for God? Do not forget it is between You and him...

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