Why does the Savior require that we receive specific ordinances in order to be eligible to receive the full effects of his atoning sacrifice? (i. e. John 3:5)


4 Responses to “Why does the Savior require that we receive specific ordinan…”

Carlos Silva
2011-02-21 00:04:21
Hi friend. Historically, humans have worshipped God in two ways, didactically and ritually. Didactic worship is the kind of teaching- and sermon-based worship common in most Protestant churches. The LDS Sacrament Meeting is also largely didactic.

In many churches, however, ritual/ceremonial worship continues to be important. For example, the Catholic Mass has some ceremonial elements, as do the LDS temple services. In modern times, people tend to think more analytically than symbolically. In many ways this cultural shift is tragic, as ceremonial worship is every bit as beautiful and important as other kinds of worship.

Ceremonies are physical symbols that represent internal commitments. While people certainly can grasp abstract concepts like faith and spiritual rebirth on their own, having a physical event/symbol associated with an abstract concept helps to focus the mind and makes our internal commitments feel more real and concrete. Additionally, it appears, given God's long history of endorsing ceremonial worship dating back to Old-Testament times, that ceremony is also important in God's "culture." Hope this answer helps!
Elder Moxley
2011-02-20 19:01:22
Baptism into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints requires full immersion in water by a person who holds the priesthood authority to baptize.
Thank you for bringing up the wonderful question. The apostle James wrote "faith without works is dead" James 2: 20. When we don't show our faith in Jesus Christ with our actions, that faith will quickly die, if it's not dead already. As we act on our faith, that faith is reinforced and we see blessings from it. Remembering those blessings and the promises we made at baptism helps us do what is right in times of trial.

My baptism serves as a time I can look back on to strengthen my faith when it is lacking. Such a seemingly simple act has blessed me incredibly, and resulted in having additional guidance from the Holy Spirit. If such a seemingly simple act can bless me so much, I know that the blessings will be even greater at times that the Lord calls on me to exercise even greater faith. We'll know that if Jesus Christ had the power to bless us for being baptized, that he'll also have the power to wash away our sins.

That faith in Jesus Christ that we've developed by obeying his ordinances and other commandments will be immensely important at the time that we stand ready to return to live with our Father in heaven. If we haven't exercised that faith, we won't be able to trust Christ's promise of forgiveness and we won't feel comfortable in God's presence or be able to "enter into the kingdom of God."

The section on baptism on Mormon.org explains more and feel free to chat with a Mormon missionary to hear more about why these ordinances build our faith.
2011-02-21 01:23:05
Simply put we are indebted to Him as he willingly laid down His life and atoned for our sins. Through the shedding of His blood He becomes our law giver and upon compliance with His laws, the keeping of His commandments, and obtaining the required Ordinances He prescribes we can be justified through His merits and be admitted into heaven.
2011-03-16 21:24:47
Because even the Savior had to receive them in order to "fulfill all righteousness" Matthew 3: 14-17 and if the Savior, Redeemer, and Keeper of All mankind had to do these things... How much more necessary must they be for us, who are far less perfect?

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