I was raised into the Mormon faith but as I start to dwell on the word of wisdom (alcohol, inmorality, and modesty) I keep thinking that those things arent so bad. I know the whole Sunday school answers and I have tried them but not once in my life have I felt anything from God. How can I keep my thoughts/actions strait when he isnt answering my prayers?


4 Responses to “I was raised into the Mormon faith but as I start to dwell o…”

Diego Leal
2009-08-30 23:40:43
Hi friend. Just about everyone can feel God's Spirit if they are living right by following His commandments, reading the scriptures, praying regularly, and attending their church meetings every Sunday with the intent of learning and internalizing what's taught there. If you're not doing these things, I invite you to begin now. A sustained effort is sometimes required before we can feel God's influence in our lives.

Sometimes people feel God's Spirit but don't recognize it or don't fully appreciate it. Perceiving God's influence is just like our other senses. Most people can hear, but trained musicians can more fully appreciate a symphony. Most people can see, but a trained painter can better appreciate the strokes of an artist's brush. Recognizing, interpreting, and fully appreciating God's message also sometimes requires training.

The scriptures teach: "To some it is given by the Holy Ghost to know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that he was crucified for the sins of the world. To others it is given to believe on their words, that they also might have eternal life if they continue faithful" (D&C 46:13-14). While you're in the process of training yourself to receive God's message, you should trust in the testimony of others. Your day will come when you too will feel God's Spirit, if you persevere.

While waiting for your answer, keep in mind that there are plenty of secular reasons to live the Mormon lifestyle. Scientific studies have shown that Mormons live about a decade longer than other Americans, and that enhanced health is correlated with Church activity. Clearly, avoiding things like alcohol and illicit sex is good for human health.
2009-08-27 18:47:52
First off the Word of Wisdom is exactly that, a guidline given to God's children to be happy and free from the shackles of addiction in this life. Alcohol, immorality, and modesty are items that you need to have controled thoughts over, and choose the way the prophets have counseled concerning such items.

When you start to question your faith I can tell you, from personal experience and a lot of pain, that the devils are all to happy to put thoughts and ideas in your head that if followed will bring you pain and misery as well. (FYI 20+ years of pain and still working to get back isn't the road you want)

I feel that your answer is God knows you and what you are capable of, and this is a testing of your faith occuring... He's giving you a chance to know that you know, and what you know is enough.

God knows your grown up enough to be responsable so prove him right and do what is right. If you have made a mistake he already knows about it, and has already atoned for it, but you need to get into your bishop and confess it.
Pamela Dean
2009-09-01 03:01:55
The still small voice is very hard to hear if we are not in complete tune with the Lord's commandments and doing our best to follow them. We don't have to understand all the things the Lord asks of us, we just need to do them. Acting on the Lord's commandments builds our faith, and the more faith we gain, the more in tune with the spirit we become.

I understand what you are saying when you state that "those things aren't so bad". But that doesn't meant they are good either. :) Alcohol is good - as part of our first aid kits, but it shouldn't be ingested. Sex is good - inside the bounds of marriage, where it doesn't lead to the wrongful taking of life (abortion), the denigration of women, or the exploitation of the vulnerable.

There is a huge difference between knowing the "Sunday school answers" and having a genuine testimony. Even with a strong testimony it is difficult to keep the world and Satan's temptations away. Perhaps the place to start is to begin with examining whether you have a testimony of the most basic tenets of our faith. Do you have a testimony of Joseph Smith? Of the Book of Mormon? Of living prophets? Of the importance of families? Of Christ as your Saviour? Start with those five basic core beliefs. Everything else will follow from there.

There is also some excellent information on the importance of developing testimonies, how to develop a testimony, and how to recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit at lds.org.

I pray that you are able to develop the ability to recognize the still small voice so that you can gain comfort and reassurance I your life. Blessings to you.
Greg Rodgers
2009-08-24 19:15:42
My friend, he is answering your prayers. Before I joined this church, I had experimented in literally everything the Word of Wisdom warns against. I can honestly tell you that when a person indulges in the things of the world, the Spirit does flee from them and they feel empty. I can promise you that if you be still and listen, Heavenly Father is providing you with subtle yet powerful answers and once you've trained yourself to hear them, you'll never be without His guidance.

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