Hello! I have a question regarding wine. If the Lord Jesus made wine at the wedding at Cana and also drank it at the last supper why does the LDS Church not allow drinking it? I attended a Baptist school and they always said that it was actually grape juice, but honestly that never seemed right to me. Thank you!

Mike from Tampa,

2 Responses to “Hello! I have a question regarding wine. If the Lord Jesus m…”

Daniel Rubio
2010-10-25 04:35:40
Hi Mike. Thanks for your question. I've also heard the idea that the wine mentioned in the New Testament was merely grape juice. I'm open to the possibility that New-Testament wine might not have been as strong as modern-day wine, but I, like you, do doubt that it was entirely alcohol free.

God hasn't explained why He revealed to modern-day prophets and apostles that we should avoid alcohol entirely, but it's easy to speculate as to why. In Christ's time, for example, water-borne parasites may have made drinking water unsafe. Alcohol can kill some of these parasites. In our days, we obviously have more effective methods for killing parasites.

Similarly, in our days there are shrewd and devious multinational corporations that entice younger and younger victims into life-long alcoholism. These kinds of malevolent social forces didn't exist in Christ's times. As explained in the original revelation God gave to Joseph Smith, we are commanded to avoid alcohol "in consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days." Studies have shown that mormons live five to ten years longer than the population average, so God's advice seems to have been sound! :)
2010-10-28 20:38:20
Thank you for your answer, it makes a lot of sense.

Daniel Rubio: Happy to have helped, Mike. Best of luck to you.

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