Are there any true pictures of the gold plates and could it be possible that Moroni was a moor?

Anonymous from Gainsville,

One Response to “Are there any true pictures of the gold plates and could it …”
2008-06-11 06:00:27
Hi friend. By "gold plates" I assume you mean the metallic plates on which the original Book of Mormon record was engraven. They were not actually made of gold, so the term "gold plates," though frequently used, is not technically accurate.

Photography was invented at about the same time Joseph acquired the Book of Mormon record. It had probably not reached upstate New York by 1830, the year the Book of Mormon was published. It's also doubtful that God would have allowed the plates to be photographed, even if photography had been available at the time. However, over a dozen men wrote affidavits affirming that they saw the plates. You can read those affidavits at and

There is no chance that Moroni was a Moor. Moors were people of north Africa and al-Andalu, places that have no relation to the Book of Mormon narrative.

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