I have a question. Is it okay for parents to mistreat their children? My mom thinks she has the right to mistreat me. When I complain about it, she just reminds me that she’s the mother.

I’ve done things in the past. I haven’t been the best daughter in the world. I failed at times as a daughter, I’ve repented, and I’ve asked for forgiveness. But she never forgives me. Every day she reminds me of the things I did wrong and tells me that I’m a bad person. She also said that I’m going to pay for the bad things I’ve done. Just looking for some advice. Thanks.

(Comment originally posted in Spanish)

2 Responses to “Can parents mistreat their children?”

Francisco Rubio
2015-05-10 20:02:19
A missionary hugging a bishop in Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil.
Hi sister. It's parents' job to teach their children how to be responsible and mature. Sometimes children don't like the lessons their parents try to teach them. They don't like the rules. They might even feel like their parents are mistreating them. But in the end the children will grow up to be better people because of the influence of good parents.

On the other hand, some parents do truly mistreat their children. Punishment to correct bad behavior and punishment for retribution or humiliation are not the same thing. Child abuse is all too common, and it's unacceptable.

Without knowing more details, I can't really tell which of these two scenarios best describes your situation. If you are the victim of actual child abuse, though, I encourage you to talk with a trusted adult about these problems. Perhaps your bishop could help you, for example, or a teacher at school.

It's one thing for a parent to tell a child that they are doing a bad thing. It's a parent's responsibility to help children identify and correct bad behavior. It's another thing entirely to tell a child that they are a bad person. It's hard for me to understand how a comment like that could ever be constructive.

I'll pray for you, sister. God be with you during these challenging times.
2015-05-29 20:10:37
See if your Mother would be willing to read The Miracle of Forgiveness by Spencer W. Kimball. You could read it yourself and it may help you understand why your Mother may be this way. Just keep loving your Mother and Pray about it that your Mother will understand your feeling and keep loving yourself that is a good thing

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