I have recently been getting online lessons from the missionaries, and it has been really interesting, and last week one of them asked if I wanted to get baptised. However, I haven’t responded to him as I am unsure as to whether if I really want to get baptised or not, and if this is just me being silly. Also, to make sure that the church is true to me, I have looked at it from both sides. I have looked at something specific: the Mormon rules and the consequences of failing to abide by them. I read these on a site, and they claimed that this sounded a lot like rules for a cult. I’m not sure if this is true or not, but I hope it isn’t. What is your input on all of this?

Cameron from Edinburgh,

3 Responses to “I have recently been getting online lessons from the mission…”

2012-04-08 17:31:23
I have just been baptised, and can only speak as a very new member. I too was a little unsure at first and also surprised at how fast baptism was offered, unlike other faiths where the process for converts can take a year or more, hence more time to figure things out before signing up. I think I now understand a little more about why that is so. The real process of getting to grips with what the Church and the gospels teach comes after baptism and confirmation. And in fact, many others tell me that this is a lifelong process. What baptism and confirmation gives you is a gift and a blessing. The gift of baptism is wiping the slate clean of wrong turns, and I can say from experience that the blessing from the Holy Spirit at confirmation is a very real and powerful one. These put you in a better frame of mind to start learning in earnest.

What's great is that you seem to have already addressed what is holding you back. Is it all just a load of silliness? Well, there might be 14 million people out there all being very silly, but only your heart and head can answer that one. I'm wondering as you're getting online lessons if you're too far away to attend a Church? I've never met anything less like a cult in all my life. I imagine a cult to be secretive, run by power-crazed individuals for their own benefit, and making people cut off all links to the real world. In reality, people are very open and friendly; put themselves out for other people's benefit when they have jobs and young families already taking up lots of their time; and the Church supports families above all, so, far from isolating you from the outside world, it encourages you to fully engage with it. If you're after a cult, go support Rangers/Celtic/Hibernian etc!

There is no point having rules without consequences; any parent will tell you without consequences, any child will carry on and on doing what is not good for them (having just told off my small child for the umpteenth time -again!! ). But any good parent will want to restore the loving relationship and put the consequences behind everyone at the earliest opportunity. Some people are very negatively minded and the internet gives them a voice to air their grievances. Is there any way that you can meet the real people in the Church and find out for yourself? Only you will know when you've got to the point of saying yes.
2012-04-09 02:21:22
Hello Cameron. I am so happy you have asked this question where you will get an honest answer.

I joined the Church almost 30 years ago. I can't tell you how much I have been blessed by being a member of this Church. I don't dare to think what my life would have been like without the gospel.

I have served in leadership positions and have never seen anyone punished for breaking a commandment. The only exception is when someone committed adultery. The disciplinary councils I participated in were full of compassion and love for the individual to help them repent of their transgression but not to punish them for breaking a "rule".

The gospel of Jesus Christ is about developing Christ like attributes. To be like Him.

When we sin - we all sin - even apostles and prophets, because we are human. Christ is the only perfect, sinless person to live on earth.

When make a wrong chose, mistake, break a commandment we are tought to repent. Daily repentance is how we grow.

May I suggest you invite the missionaries to visit you. You can ask them any question.

The most important advice I can give you regarding being baptized is to ask Heavely Father if this is what He wants you to do.

Read, ponder and pray to find out if the Book of Mormon is true. If you ask with real intent, believing He will answer you. You will receive answer.

I did and still do. We are tought to seek confirmation from God for every truth.

When you follow God's council you are never wrong.

God bless you in your quest for truth.
2012-04-09 12:28:40
By the way, your little comment on Hibernian being a cult is slightly offensive to me (try guess why :)). There is no way that they're a cult, trust me.

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