How do mormons feel about music and cursing?


3 Responses to “How do mormons feel about music and cursing?”

2008-06-30 05:22:14
Music is a very powerful instrament to humans. It can be used to debase or to enlighten.

Music is the only thing that I know of that interacts with both the hemispheres of the brain. The right side deals with the beat, tempo, and the harmonics of the song as a whole, while the left is more in focus on the rhythms and lyrics as they are given. Plus when/if you sing along that adds even more of the brain with its use of motor skills.

It's true that loud, fast tempo music with a lot of hard sounds can effect the body. Just watch a child when such music is on, and notice how they react after the song is over. Then do the same thing with something like Mozart.

I'm still looking for the pictures (I'll link it if found) but a story was told to me about ice being frozeen while the diferent types of music were playing. The lowest, most simple eliment of nature reacts to music. Fast, crass, loud, irreverent music turned the ice formations into that which were close to hazards to look at and clearly this music was not 'enjoyed' by the element. On the other hand classical music created beautiful formations, with symetrics, and a flowing style to it.

As to cursing I personally feel that it shows a total lack of maturity and a base, almost animal, portrayal to a person. What type of person loves to walk around casually swearing and using the name of our Savior or God in vain? Usually the person using such language is in like manner sloppy in dress, demeaner, and it shows in all aspects of their life.

For more information on this I would recomend reading what the brethren have said on such topics at
2008-06-30 05:20:53
We are definitely for music and against cursing! Zsce
2008-07-07 05:20:19
If you have had the experience to listen to a soft and sweet music maybe you can understand how good music can be. Music is a perfect tool to bring powerful thoughts to our minds, that's why we are suggested to listen to selected music with inspired words and thougths. Cursing is something we are against. We believe that we are God's sons and daughters and that we have to be surrounded by inspirational ideas in order to fulfill God's will. Cursing can easily ofend God's spirit and the farthest we are from it the most difficult it'll be to listen to that soft and sweet words that come from heanven when God talks to our heart and minds by his Holy Spirit.

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