What do Mormons think about abortion?


2 Responses to “What do Mormons think about abortion?”

Gabriel Ramos
2009-07-25 22:21:31
Mormons believe that elective abortion is a grave sin. Both women who have abortions and the men that encourage them must repent to obtain forgiveness through Jesus Christ. The repentance process may require excommunication so the sinner can carefully consider their actions. Once repentance is complete, the excommunicated member can be rebaptized and so can renew his personal commitment to Christ.

There are certain cases, however, when abortion can be carefully considered. Specifically, an abortion is permissible when a doctor determines that the mother's health is in great danger, when the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest, or when the baby is so malformed that he would not survive beyond birth. Even in these cases, however, abortion should not be automatic. The mother should consult with her church leaders and with God through prayer before making a final decision.
Pamela Dean
2009-07-26 13:54:04
I agree with the websmaster's comments. Well said. Although not considered official church doctrine, the Apostle Bruce R. McConkie explained his views on the subject in his book "Mormon Doctrine". He explained that in his view, abortion is a sin because it involves the wrongful taking of life. As latter-day saints we believe that we chose to born; therefore, if someone takes that life through abortion they are effectively removing our choice and agency in being born. There are circumstances, as described in the webmaster's comments, where abortion is allowable, most specifically when the mother's life is endangered or it is unlikely the child will survive birth; similarly, when speaking about killing another human being there are 'allowable' circumstances, such as self-defense or in war. It is also interesting that Elder McConkie then explains why he believes that sexual sin - sexual relations outside of marriage - is so serious. Murder - and unwarranted abortion - are the wrongful *taking* of life, and sexual sin can lead to the wrongful *giving* of life. Because of this, unwarranted abortions that occur outside of marriage may actually constitute two serious sins - both the wrongful giving and the wrongful taking of life.

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