Do Mormonism believe that there are many planets out there ruled by many Gods? Is it also true that Mormons believe that Jesus and Satan are brothers? How did the African race came about? Who is Elohim?


One Response to “Do Mormonism believe that there are many planets out…”

Diego Miranda
2015-09-06 18:42:12
Hi friend. Thanks for posting your questions. Let me answer each of them.

Do Mormons believe there are many planets? Yes, we believe that earth is not the only planet God has created. One of our books of scripture even describes "worlds without number." In recent decades, science has entirely vindicated this Mormon view of the universe.

Do Mormons believe other planets are ruled by other gods? No. We believe God the Father is the God of the whole universe. He may allow other beings to participate in the creative process, but He's the one in charge.

Are Satan and Jesus brothers? Only in the very loosest sense of the word. We believe God created both Christ and Satan. So Jesus and Satan are "brothers" in the same sense that Hitler, Mother Teresa, and I are all siblings. We were all created by God and so are all in some sense His children. But I obviously have little to do with Hitler (or with Mother Teresa for that matter!). Similarly, Christ and Satan obviously have little to do with one another.
Elder Sitati, a General Authority (Mormon Cardinal) from Sub-Saharan Africa, gives instructions to a Stake President in Los Angeles, California. Photo by Dale Wight.
How did the "African race" come about? Christian religions have put forth many theories over the centuries. For a time, Mormons unfortunately adopted some of the crazy ideas that certain Protestant religions had previously developed. But these ideas are no longer taught in our church, and most Protestant religions have abandoned them as well. Recent Mormon leaders have even dismissed these old theories as "folklore."

I personally see race as nothing more than the product of natural adaptations to local environments. For example, some people are white because their ancestors were from northern countries with limited sunlight, and they needed lighter skin to aid vitamin D production.

Who is Elohim? "Elohim" is a Hebrew word used in the Bible to denote God. Mormons usually just use simpler words like "God" or "Heavenly Father" to talk about Him, but occasionally we use the Hebrew versions. We also sometimes use the Hebrew word "Jehovah," for example, especially when referring to God the Son. For reasons I don't understand, we don't usually use "Adonai," another common Hebrew word for God. Go figure.

I hope these answers help. Let me know if you have any further questions. If you want to learn even more about our faith, I suggest contacting the Mormon missionaries. Best of luck.

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