Does the Mormon Church have anything to do with the group in El Dorado, Texas, that practices polygamy and underage marriage?


5 Responses to “Does the Mormon Church have anything to do with the group in…”

Carlos Silva
2008-04-10 18:43:47
I can't emphasize enough the importance of recognizing that this small sect is not the LDS "Mormon" Church (i.e. the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), despite what the press might imply. The FLDS Church practices polygamy, underage marriage, and is highly insular. The mainstream LDS Church does not practice polygamy, abhors child abuse, has donated nearly a billion dollars to charitable organizations in the past few decades, and is very extroverted. The Mormon missionaries you meet on the street have nothing to do with Warren Jeffs or the religion he leads.
2008-04-17 07:55:50
The answer to your question is a resounding no. The FLDS groups have a name simalar to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but they are in no way affiliated!

Our late prophet president Gordon B. Hinckley stated the following about polygamy in the church's october 1998 general conference: "I wish to state categorically that this church has nothing whatever to do with those practicing polygamy." I am sure that our newly sustained prophet would state almost the exact same thing.

The fact is polygamy was done away with in this church back in the 1800's and anyone found practicing, or attempting to practice, polygamy is excomunicated (kicked out) unless they confess their fault and speedily repent!

If you want more detailed information I recomend searching and it's news room for the specific details.

But if you're not into searching out the information, simply put: the church is against polygamy and underage marriage to the strictest degree!
2008-04-17 07:48:35
Mormons practiced polygamy in the 1800's. When our prophet (at the time) received revelation that we should no longer practice it, the church no longer tolerated it FLDS is a break off of the LDS church and they are and should be treated as independant churches. Like a Presbyterian church and a Catholic church. Different church, different beliefs.
2008-08-25 06:37:09
Hi. The answer is simple: no, it doesn't! ... And thanks for asking!!
2009-02-16 04:41:55
Nooooo!!!! Who told you that???

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