What is the Mormon belief on Evolution? I have heard from some sources that there have been prophets who have specifically spoken on the subject of evolution and said that it isn’t real and other sources have said that LDS prophets haven’t really said much about the subject except that Adam was the first man. So I’m curious to know what the church’s stand on the subject is. Also at least to me it appears to be pretty much fact that evolution is real which is making it harder for me to believe in this or in any religion. How can we explain the existence of neanderthals and other pre-homo sapian creatures? I have heard that prophets have said that there were no “pre-adamites” (cave men, neanderthals etc.) but we have their bones, they are right in front of us they are definitely real. What does their existence mean for our human race? I have an atheist friend that is well studied and he has even said that evolution has even been observed in laboratories. How can that be refuted?

Anonymous from Ogden, Ut,

3 Responses to “What is the Mormon belief on Evolution? I have heard…”

Mateo Campos
2014-12-20 14:12:34

A Mormon evolutionary biologist
Hi friend. You're falling into the same trap that many people fall into, supposing that religion and evolution are somehow incompatible. I'm a PhD biologist who has worked as a full-time clergyman in the past, so trust me when I say that this is a fabricated controversy. It's true that the most extreme view of evolution (that evolution "proves" God had no role in creation) is not compatible with the most extreme view of religion (that the Bible is meant to be an entirely literal and detailed account of creation). But most people reject these extremes. More moderate (and common) views on religion and evolution are entirely compatible.

For example, only 1 in 7 people believe "human beings have developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God had no part in this process." But half the population believes in evolution. So apparently as many as 1 in 3 Americans believe in some form of theistic evolution. A separate study showed that 70% of people believe evolution is compatible with belief in God. (link)

I've written extensively about the Mormon view of evolution on this site. This page describes the church's view over the years. Here are some additional links that might help you:
I encourage you to visit those other pages, but, in brief, here are some take-home points:

1) The Mormon Church doesn't have an official position on evolution. Members are free to accept or reject it as they see fit.

2) Evolutionary biology is one of the main strengths of BYU's Biology Department.

3) While some past church leaders have spoken against evolution, others have been more accepting.

4) Some church leaders in the past have been open to the idea of pre-adamites (First Presidency Minutes, Apr. 7, 1931, pg. 54).

Please let me know if you have any further questions. I'm very happy to help. Best of luck.
Pamela Bonta
2014-12-19 06:27:39
Grandpa Chet
2014-12-22 07:48:34
Thank you, Senior ESG. I have rarely heard these complaints ("Science and Mormon Christianity Do Not Mix!") from actual scientists. Like many, many, many claims in the public press (which includes the very public internet) anti-Christ claims are usually made by people who use false science.

Hopefully, I'm not repeating myself (again?) by relating that this was an issue for me, I prayed & fasted about it, and the Spirit literally questioned me right back. "Are you willing to take these courses?" .. And I was given a list of courses that would have taken another four years or so. Naturally, I didn't want to stop my career (I had three babies and a wife to feed!) and responded in the negative. "Then," the Spirit replied, "you wouldn't understand the answer."

Only today did I discover these words from President Kimball - and I found them right here on your site:

"Man became a living soul - —mankind, male and female... We don't know exactly how their coming into this world happened, and when we're able to understand it the Lord will tell us." -- Spencer W. Kimball, in "The Blessings and Responsibilities of Womanhood." 1976, pg. 70-72=

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