Consider long hair worn by men. What’s immodest about that? I know a number of men with long hair. The young people accept them and follow them as leaders without batting an eye. But there are some older members who criticize the “lack of modesty” or the “lack of doctrinal understanding.” That’s just not how it is.

Nicolas from Concepcion,
(Comment originally posted in Spanish)

One Response to “Men’s long hair?”

Miguel Castro
2015-08-09 23:00:20
Hi Nicolas. Thanks for your question. I don't see long hair on men as a question of modesty. It's more of an interesting cultural question. During the 1960s in the United States, certain people with immoral values often had long hair. In order to better separate ourselves from these groups of people, it became common in the church to assume an appearance as different as possible from theirs.

Nowadays, long hair no longer means what it meant in mid-20th-century North America. But the culture in the church continues to be the same. Short hair (on men) has come to be seen as a symbol of our dedication to God. I think that that symbol is silly, frankly, but it is what it is. I suspect this cultural attitude will slowly fade in time.

Elder Oaks seems to agree with me. At least, he did in 1971: "Our rules against beards and long hair are contemporary and pragmatic. They are responsive to conditions and attitudes in our own society at this particular point in time [and] are subject to change. I would be surprised if they were not changed at some time in the future."

If you feel so strongly about having long hair that it affects your faith, you may wish to consider why a simple hairstyle is so important to you. You may need to reevaluate your priorities. If the issue continues to bother you, then feel free to ignore others who occasionally comment on your hair. I can think of cultural reasons to avoid long hair, but there don't seem to be any legitimate theological reasons beyond convention.

I hope this answer helps, brother! Best of luck to you.