I’m about to get baptized and I have a question. Can I get married in the temple without serving a mission?

Uriel from Atlixco,
(Comment originally posted in Spanish)

One Response to “Can I marry in the temple without serving a mission?”

Pedro Silva
2018-03-11 13:38:46
Hi Uriel. Congratulations for your decision to be baptized! I love being a member of this church and always get excited when others make the decision to join. May you find the same rich spiritual blessings in this religion that I and millions of others have found!

There is no rule in the church that a person must serve a mission to be married in the temple. Many people who marry in the temple have never been full-time missionaries.

I hope this answer helps. I'd love to hear more about your baptism, once it happens! Please let me know, too, if you have any additional questions. I'm happy to help. All the best.

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