Hi I want to join the LDS religion, but my Dr. wants to put me on birth control. Not for the whole preventing pregnancy thing for I am not married and not sexually active. I wondered if the drug is aloud to be taken, or if it would harm my body, I know my body is a temple and I want to keep it pure.


5 Responses to “Hi I want to join the LDS religion, but my Dr. wants to put …”

Ricardo Duarte
2011-05-30 02:08:00
Hi friend. Congratulations for your desire to be baptized! I'm so grateful to be a member of this church. My relationship with Christ is constantly strengthened by the teachings I receive in church, and the supportive community has been critical to my spiritual development as well. Because of the great blessings I've received, I get genuinely excited when others express interest in the church. I sincerely wish you the best on your spiritual journey!

I know some churches are opposed to birth control, but the LDS Church isn't. Of course it's good that a married couple welcome children into their home, but birth control can still be used for family planning. Certainly, if birth control is needed for medical reasons, the Church might even encourage its use. I know there are a number of conditions like endometriosis that benefit from birth-control therapy.

Stephen Douglas
2011-05-29 16:16:05
The Church does not interfere with our medical decisions, and that includes birth control, itself. If you are using "the pill" to regulate your cycle, as many women do, there is nothing wrong with that. As you said, you are not sexually active and plan on living the Law of Chastity, so you are fine.
2011-05-30 02:12:40
I believe that Dallin H. Oaks gave a talk on the miracle of modern medicine, and how we really should accept it as such. Of course for use under the direction of qualified professionals and not to use in excess.

I perceive that your doctor may want to put you onto the drug to perhaps control something hormonal in your body that may be out balance...

If you don't like the idea/feeling of following your Dr's suggestion, perhaps you can talk with him about it more.

PS there is nothing in the LDS doctrine that speaks against medicine being used correctly. And extra hormone should not make your body impure, just use it in virtue.
2011-05-30 09:23:29
Birth control is a personal decision. There are many medical uses for this product besides preventing pregnancy. If you are concerned, I would bring it up to your bishop or the mission leader, but it's unlikely to be a problem as long as you aren't sleeping around. I know several LDS ladies who are using this product for responsible family planning as well.
2011-05-31 03:46:08
There is nothing wrong with you taking medicine that will help your body obtain a normal balance. Regarding the pill, the Church does not condemn the use of birth control for married couples. How many children to have and when to have them is a matter left between the couple and God. Church leaders have made clear in the past that we shouldn't put off getting married or having children just because it might be inconvenient at the time. These experiences are important to our eternal growth and provide many lessons in life. But as with other significant aspects of our lives we need to make these kinds of decisions carefully and thoughtfully.

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