If a member of the church had an abortion six years ago while she was inactive, but has decided to come back to the church, has truly repented, and has decided to confess her sins, what consequences can she expect? Can she have a second chance in the church? After so many years of being less active, can she still ask for help from her leaders? Thanks for your help. I really need to know what advice to give my friend.

AnĂ³nimo from Malambo,
(Comment originally posted in Spanish)

2 Responses to “Inactive and had an abortion”

Manuel Castro
2013-03-03 23:45:27
Hello friend. Elective abortion is an exceedingly serious sin. It is possible to recover from this sin through the atonement of Jesus Christ, but the repentance process is not easy. The spiritual consequences are likely to be serious.

However, if you truly love God, and if you really want to make your life right again, you'll do whatever it takes to repent. Whatever God requires, you'll do it. You'll accept the help of your Bishop, who will guide you and help you feel Christ's love in your life. You'll be humble and teachable. The journey to spiritual recovery may be difficult, but you'll walk that journey with joy knowing that it will lead you to a better life. Talk with your Bishop right away, sister. He'll be eager to lovingly help you.

Know that God still loves you, even though you've made this terrible mistake. Be diligent and persistent. I'll pray for you.
Pamela Bonta
2013-04-21 08:41:06
The church's goal is to help people come unto Christ through repenting of their sins. As such, our church leaders are always there for those who have a sincere desire to repent. The Church's beliefs about abortion are very clear (http://www.lds.org/topics/abortion?lang=eng) but it's beliefs about the ability of people to change their lives through the repentance process is also clear. In some cases, the repentance process could mean counselling, disfellowhip or excommunication. This is not meant as a punishment, but as a healing process if the person stays true to their desire to do whatever is required to return to good standing within the church.

Some things that may be considered by church leaders as they help your friend work through this could include: Why was she inactive? What was her frame of mind during this time period? What was the reaction of the boy involved? What resources outside of the church did your friend have? Was there a medical reason that would justify an abortion? Was your friend underage or still living with her parents, and if so, what was their reaction as well as the reaction of the Father's parents? Are the boy, his parents, and her parents members of the church?

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