Are there female missionaries or are all missionaries men?


3 Responses to “Are there female missionaries or are all missionaries men?”

2007-12-29 01:31:55
Yes there are female missionaries. It is seen as a priesthood duty for the men to serve a mission, so they are strongly encouraged to go. Women have the opportunity to go. We are encouraged to go, if we are not married or have other obligations, but missions are not seen as our duty. We can go if we want. The women are told not to put off marriage for a mission, though. Men go at age 19 and women at age 21. I chose not to go on a mission, but I have a sister and some female cousins who went on missions.

Many women are getting married about that time, and since we are counseled to not put off marriage for a mission, many women don't go because they are married.

When a married couple is retired then they can serve missions also. They generally have more supportive or service roles and don't go door to door like the young missionaries do. Also women who are single at an older (retirement) age can also go.
2007-12-21 07:04:37
There are female missionaries. It may seem like there are only male missionaries, but that is only because the service is considered optional for females, and strongly encouraged for males.
2008-08-25 06:00:54
Yes, I served a a missionary and it was a special time, an honor.

I can't say that it has been the most special or wonderful thing in my life, because I'm 38 so there are so many things to happen in my life yet.

Final answer: yes, there are female missionaries!

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