What if you “fall in love” or just like a mormon more then a friend. Could they tell their parents tht they have the same feelings?


2 Responses to “What if you “fall in love” or just like a mormon more…”

Leonardo Leal
2015-03-22 19:41:32
The concept of a united family that lives and progresses forever is at the core of Latter-day Saint doctrine.
Hi friend. Thanks for posting your question here. There's nothing in our church that prevents someone from talking with their parents about their feelings. It's generally good for people to discuss the things that concern them with those they love the most.

Since you're interested in a member of our church, you might consider learning more about what we believe. Lots of people get to know Mormonism through friends, family, and loved ones. Why don't you ask your friend if you could go to church with him or her some time? It would be a great way to learn more about what is most important in your friend's life.

I hope this answer helps you. Best of luck!
Grandpa Chet
2015-03-16 07:45:28
I don't know about other nations' laws, but it's perfectly legal in the United States. The Lord has no regulation against speaking (kindly) one's feelings.

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