What is excommunication? Thanks a bunch!

Anonymous from Denver, Colorado, United States,

One Response to “What is excommunication? Thanks a bunch!”

Felipe Santana
2012-01-30 00:57:08
Jesus Christ was Himself baptized in the Jordan river to provide an example for each of us. (Reflections of Christ)
Hi friend. For some serious sins, excommunication is a necessary step in the repentance process. Most sins can be confessed to God through prayer. Some sins are serious enough that confession to a bishop (a local church leader) is necessary so he can help the sinner apply Christ's atoning sacrifice. Finally, some few sins are so serious that excommunication is necessary. Basically, with excommunication the sinner's membership in the church is temporarily revoked while he repents. During this time, he should still attend church and chat with the bishop regularly. Once the repentance is complete, the excommunicated member can be rebaptized. Baptism is a cleansing ordinance that helps the repentant sinner put his sin behind him. Excommunication is rarely necessary, but it is available for those who need it.

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