My boyfriend is married, and he’s helping me get to know the gospel. We’re thinking about living together. I’m divorced and he’s separated. His ex-wife doesn’t want to grant him a divorce. She’s Mormon too. In the future we’d like to be married in a Mormon temple. What should we do?

Anónimo from Mexico,
(Comment originally posted in Spanish)

One Response to “I’m divorced. Can I marry in a Mormon temple?”

Miguel Miranda
2013-08-04 17:14:27
Members of the Church believe that marriages performed in temples are sealed, or blessed to last for eternity.
Hi friend. I'm happy you're learning more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I love being a member of this church, and few things bring me as much joy as as seeing the gospel of Jesus Christ transform the lives of other people the way it's transformed mine. I hope you continue to learn more about this wonderful religion.

Your goal to be married in the temple is excellent. However, to achieve this goal you need to start preparing yourself now. Your current plans will certainly make a temple marriage very difficult. There are two important issues to consider:

1) A romantic relationship between a married man and a single woman is a serious sin. Your boyfriend is still married, even if he is separated. If reconciliation with his first wife is not possible, he should divorce her before he starts a romantic relationship with you.

2) It's sinful for a man and a woman to live together when they're not married. Even if your boyfriend were divorced, the two of you should not have sexual relations until after you are married.

I hope this advice helps you make the right decisions so you can one day be married in the temple. In the meantime,

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