3 Responses to “I’m disabled and can’t have children. Would I still be welco…”
Bruno Rios
2012-01-16 02:06:44
Hi Stacie. Coincidentally, I'm also disabled and have no children. The church does celebrate children, but there are many couples that struggle with childlessness. I've never felt any discrimination for being disabled or childless in the church. On the contrary, I've received a lot of support, and I've had the opportunity to serve in a number of "callings" (responsibilities). My service, worship, and the support I've felt have brought me a lot of joy.
2012-01-16 02:36:45
The Church's missionary program is one of its most recognized characteristics.
Absolutely you would be welcomed into our Church! And if anyone would seek to tell you otherwise, or treat you in an unwelcoming manner, rest assured, they are practicing the religion they profess.
May I be the first to welcome you? Welcome! I would point you in the direction of our Missionaries, for a more personal introduction to our religion. If you look online, you should be able to find a chapel closest to you to contact for better directions. :)
Welcome again.
2012-01-15 23:57:44
There are many, many members of the church who are childless, single, single mothers, as well as people in all stages of life. A lot of emphasis is placed on family, but we believe that all people are God's children. The one word answer to your question is, yes. You would be very welcome.
May I be the first to welcome you? Welcome! I would point you in the direction of our Missionaries, for a more personal introduction to our religion. If you look online, you should be able to find a chapel closest to you to contact for better directions. :)
Welcome again.