Why does the Book of Mormon say Jesus was born in Jerusalem (Alma 7:10) when everyone knows he was born in Bethlehem?


One Response to “Why does the Book of Mormon say Jesus was born in Jerusalem …”

Pedro Cruz
2007-12-29 08:16:46
Many point out that Alma 7:10, a scripture in the Book of Mormon, states that Jesus would be born in the land of Jerusalem. Because the Bible says he was born in Bethlehem, critics suggest that the Book of Mormon must be a fraud. In reality, Alma 7:10 is strong evidence of the historicity of the Book of Mormon as an authentic ancient text.

Note that the scripture says Christ would be born in the "land of Jerusalem," not the "city of Jerusalem." In fact, it was an ancient custom to describe Bethlehem, a city 5 miles south of Jerusalem, as being in the "land of Jerusalem." For example, The "El Amarna letter #287" describes "a town of the land of Jerusalem, Bit-Lahmi [Bethlehem] by name, a town belonging to the king, has gone over to the side of the people of Keilah."

Even the Bible refers to Bethlehem as being "in the land of Jerusalem." According to 2 Kings 14:20: "[Amaziah] was buried at Jerusalem with his fathers in the city of David." Luke 2:4 clearly identifies the "city of David" as Bethlehem.

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