I want to be baptized into the LDS Church. I have been studying and praying and speaking with missionaries. But in my past, over 10 years ago now, I lived a horrible sinful life. I drank, did drugs, had sex with multiple people, I was broken. The worst thing that I ever did was I willingly had an abortion. I am terrified to confess these things and I know I must in order to be truthful and live a holy life. I am so scared that I will not be accepted or will be shamed somehow.


7 Responses to “I want to be baptized into the LDS Church. I have been…”

Mateo Campos
2015-01-04 10:22:26

Could it be that God loves broken things?
Hi friend. Every human being on earth has lived a sinful life, including every human Mormon, so you'll certainly be in good company once you join the church. I know it's said so often that it's become cliché, but the church really isn't a place for perfect people. As my dad once joked, if there was a perfect person, he should probably stay away from us so we don't end up corrupting him! :) The church is like a spiritual hospital where broken people (all of us) go to try to be made whole.

I was a full-time missionary in Brazil about 15 years ago, and I know for a fact that none of the sins you listed will necessarily prevent your baptism, especially given that you are repentant. It's not that they aren't very serious sins. You're right in recognizing that they are. It's just that there is no sin that places you beyond the reach of Christ's atonement.

Things might have changed since my missionary days, but I suspect the procedure is more or less the same. Before your baptism, you'll be interviewed by a missionary that you've probably never met (not the one who's taught you). That interview will be confidential and serves only to verify that you're ready for baptism. A second interview with the mission president might also be necessary, since elective abortion (i.e., an abortion that is not medically necessary, that is not the product of rape or incest, etc.) is a very serious sin. They'll need to make sure it's not something you'll ever return to. Since you're truly repentant, though, it will be obvious to them that you're ready to permanently put these sins behind you through the spiritually cleansing ordinance that is baptism.

You might find this article interesting. It's from "Preach My Gospel," a manual the church has published to help full-time missionaries. Chapter 12 describes baptism from the missionary's perspective and gives instructions on how to conduct the baptismal interview.

I hope this answer helps! I'm very excited that you're about to take this new and very important step in your spiritual journey. I hope you find all the peace and joy in this wonderful church that I and millions of others have found. Please do let me know if you have any additional questions. I'm more than happy to help.
Grandpa Chet
2015-01-05 07:33:38
You're broken? Welcome!

You've had a "terrible, sinful life"? Been there.

You're exactly the person Jesus said He wants us to find. You're his beloved daughter, and He prepares a party (the proverbial fatted calf and all) to celebrate your homecoming.

You are our sister, and we've missed you. If you only knew how many of us were even more ruined with sin and corruption, and how He cleaned us up. If you only knew how many of us are still tempted (often by family) to return to our unhappy pasts.

You'll never know which bishop, Relief Society president, home or visit teacher, or any fellow Latter-day Saint was worse off than you, because even the Savior doesn't remember our sins. When He washes, He washes clean. And then He answers us, speaks to us, comforts us, and tells us that He believes in us. With Him, I can get through a day of temptation, and be very - VERY - happy.

So can you.
2014-12-29 07:01:43
Dear sister, the Savior is eager to accept you. This may be hard to believe because very few people we know are like that. However, he is indeed eager to receive you. If you have the Book of Mormon with you, you should read 1 Nephi 1:14 (notice end of verse); Enos 1:1-8; Mosiah 3: 2-3 (you are going through the process described in these verses); Mosiah 3: 10; Mosiah 24: 21; Mosiah 26:29-30; Mosiah 29:20; Alma 5:48; Alma 5:62; Alma 7:14; Alma 12: 34; Alma 26:35. There are many more that show that the Savior is eager to save those who wish to come to Him like yourself. Look in the Bible Isaiah 1:18. If you have Doctrine & Covenants look Section 18:10-13.

Prior to your baptism, your confession is made to the missionaries or their Mission President if the need arises. However, you need to realize that according to the scriptures above, you are already receiving help from the Savior, because no one can enter the path of repentance except He gives them the power to do so. Your troubled mind, your acknowledgement of your former sins are all signs and fruits of the power of Christ. You are in the repentance process which will lead to your cleansing when you are baptized and confirmed a member of the Church. You are experiencing the process of Salvation and that is why Heavenly Father and the Savior sent their missionaries to you.

Remember that you are a loved daughter of God with divine potential and Christ is the one who makes you whole again through His mercy.
2014-12-30 11:28:20
For members of the church, Jesus Christ is the divine Son of God, our Savior and Redeemer through whom salvation is made possible. (Reflections of Christ)
I am so glad that you have shared your situation here. It is scary to confess. Remember, though, that what matters is the voice of truth, which is the voice of Christ, the voice of love. His is not the voice of fear. He is so anxious for you to make that step in the repentance process. He is rooting for you with His whole heart!

You are of infinite worth to our Heavenly Father. You are His daughter. For you, He has given the greatest gift and sacrifice possible: His Son, Jesus Christ. I found some words that may help you, from a letter to an LDS bishop from a young woman:

"Somehow you don't realize how bad it has been until the weight begins to be lifted. I know it takes time to make up for wrong done, and maybe the best way I can express my thanks to you and my Father in heaven is to become the person you think I am and the person God knows I can become. In kind of a funny way, I'm scared inside--not scared exactly, just a feeling of how important what we do in this life is. Life has always had so much to offer me."

There is nothing that the Savior cannot heal. As you make that step, you will immediately start to feel His gentle power. I encourage you to talk to the missionaries right away about moving forward towards baptism. You have so much to gain. Take that step past your fears, and let the weight begin to lift. I think of the promise the Lord gave for repentance, "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow."
Elder Halling
2015-01-01 17:30:40

We believe that disciples of Jesus should follow His example and be baptized by someone with authority from God.
Dear anonymous,

I just wanted to let you know, that in Alma 7:11-12 it says:

11 And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people.

12 And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities.

It doesn't matter what you've done. It doesn't matter where you been. It matters who you are, who you would like to become, and where you are going.

How long have you been investigating the church? I can assure you that while the road to baptism isn't sunshine and rainbows, it is completely worth it.

I hope all is well.

-Elder Halling
2015-01-03 16:40:48

A life of sin can be cleansed and changed through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
If your past mistakes are making you feel worthless or unloved, I can tell you without reservations that these feelings are not coming from our Heavenly Father, but from the very father of lies. While guilt is a healthy and necessary part of growth, you don't need to suffer long... Someone has already suffered for you! If you have a moment, read Mark 15... You'll understand a portion of what Christ went through for us. Do you know how he acted towards those who tortured him? "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do"... Is he any less likely to forgive you?

Jesus Christ is truly our advocate with the Father. He knows exactly what you've gone through in your life and he is anxious for you to allow his atonement to bring peace to your life. I admit, I don't understand all the laws of the church and I don't know what may be expected from you before entering the waters of baptism, but I do know that Christ's atonement is infinite and eternal. I'm anxious for you to feel his warm embrace. You are loved and so very special!
Pamela Bonta
2014-12-29 12:14:12
Once you are baptized you are as clean as snow. None of those things will matter. If the Lord only wanted perfect people in his church there would be no point to church. I encourage you to talk to a local bishop who can discuss with you what you should do in order to be baptized. God bless.

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