I really need an answer for this. What happens if you try killing yourself and you are a Mormon?

Lani from Sydney,

3 Responses to “I really need an answer for this. What happens if you try ki…”

Luciano Santana
2007-09-01 20:52:07
Those who have attempted suicide need to be treated with respect. Certainly meeting with Church leaders can help them regain their sense of self worth. In the Church we believe that every human soul has "great worth" (D&C 18:10), but challenging life circumstances and genuine medical conditions can make us forget that truth. A good Bishop or Branch President can help those who have committed suicide to recover spiritually.

However, it's very important to understand Church leaders' limitations. They are not trained in psychiatry and can offer only spiritual, not medical, healing. Anyone who has attempted suicide should see a medical professional, as suicidal tendencies are often caused by a medical condition that can be treated with medication.

If you or someone you know has committed suicide and does not have access to a doctor, please send me an email by clicking on the "email me" link to the right. I'd be happy to help you find the medical attention you or your friend needs. Additionally, if the urge to commit suicide one day returns, consider calling the National Suicide Hotline at 1-800-SUICIDE.

I hope this helps. Good luck to you or your friend during this difficult time.

2007-08-17 07:26:30
This question surprised me, so I went looking on the Church's website. It said that we cannot be the judge of someone who has committed suicide since we don't understand the whole situation. I would suggest looking this up on lds.org.

In my own opinion, one who has attempted suicide should be treated with love and respect. He or she should be helped to recover and helped to remember that he or she is a child of God.
2007-08-17 07:34:56
Its ironic that you ask this. I am leaving BYU right now to go be with my mom because she tried to kill herself. I think she was thinking that things might be better, but heaven is here on earth if you can make it here.

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