I’m sealed to my husband, and my children are active in the church. We were very happy, but I committed adultery. I passed through the repentance process and confessed to my bishop. I continued active in the church during this time, but recently fell into the same sin. Now I don’t know what to do because I think I’ll never be forgiven. I haven’t kept my covenants. I feel so bad, but I’ve never stopped asking God to forgive me and to help me never commit that sin again. It’s very difficult to resist temptation, but I promised to never do it again. What can I do? I don’t have the courage to speak with my bishop, even though I continue to go to church regularly. Please help and guide me.

Anónimo from Guadalajara,
(Comment originally posted in Spanish)

One Response to “I committed adultery again. Help me repent.”

Samuel Delgado
2012-12-23 15:13:48
Through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we can be freed from our sins.
Hi sister. I'm happy you continue to go to church, even though you've committed this serious sin. The church is a hospital for sinners like all of us. You need the peace and redemption that Christ can offer.

Since your sin is very serious, it is critically important that you speak with your bishop. Don't let misplaced shame stand between you and the atonement Christ offers. I recently wrote an article that can help you, sister. I hope you read it. God bless you during this difficult time. Our Heavenly Father still loves you, but He wants you to make your life right.

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