I am 15 years old. I have had sex. I made the decision to talk to my bishop. I am scared he will tell my parents and I don’t want that. I also need advise on how to tell him. PLEASE HELP!!


2 Responses to “I am 15 years old. I have had sex. I made the decision…”

Francisco Paz
2016-10-23 15:49:34
It's excellent that you've decided to confess to your Bishop. That's not an easy thing to do, but God will bless you for your willingness to do the right thing even when it's hard.

Before you confess, you might want to chat with your Bishop about the importance of confidentiality. I'm certain he'll be happy to address your concerns.

I hope this answer helps!
Elva Rose Davis
2016-10-28 16:27:08
Talk to your Bishop about your decision to not only have sex, but the decision to confess and get back on track. Tell him of your concerns if your parents were made privy to this information. Your Bishop will handle this matter prayerfully and make certain that you get the best counsel that he has to offer. Trust that the Holy Spirit will guide him in his answer. Take your confession seriously, and all will be well.

I hope this proves to be helpful.

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