MP3 Audio Recordings of General Conference, 1946-1970
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Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints worldwide gather twice yearly for what they call general conference.
In order to listen to older talks, I wrote a little computer program that downloads the texts and reads them out loud. Figured I’d publish the MP3 files on this site in case others like listening to General Conference as much as I do! Hope you enjoy.
- “That the Fulness of My Gospel Might Be Proclaimed” by Joseph Fielding Smith, 10/02/1970
- Lost and Found by John H. Vandenberg, 10/02/1970
- “Come Ye After Me” by Paul H. Dunn, 10/02/1970
- The Law of Obedience by Eldred G. Smith, 10/02/1970
- Faith by Henry D. Taylor, 10/02/1970
- Strengthening the Family by Ezra Taft Benson, 10/02/1970
- The Keystone of Our Religion by Marion G. Romney, 10/02/1970
- The Library of the Mind by Joseph Anderson, 10/02/1970
- The Spirit and Power of Elijah by Theodore M. Burton, 10/02/1970
- Action by Marvin J. Ashton, 10/02/1970
- How Do You Draw God? by James A. Cullimore, 10/02/1970
- Can They Count on Us? by Loren C. Dunn, 10/02/1970
- The Value of Love by Delbert L. Stapley, 10/02/1970
- “Woe Unto You… Hypocrites” by N. Eldon Tanner, 10/03/1970
- “Bear Ye One Another’s Burdens” by Marion D. Hanks, 10/03/1970
- “God Moves in a Mysterious Way” by LeGrand Richards, 10/03/1970
- From My Generation to Yours, With Love by Gordon B. Hinckley, 10/03/1970
- The Years That the Locust Hath Eaten by Spencer W. Kimball, 10/03/1970
- Repentance Makes Us Free by Hartman Rector Jr., 10/03/1970
- God and Country by Sterling W. Sill, 10/03/1970
- Be Honest With Yourself by Franklin D. Richards, 10/03/1970
- The Calling of the Seventy by A. Theodore Tuttle, 10/03/1970
- Times Which Are Too Full by David B. Haight, 10/03/1970
- We Are Going to Be What We Live Like by Richard L. Evans, 10/03/1970
- The Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood by Joseph Fielding Smith, 10/03/1970
- The Privilege of Holding the Priesthood by N. Eldon Tanner, 10/03/1970
- Education of the Whole Man by Neal A. Maxwell, 10/03/1970
- When a Prophet Speaks, Listen Well by Robert L. Simpson, 10/03/1970
- “Thou Art a Teacher Come From God” by Thomas S. Monson, 10/03/1970
- Keep Your Lamp Lighted by Harold B. Lee, 10/03/1970
- Time to Prepare to Meet God by Harold B. Lee, 10/04/1970
- Families and Fences by Boyd K. Packer, 10/04/1970
- “Upon You My Fellow Servants…” by Victor L. Brown, 10/04/1970
- Our Belief in Christ by Bruce R. McConkie, 10/04/1970
- Where, Then, Is Hope? by Howard W. Hunter, 10/04/1970
- Who Was the Great White God? by Mark E. Petersen, 10/04/1970
- The Mormon Pavilion at Expo ’70 by Bernard P. Brockbank, 10/04/1970
- The Gospel Is the Answer to All Problems by William H. Bennett, 10/04/1970
- Blessed Are the Meek by Alvin R. Dyer, 10/04/1970
- Uphold the Hands of the President of the Church by Harold B. Lee, 10/04/1970
- With Thankful Hearts by Joseph Fielding Smith, 10/04/1970
- Our Concern for All Our Father’s Children by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/04/1970
- The Reality of God by Howard W. Hunter, 04/04/1970
- Justice, Mercy, and Humility by Franklin D. Richards, 04/04/1970
- One Small Step by Richard L. Evans, 04/04/1970
- Contend Not With Others, But Pursue a Steady Course by Gordon B. Hinckley, 04/04/1970
- Courage by Marvin J. Ashton, 04/04/1970
- Salvation is a Family Affair by Bruce R. McConkie, 04/04/1970
- Our Temptations Upward by Sterling W. Sill, 04/04/1970
- Wanted: Parents With Courage by Victor L. Brown, 04/04/1970
- A Prophet’s Story by Loren C. Dunn, 04/04/1970
- The Last Dispensation by Alvin R. Dyer, 04/04/1970
- The Path to Manhood by Boyd K. Packer, 04/04/1970
- Applying the Missionary Program by S. Dilworth Young, 04/04/1970
- In Search of Truth by John H. Vandenberg, 04/04/1970
- Church Welfare by Henry D. Taylor, 04/04/1970
- The Power and Influence of the Priesthood by N. Eldon Tanner, 04/04/1970
- To the Defenders of the Faith by Harold B. Lee, 04/04/1970
- Magnifying Our Callings in the Priesthood by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/04/1970
- The Blessings of Obedience by N. Eldon Tanner, 04/05/1970
- The Key to Peace by Marion G. Romney, 04/05/1970
- Meet Joseph Smith by Paul H. Dunn, 04/05/1970
- An Unwavering Faith by Delbert L. Stapley, 04/05/1970
- The Birth of Truth by Hugh B. Brown, 04/05/1970
- The Role of a Prophet by Mark E. Petersen, 04/05/1970
- Principles and Promises by A. Theodore Tuttle, 04/05/1970
- “What Is Man, That Thou Art Mindful of Him?” by Robert L. Simpson, 04/05/1970
- Honesty is the Best Policy by Theodore M. Burton, 04/05/1970
- The Gospel Restored by Alma Sonne, 04/05/1970
- The Responsibility of Membership in the Church by James A. Cullimore, 04/05/1970
- Only a Teacher by Thomas S. Monson, 04/05/1970
- The Reins of Responsibility and Leadership by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/06/1970
- The Need for a Prophet by Spencer W. Kimball, 04/06/1970
- The Day in Which We Live by Harold B. Lee, 04/06/1970
- A World Message by Ezra Taft Benson, 04/06/1970
- Beneath the Hearth by Marion D. Hanks, 04/06/1970
- Witnesses to the Book of Mormon by Milton R. Hunter, 04/06/1970
- From Weakness to Strength by Hartman Rector Jr., 04/06/1970
- “Choose Ye This Day” by Eldred G. Smith, 04/06/1970
- Why a Prophet? by LeGrand Richards, 04/06/1970
- A Prayer for Peace by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/06/1970
- Man…the Jewel of God by David O. McKay, 10/03/1969
- The Road Back by Robert L. Simpson, 10/03/1969
- Time Is on Your Side by Loren C. Dunn, 10/03/1969
- Joseph Smith, the Prophet by Alma Sonne, 10/03/1969
- Remember the Sabbath by Sterling W. Sill, 10/03/1969
- Spiritual Reservoirs by Spencer W. Kimball, 10/03/1969
- The Significance of Friendship by Marvin J. Ashton, 10/03/1969
- The Sure Word of Prophecy by LeGrand Richards, 10/03/1969
- The Principle of Unity by Theodore M. Burton, 10/03/1969
- The Other Side of the Ship by Boyd K. Packer, 10/03/1969
- Temples Are Essential by Eldred G. Smith, 10/03/1969
- The Work of the Seventy by S. Dilworth Young, 10/03/1969
- A Salute to YWMIA by Delbert L. Stapley, 10/03/1969
- The Plan of Life and Salvation by N. Eldon Tanner, 10/04/1969
- Repentance by Alvin R. Dyer, 10/04/1969
- The Crucible of Adversity and Affliction by Marion G. Romney, 10/04/1969
- Godless Forces Threaten Us by Ezra Taft Benson, 10/04/1969
- This You Can Count On by Richard L. Evans, 10/04/1969
- The Way, the Light, and the Life by Bernard P. Brockbank, 10/04/1969
- Easing the Sting of Death by James A. Cullimore, 10/04/1969
- God Loves Us by Hartman Rector Jr., 10/04/1969
- Where Do We Go When We Die? by Milton R. Hunter, 10/04/1969
- The Rock of Salvation by Bruce R. McConkie, 10/04/1969
- To Be in the Service of Our Fellowmen Is to Be in the Service of Our God by David O. McKay, 10/04/1969
- Messengers of Glory by Thomas S. Monson, 10/04/1969
- The Solid Majority by Marion D. Hanks, 10/04/1969
- The Power of Faith by Hugh B. Brown, 10/05/1969
- The Purpose of Man’s Mortal Existence by Joseph Fielding Smith, 10/05/1969
- Ethics Alone Is Not Sufficient by Howard W. Hunter, 10/05/1969
- “Be Not Afraid, Only Believe” by Gordon B. Hinckley, 10/05/1969
- A Divided Christianity by Mark E. Petersen, 10/05/1969
- The Gospel of Work by Franklin D. Richards, 10/05/1969
- The Church Welfare Program by Henry D. Taylor, 10/05/1969
- Living Prophets for Our Generation by Paul H. Dunn, 10/05/1969
- The Home Is to Teach by A. Theodore Tuttle, 10/05/1969
- That Ye May Have Eternal Life by Victor L. Brown, 10/05/1969
- In the Church, Man Does Not Live for Himself Alone by David O. McKay, 10/05/1969
- Structure of the Home Threatened by Irresponsibility and Divorce by David O. McKay, 04/04/1969
- To the Humble Followers of Christ by Ezra Taft Benson, 04/04/1969
- Our Path in Today’s World by John H. Vandenberg, 04/04/1969
- Loyalty and Freedom by Franklin D. Richards, 04/04/1969
- The Growing Problem of Drug Abuse by Loren C. Dunn, 04/04/1969
- Commitment to Christ by Marion D. Hanks, 04/04/1969
- The Certainty of the Resurrection by Spencer W. Kimball, 04/04/1969
- The Foundation of True Worship by Alma Sonne, 04/04/1969
- Tithing by Victor L. Brown, 04/04/1969
- Thou Shalt Love the Lord by Henry D. Taylor, 04/04/1969
- Doubt Not, Fear Not by ElRay L. Christiansen, 04/04/1969
- Blessings, Through Obedience to Counsel by James A. Cullimore, 04/04/1969
- The Power of Example by Delbert L. Stapley, 04/04/1969
- The Gospel Is for All Men by Hugh B. Brown, 04/05/1969
- The Precepts of Men by Alvin R. Dyer, 04/05/1969
- The Wonder of Jesus by Gordon B. Hinckley, 04/05/1969
- The Dangers of the So-called Sex Revolution by Mark E. Petersen, 04/05/1969
- Innocent They Come by Richard L. Evans, 04/05/1969
- A Wayfaring Man Need Not Err by S. Dilworth Young, 04/05/1969
- Service: the Heart of the Gospel by Eldred G. Smith, 04/05/1969
- A Great and Marvelous Work by Milton R. Hunter, 04/05/1969
- Stand on Holy Ground by Robert L. Simpson, 04/05/1969
- One Lord, One Faith by LeGrand Richards, 04/05/1969
- “Let Virtue Garnish Thy Thoughts” by David O. McKay, 04/05/1969
- The Armor of God by Boyd K. Packer, 04/05/1969
- Home Teaching and Family Home Evening by Marion G. Romney, 04/05/1969
- A Time of Testing by Hugh B. Brown, 04/05/1969
- Evidence of Our Savior’s Resurrection by N. Eldon Tanner, 04/06/1969
- Procrastination Is the Thief of Eternal Life by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/06/1969
- Peace in the World by A. Theodore Tuttle, 04/06/1969
- “Mrs. Patton, Arthur Lives” by Thomas S. Monson, 04/06/1969
- To Know God by Harold B. Lee, 04/06/1969
- The Reality of the Resurrection by Howard W. Hunter, 04/06/1969
- The GIANT System by Theodore M. Burton, 04/06/1969
- “Go Ye Into All the World” by Bruce R. McConkie, 04/06/1969
- The Use of Our Personal Influence by John Longden, 04/06/1969
- The Meaning of Jesus Christ for Our Time by Paul H. Dunn, 04/06/1969
- The Times Call for Courageous Youth and True Manhood by David O. McKay, 04/06/1969
- A Citizen Who Loves Justice and Hates Evil Is Better and Stronger Than a Battleship by David O. McKay, 10/04/1968
- “Let Your Light So Shine Before Men…” by LeGrand Richards, 10/04/1968
- The Motives for Right by Hartman Rector Jr., 10/04/1968
- The Tie That Binds by John Longden, 10/04/1968
- The Proper Role of Government by Ezra Taft Benson, 10/04/1968
- To Love God by Delbert L. Stapley, 10/04/1968
- What Will the Harvest Be? by John H. Vandenberg, 10/04/1968
- A Prophet “Great Like Unto Moses” by Milton R. Hunter, 10/04/1968
- Seek, and Ye Shall Find by Bernard P. Brockbank, 10/04/1968
- The World Needs Healing by Eldred G. Smith, 10/04/1968
- “Two Roads…” by Richard L. Evans, 10/04/1968
- “If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments” by N. Eldon Tanner, 10/05/1968
- If a Man Begins to Build by Paul H. Dunn, 10/05/1968
- “Rise, and Stand Upon Thy Feet” by Gordon B. Hinckley, 10/05/1968
- Make Our Lord and Master Your Friend by Harold B. Lee, 10/05/1968
- Decisions and Free Agency by Marion G. Romney, 10/05/1968
- The Work of the Seventy by S. Dilworth Young, 10/05/1968
- This Is His Church by Loren C. Dunn, 10/05/1968
- The Great Witness From These Conferences by Boyd K. Packer, 10/05/1968
- Prove Thy Lineage by Theodore M. Burton, 10/05/1968
- The Miracle of the Friendly Islands by Thomas S. Monson, 10/05/1968
- Priesthood Holders to Be Examples in Daily Life As Representatives of the Most High by David O. McKay, 10/05/1968
- Placing Our Homes in Order by Russell M. Nelson, 10/05/1968
- Conforming to Priesthood Principles by Robert L. Simpson, 10/05/1968
- Man’s Relationship to God by Mark E. Petersen, 10/05/1968
- Our Individual Responsibility by N. Eldon Tanner, 10/05/1968
- The Destiny of America by Alvin R. Dyer, 10/06/1968
- Talents: A Blessing and Responsibility by Franklin D. Richards, 10/06/1968
- The Tradition of Their Fathers by Marion D. Hanks, 10/06/1968
- The Kingdom of God Is Eternal by Joseph Fielding Smith, 10/06/1968
- “Wisdom and Great Treasures of Knowledge, Even Hidden Treasures” by Spencer W. Kimball, 10/06/1968
- The Articles of Faith by Alma Sonne, 10/06/1968
- “Our Gospel Came Not Unto You in Word Only…” by Bruce R. McConkie, 10/06/1968
- Behold the Man by Sterling W. Sill, 10/06/1968
- Blessed Are Those Who Have Not Seen by Howard W. Hunter, 10/06/1968
- Spirituality in Leading and Teaching the Gospel by David O. McKay, 10/06/1968
- Christ, the Light of Humanity by David O. McKay, 04/05/1968
- Be True and Faithful to Every Covenant by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/05/1968
- Patience–An Essential Virtue by Franklin D. Richards, 04/05/1968
- We Would See Jesus by Sterling W. Sill, 04/05/1968
- The Keystone of Our Religion by Bruce R. McConkie, 04/05/1968
- A Silver Thread in the Dark Tapestry of War by Gordon B. Hinckley, 04/05/1968
- Light and Truth Forsake Evil by Delbert L. Stapley, 04/05/1968
- “Men Are That They Might Have Joy” by Henry D. Taylor, 04/05/1968
- The Member and the Military by Boyd K. Packer, 04/05/1968
- He Rose Again by James A. Cullimore, 04/05/1968
- The Gospel Restored by Alma Sonne, 04/05/1968
- Jesus, the Son of God by Eldred G. Smith, 04/05/1968
- “If the Lord Be God, Follow Him” by John H. Vandenberg, 04/05/1968
- Americans Are Destroying America by Ezra Taft Benson, 04/06/1968
- “Where Art Thou?” by Marion D. Hanks, 04/06/1968
- America and God by Mark E. Petersen, 04/06/1968
- We Owe Allegiance to Sovereignty by Howard W. Hunter, 04/06/1968
- Render Unto God That Which Is God’s by Spencer W. Kimball, 04/06/1968
- The Rebirths of Life by Alvin R. Dyer, 04/06/1968
- The Bishop by Victor L. Brown, 04/06/1968
- The Seventies as Missionaries by S. Dilworth Young, 04/06/1968
- Keep Close in Counsel by Richard L. Evans, 04/06/1968
- Moral and Spiritual Values in Education by David O. McKay, 04/06/1968
- “Seek Ye Wisdom” by Lowell L. Bennion, 04/06/1968
- After High School, What? by Hugh B. Brown, 04/06/1968
- “Lead Them Not Into Temptation…” by N. Eldon Tanner, 04/07/1968
- The Lord’s Way to Temporal Salvation by Marion G. Romney, 04/07/1968
- A Frank Discussion with Girls by Robert L. Simpson, 04/07/1968
- Other Than by Hearsay by LeGrand Richards, 04/07/1968
- “Can There Any Good Thing Come Out of Nazereth?” by Thomas S. Monson, 04/07/1968
- “Seek Learning, Even by Study, and Also by Faith” by Harold B. Lee, 04/07/1968
- Why Temples by ElRay L. Christiansen, 04/07/1968
- Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother by A. Theodore Tuttle, 04/07/1968
- “Prepare Ye” by John Longden, 04/07/1968
- Be Your Own Boss by Paul H. Dunn, 04/07/1968
- Give Concern to the Real Values of Life and Less Time to Those Things That Perish by David O. McKay, 04/07/1968
- Unity of Purpose Important to the Accomplishment of God’s Work by David O. McKay, 09/29/1967
- Is a Church Necessary? by Howard W. Hunter, 09/29/1967
- Sweet Are the Uses of Adversity by A. Theodore Tuttle, 09/29/1967
- The Law of the Fast by Robert L. Simpson, 09/29/1967
- “Train Up a Child . . .” by Victor L. Brown, 09/29/1967
- Liquor: The Devil in Solution by Spencer W. Kimball, 09/29/1967
- Trust Not in the Arm of Flesh by Ezra Taft Benson, 09/29/1967
- Semaphores of Life by Alvin R. Dyer, 09/29/1967
- The Times of Refreshing by Bruce R. McConkie, 09/29/1967
- The Road to Happiness by James A. Cullimore, 09/29/1967
- The Power of Prayer by N. Eldon Tanner, 09/30/1967
- “Thank God It Can Be Done in My Time” by Marion D. Hanks, 09/30/1967
- The Tabernacle: A Century Old by Richard L. Evans, 09/30/1967
- The American Travail by Mark E. Petersen, 09/30/1967
- True Vision and Knowledge Required for Exaltation by Delbert L. Stapley, 09/30/1967
- Keepers at Home by John H. Vandenberg, 09/30/1967
- The Importance of Temples by Theodore M. Burton, 09/30/1967
- Ask, Seek, and Knock by Eldred G. Smith, 09/30/1967
- The Eternal Life of Man by William J. Critchlow Jr., 09/30/1967
- Feed the Spirit–Nourish the Soul by Gordon B. Hinckley, 09/30/1967
- Priesthood Inherent in God–From Him It Must Emanate by David O. McKay, 09/30/1967
- Meeting the Needs of a Growing Church by Harold B. Lee, 09/30/1967
- Who Will Show Us the Way? by LeGrand Richards, 09/30/1967
- The Kingdom Is Rolling Forth by Hugh B. Brown, 09/30/1967
- The Profile of a Prophet by Hugh B. Brown, 10/01/1967
- Adam’s Role in Bringing Us Mortality by Joseph Fielding Smith, 10/01/1967
- Engines and People by Paul H. Dunn, 10/01/1967
- The Disease of Profanity by Boyd K. Packer, 10/01/1967
- Meeting Your Goliath by Thomas S. Monson, 10/01/1967
- God Reveals Himself by Marion G. Romney, 10/01/1967
- Constitutional Government: A Divine Principle by ElRay L. Christiansen, 10/01/1967
- “Be Ye Therefore Perfect” by Henry D. Taylor, 10/01/1967
- Man in the Image of God by Bernard P. Brockbank, 10/01/1967
- Looking Ahead by Franklin D. Richards, 10/01/1967
- Our Responsibility to Contribute to a Better Life by David O. McKay, 10/01/1967
- Glaring Evils of Our Day and a Warning to Youth by David O. McKay, 04/06/1967
- “If a Thing Is Right …” by Richard L. Evans, 04/06/1967
- The Earth’s Sabbath by Sterling W. Sill, 04/06/1967
- But Ye Have a Custom by John H. Vandenberg, 04/06/1967
- The Book of Mormon by LeGrand Richards, 04/06/1967
- The Pangs of Unlearning by Delbert L. Stapley, 04/06/1967
- And the Gospel Must First Be Published by Victor L. Brown, 04/06/1967
- Loyalty Among All Nations by Henry D. Taylor, 04/06/1967
- The Principle of Obedience by S. Dilworth Young, 04/06/1967
- Priesthood Responsibility by Theodore M. Burton, 04/06/1967
- The Reality of the Resurrection by ElRay L. Christiansen, 04/06/1967
- Immortality by Hugh B. Brown, 04/08/1967
- A Challenge From Vietnam by Gordon B. Hinckley, 04/08/1967
- “Come, Follow Me” by Thomas S. Monson, 04/08/1967
- Prepare, Then Fear Not by Ezra Taft Benson, 04/08/1967
- The Mistletoe by Spencer W. Kimball, 04/08/1967
- Commitment by Robert L. Simpson, 04/08/1967
- Come, Worship the Lord by Bruce R. McConkie, 04/08/1967
- The Prophets by Alma Sonne, 04/08/1967
- Sacrifice Brings Forth the Blessings of Heaven by Franklin D. Richards, 04/08/1967
- Go Forth to Serve by Eldred G. Smith, 04/08/1967
- Peace in This World by Marion G. Romney, 04/08/1967
- Consciousness of God: Supreme Goal of Life by David O. McKay, 04/08/1967
- The Functions of the Priesthood by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/08/1967
- Mormon Astronaut by Don Lind, 04/08/1967
- The Great Commandment by N. Eldon Tanner, 04/09/1967
- The Carnal Mind is Enmity Against God by Alvin R. Dyer, 04/09/1967
- America Testifies of Christ by Mark E. Petersen, 04/09/1967
- Gospel Imperatives by Howard W. Hunter, 04/09/1967
- He That Loveth Me by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/09/1967
- Be Comforted by Marion D. Hanks, 04/09/1967
- Obedience to Law by John Longden, 04/09/1967
- A Call to the Christian Clergy by Boyd K. Packer, 04/09/1967
- Making God the Center of Our Lives by David O. McKay, 04/09/1967
- A Divine Plan for Finding Security and Peace of Mind by David O. McKay, 09/30/1966
- God’s Gifts to Polynesia’s People by Thomas S. Monson, 09/30/1966
- To Be–Not to Have Been by Paul H. Dunn, 09/30/1966
- Where is Peace? by Howard W. Hunter, 09/30/1966
- Continuous Revelation by Spencer W. Kimball, 09/30/1966
- Obedience–the First Law of Heaven by S. Dilworth Young, 09/30/1966
- The Gospel is Eternal: A New Witness to the Fact by William J. Critchlow Jr., 09/30/1966
- The Temples of God by Theodore M. Burton, 09/30/1966
- Resurrection by John Longden, 09/30/1966
- Seeking Peace and Happiness by Milton R. Hunter, 09/30/1966
- The Fulfillment of Prophecy by LeGrand Richards, 09/30/1966
- The Gospel Our Bulwark by N. Eldon Tanner, 10/01/1966
- Be Not Troubled by Marion G. Romney, 10/01/1966
- Build Life for Service by Richard L. Evans, 10/01/1966
- Judgments of the Lord to Pour Forth by Joseph Fielding Smith, 10/01/1966
- Appreciation for Our Men in Military Service by Gordon B. Hinckley, 10/01/1966
- Wisdom in Spending by John H. Vandenberg, 10/01/1966
- Be Humble and Strong by Franklin D. Richards, 10/01/1966
- Found Not Wanting by Alma Sonne, 10/01/1966
- Rearing Children Wisely by Victor L. Brown, 10/01/1966
- Repent and Turn to God by Eldred G. Smith, 10/01/1966
- Your Priesthood Responsibilities by Joseph Fielding Smith, 10/01/1966
- The Church–a Worldwide Institution by David O. McKay, 10/01/1966
- To Help Every Member Be a Missionary by Bernard P. Brockbank, 10/01/1966
- Untitled by Arch L. Madsen, 10/01/1966
- Keep Your Covenants by N. Eldon Tanner, 10/01/1966
- Marriage, the Family, and the Home by Hugh B. Brown, 10/02/1966
- We Believe in Being Honest by Mark E. Petersen, 10/02/1966
- And I Saw Another Angel by Bruce R. McConkie, 10/02/1966
- The Holy Ghost by Delbert L. Stapley, 10/02/1966
- Communion with Deity by Harold B. Lee, 10/02/1966
- Protecting Freedom–An Immediate Responsibility by Ezra Taft Benson, 10/02/1966
- Jesus Points the Way by ElRay L. Christiansen, 10/02/1966
- Forgiveness by Robert L. Simpson, 10/02/1966
- “Children Are an Heritage of the Lord” by Boyd K. Packer, 10/02/1966
- Conference: Feast of the Saints by Alvin R. Dyer, 10/02/1966
- The Will of God by David O. McKay, 10/02/1966
- The Signs of the Lord’s Coming by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/06/1966
- Missionary Work–Our Way of Life by Bernard P. Brockbank, 04/06/1966
- The Second Coming by Sterling W. Sill, 04/06/1966
- Repentance–the Blessing of Hope by Victor L. Brown, 04/06/1966
- The Vision of Lehi by Delbert L. Stapley, 04/06/1966
- Otherwise, Of What Value is Christianity? by Mark E. Petersen, 04/06/1966
- A Modern Sacrifice by Theodore M. Burton, 04/06/1966
- Christ Will Come Again by ElRay L. Christiansen, 04/06/1966
- Time is of the Essence by John Longden, 04/06/1966
- Can You Abide Two Hours? by Eldred G. Smith, 04/06/1966
- A Basic Hard-Core Godhead Concept for Christian Creeds by William J. Critchlow Jr., 04/06/1966
- Motivations for Good: Fear, Duty, Love by Howard W. Hunter, 04/06/1966
- What Would Thou Have Me Do? by Robert L. Simpson, 04/09/1966
- The Reality of the Resurrection by David O. McKay, 04/09/1966
- I Know That My Redeemer Lives by Thomas S. Monson, 04/09/1966
- That Ye May Be Able to Withstand in the Evil Day by Harold B. Lee, 04/09/1966
- Hidden Wedges by Spencer W. Kimball, 04/09/1966
- Truth Will Prevail by Alma Sonne, 04/09/1966
- Scriptural Witness of Jesus Christ by Bruce R. McConkie, 04/09/1966
- When the Lord Commands, Do It by Henry D. Taylor, 04/09/1966
- The Miracle That Is Jesus by Gordon B. Hinckley, 04/09/1966
- The Test of Love by Richard L. Evans, 04/09/1966
- Strait Is the Gate by John H. Vandenberg, 04/09/1966
- Socialism and the United Order Compared by Marion G. Romney, 04/09/1966
- No Exaltation Without the Priesthood by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/09/1966
- The Wisdom of Keeping the Word of Wisdom by N. Eldon Tanner, 04/09/1966
- Only One Standard of Morality by David O. McKay, 04/09/1966
- A Testimony Through the Holy Ghost by LeGrand Richards, 04/10/1966
- “He Lives–All Glory to His Name” by Hugh B. Brown, 04/10/1966
- How One Can Know That God Lives by Paul H. Dunn, 04/10/1966
- Man’s Eternal Destiny by Alvin R. Dyer, 04/10/1966
- In His Steps by Ezra Taft Benson, 04/10/1966
- “He Is Not Dead” by N. Eldon Tanner, 04/10/1966
- Peace Now and Joy Hereafter by James A. Cullimore, 04/10/1966
- The Principles of the Gospel Are Eternal by Franklin D. Richards, 04/10/1966
- The Witness of the Spirit by A. Theodore Tuttle, 04/10/1966
- The Secret of Service by Boyd K. Packer, 04/10/1966
- How Many Apples in a Seed? by Marion D. Hanks, 04/10/1966
- Response to Duty by David O. McKay, 04/10/1966
- Man’s Free Agency by David O. McKay, 10/01/1965
- This Pearl Beyond Price by Delbert L. Stapley, 10/01/1965
- The Laws of Man and God by Alvin R. Dyer, 10/01/1965
- Making Our Calling and Election Sure by Marion G. Romney, 10/01/1965
- The Blessings of Eternal Glory by Joseph Fielding Smith, 10/01/1965
- Keeping God’s Law vs The Burden of Sin by A. Theodore Tuttle, 10/01/1965
- Our Lord and Master by Alma Sonne, 10/01/1965
- Women and the Priesthood by William J. Critchlow Jr., 10/01/1965
- Of Influence on Children in the Home by Richard L. Evans, 10/01/1965
- Reverence for Law by N. Eldon Tanner, 10/02/1965
- A Charter for Youth by Gordon B. Hinckley, 10/02/1965
- “Ye Are Gods” by Sterling W. Sill, 10/02/1965
- Their Greatest Tragedy by Mark E. Petersen, 10/02/1965
- A Changing World for the Barry Begays by Spencer W. Kimball, 10/02/1965
- A Holy Relationship by ElRay L. Christiansen, 10/02/1965
- Building a Foundation of Personal Revelation by Robert L. Simpson, 10/02/1965
- The Dynamics of Testimony by Milton R. Hunter, 10/02/1965
- The Need of a Prophet by LeGrand Richards, 10/02/1965
- The Responsibility of the Melchizedek Priesthood by Theodore M. Burton, 10/02/1965
- Mission Calls and Selective Service by Gordon B. Hinckley, 10/02/1965
- The Right and Authority of the Priesthood by David O. McKay, 10/02/1965
- Faith in America by Hugh B. Brown, 10/03/1965
- Organization of the Church of Christ by Howard W. Hunter, 10/03/1965
- Who Shall Lead Them? by Paul H. Dunn, 10/03/1965
- The Many Voices Calling Youth by Marion D. Hanks, 10/03/1965
- America–A Man and an Event by Ezra Taft Benson, 10/03/1965
- Watch! Be Ye Therefore Ready by Harold B. Lee, 10/03/1965
- Who Then Can Be Saved? by John H. Vandenberg, 10/03/1965
- Our First and Second Estates by Franklin D. Richards, 10/03/1965
- Life’s Greatest Meaning by Bernard P. Brockbank, 10/03/1965
- The Search for Jesus by Thomas S. Monson, 10/03/1965
- Cherish Noble Aspirations by David O. McKay, 10/03/1965
- Safeguards Against the Delinquency of Youth by David O. McKay, 04/04/1965
- The Divine Family by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/04/1965
- The Home by Harold B. Lee, 04/04/1965
- Threat of Moral Decay by N. Eldon Tanner, 04/04/1965
- Keep the Faith by Delbert L. Stapley, 04/04/1965
- “The Keystone of Our Religion” by Bruce R. McConkie, 04/04/1965
- Field White to Harvest–South America by A. Theodore Tuttle, 04/04/1965
- My Wife’s Husband by Paul H. Dunn, 04/04/1965
- No True Worship without Chastity by Mark E. Petersen, 04/04/1965
- This Church Is Christianity Restored by Hugh B. Brown, 04/05/1965
- The Precious Gift of Sight by Thomas S. Monson, 04/05/1965
- Beware of the Leaven by John H. Vandenberg, 04/05/1965
- The Book of Mormon: Its Own Silent Witness by S. Dilworth Young, 04/05/1965
- Man Does Not Stand Alone by Henry D. Taylor, 04/05/1965
- “And God Spake All These Words…” by Howard W. Hunter, 04/05/1965
- Home Training–the Cure for Evil by Spencer W. Kimball, 04/05/1965
- Youth’s Obligation to Parents by Boyd K. Packer, 04/05/1965
- Light: Symbol of God’s Word by Alma Sonne, 04/05/1965
- Read the Book of Mormon by William J. Critchlow Jr., 04/05/1965
- A Principle With Promise by Gordon B. Hinckley, 04/05/1965
- The Evils of Cigarette Smoking by David O. McKay, 04/05/1965
- False Loyalty by Alvin R. Dyer, 04/05/1965
- The Death Instinct by Sterling W. Sill, 04/05/1965
- How Fortunate Can We Be? by Marion D. Hanks, 04/05/1965
- The Two Great Commandments by N. Eldon Tanner, 04/05/1965
- The Way to Peace Revealed by Marion G. Romney, 04/06/1965
- Modern Revelation by Franklin D. Richards, 04/06/1965
- The Work of Elijah by Theodore M. Burton, 04/06/1965
- Family Unity through a Father’s Blessing by Eldred G. Smith, 04/06/1965
- Missionary Experiences by LeGrand Richards, 04/06/1965
- Not Commanded in All Things by Ezra Taft Benson, 04/06/1965
- Prophets Are in Our Midst by Thorpe B. Isaacson, 04/06/1965
- The First Principles and Ordinances of the Gospel by John Longden, 04/06/1965
- Moderation and the Gospel by Bernard P. Brockbank, 04/06/1965
- “Not as the World Giveth” by Robert L. Simpson, 04/06/1965
- How Much Is This All Worth? by Richard L. Evans, 04/06/1965
- The Purpose of Church to Perfect the Individual by David O. McKay, 04/06/1965
- Peace Built Upon the Solid Foundation of Eternal Principles by David O. McKay, 10/02/1964
- Gratitude for the Restoration of the Truth by Joseph Fielding Smith, 10/02/1964
- How to Obtain a Testimony by Eldred G. Smith, 10/02/1964
- The World’s Fair: A Report by Bernard P. Brockbank, 10/02/1964
- Comparative Values by Paul H. Dunn, 10/02/1964
- In Search of Truth by Thomas S. Monson, 10/02/1964
- So Long as You Both Shall Live by Spencer W. Kimball, 10/02/1964
- The Influence of the Gospel on the Family by A. Theodore Tuttle, 10/02/1964
- Deliverance of the Captives by Theodore M. Burton, 10/02/1964
- “Come Unto Christ” by Bruce R. McConkie, 10/02/1964
- Follow Counsel by John H. Vandenberg, 10/02/1964
- Testimonies to the Divinity of Jesus Christ by N. Eldon Tanner, 10/03/1964
- The Living and True God by Marion G. Romney, 10/03/1964
- This Nation Under God by Thorpe B. Isaacson, 10/03/1964
- Three Threatening Dangers by Ezra Taft Benson, 10/03/1964
- Salt of the Earth by Delbert L. Stapley, 10/03/1964
- No One Believes the Lord? by LeGrand Richards, 10/03/1964
- The Influence of the Bible by Alma Sonne, 10/03/1964
- Order and Diligence by Franklin D. Richards, 10/03/1964
- Priesthood Correlation and the Home Evening by Harold B. Lee, 10/03/1964
- A Man of the Priesthood by David O. McKay, 10/03/1964
- Spiritual Dimension by Robert L. Simpson, 10/03/1964
- Keep the Commandments by Hugh B. Brown, 10/04/1964
- America Needs You by Thomas S. Monson, 10/04/1964
- More than a Philosophy by Hugh B. Brown, 10/03/1964
- The Road to Damascus by Howard W. Hunter, 10/04/1964
- Prepentance by Sterling W. Sill, 10/04/1964
- Thou Art You by Marion D. Hanks, 10/04/1964
- The Dimension of the Spirit by Gordon B. Hinckley, 10/04/1964
- Three New Volumes of Scriptures Revealed by Mark E. Petersen, 10/04/1964
- “My Peace I Give Unto You” by John Longden, 10/04/1964
- Can I Really Know? by Boyd K. Packer, 10/04/1964
- In Whom Shall We Place Our Trust? by ElRay L. Christiansen, 10/04/1964
- Salvation Dependent Upon Communication from God by Alvin R. Dyer, 10/04/1964
- “No Other Success Can Compensate for Failure in the Home” by Richard L. Evans, 10/04/1964
- “Search Diligently, Pray Always, and Be Believing” by Harold B. Lee, 10/04/1964
- “Blessed Are They That Do His Commandments” by David O. McKay, 04/04/1964
- The Spirit of Missionary Work in South America by A. Theodore Tuttle, 04/04/1964
- J Day by Sterling W. Sill, 04/04/1964
- The Christian Reformation by Mark E. Petersen, 04/04/1964
- The Strength of the Church by Harold B. Lee, 04/04/1964
- Was Joseph Smith Called of God? by Bruce R. McConkie, 04/04/1964
- Gospel Blessings–Future-Wise–Present-Wise–Past-Wise by William J. Critchlow Jr., 04/04/1964
- The Windows of Heaven by Howard W. Hunter, 04/04/1964
- “The Heavens Are Not Stayed” by Gordon B. Hinckley, 04/04/1964
- Built-In Strength by John H. Vandenberg, 04/04/1964
- “…Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God…” by N. Eldon Tanner, 04/04/1964
- Sacred Rules of Conduct by Hugh B. Brown, 04/04/1964
- Cleanliness and Morality by David O. McKay, 04/04/1964
- “The Heavens Are Open” by N. Eldon Tanner, 04/05/1964
- Giving One’s All by Franklin D. Richards, 04/05/1964
- A Memo to Dads by Robert L. Simpson, 04/05/1964
- The Gospel–and the Dead by Theodore M. Burton, 04/05/1964
- Conviction–A Need of Today by Alvin R. Dyer, 04/05/1964
- “They Call for New Light” by Hugh B. Brown, 04/05/1964
- “Suffer the Little Children” by Boyd K. Packer, 04/05/1964
- The Lord’s Way–The Best Way by Eldred G. Smith, 04/05/1964
- Clean Speech by Henry D. Taylor, 04/05/1964
- “…For They Shall See God” by Spencer W. Kimball, 04/05/1964
- “Chastity–Fundamental to Our Civilization” by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/06/1964
- The LDS Church at the World’s Fair by Bernard P. Brockbank, 04/06/1964
- “Judge Not…” by Thorpe B. Isaacson, 04/06/1964
- The Second Coming of Christ by John Longden, 04/06/1964
- “He Is Risen” by Ezra Taft Benson, 04/06/1964
- Revelation by Marion G. Romney, 04/06/1964
- The Measure of What Is Good by Richard L. Evans, 04/06/1964
- Come Unto Me by Thomas S. Monson, 04/06/1964
- The Kingdom of God by Delbert L. Stapley, 04/06/1964
- The True Purpose of Life by David O. McKay, 10/04/1963
- “I Will Go and Do the Things…” by N. Eldon Tanner, 10/04/1963
- “I Stand at the Door and Knock” by Thomas S. Monson, 10/04/1963
- Be Not Deceived by Ezra Taft Benson, 10/04/1963
- Study, Pray, Obey by Joseph Fielding Smith, 10/04/1963
- Conversion by Marion G. Romney, 10/04/1963
- Priesthood–Asset or Liability by William J. Critchlow Jr., 10/04/1963
- Love One Another by John Longden, 10/04/1963
- Every Member a Missionary by Franklin D. Richards, 10/04/1963
- Keep Mothers in the Home by Spencer W. Kimball, 10/04/1963
- Communication by Richard L. Evans, 10/05/1963
- A Chosen Generation … A Peculiar People by John H. Vandenberg, 10/05/1963
- “We Believe in Being Honest” by Alvin R. Dyer, 10/05/1963
- Christ Is the Cornerstone by Alma Sonne, 10/05/1963
- The Church, the Most Important Thing by LeGrand Richards, 10/05/1963
- How Much Is too Much? by Eldred G. Smith, 10/05/1963
- “Where Is Your Power?” by Boyd K. Packer, 10/05/1963
- “Feed My Sheep” by Bernard P. Brockbank, 10/05/1963
- “He That Is the Greatest Among You” by Henry D. Taylor, 10/05/1963
- To Have Dominion by Sterling W. Sill, 10/05/1963
- “Except the Lord Build the Home” by Gordon B. Hinckley, 10/06/1963
- The Fight Between Good and Evil by Hugh B. Brown, 10/06/1963
- Need for Great Teachers by Thorpe B. Isaacson, 10/06/1963
- Prophets in This Dispensation by Howard W. Hunter, 10/06/1963
- Youth of Zion, Stand Up, and be Counted! by Robert L. Simpson, 10/06/1963
- This Is Our Gospel by Harold B. Lee, 10/06/1963
- The Glorious Standard by Delbert L. Stapley, 10/06/1963
- The Need for Moral Courage by ElRay L. Christiansen, 10/06/1963
- The Need for Faith by Antoine R. Ivins, 10/06/1963
- Herself–A Light! by Victor L. Brown, 10/06/1963
- Raise the Voice of Testimony by Mark E. Petersen, 10/06/1963
- A Great Responsibility by David O. McKay, 10/06/1963
- Be Doers of the Word by Hugh B. Brown, 04/05/1963
- Sincere Devotion–A Willing Heart by Antoine R. Ivins, 04/05/1963
- A Letter to My Son Michael by Milton R. Hunter, 04/05/1963
- “Gain a Testimony…” by Eldred G. Smith, 04/05/1963
- Our Responsibilities on the Sabbath Day by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/05/1963
- Knowing Is not Enough by Richard L. Evans, 04/05/1963
- A Solid Foundation by Alma Sonne, 04/05/1963
- A Glorious Principle by John H. Vandenberg, 04/05/1963
- God’s Prophet–David O. McKay by William J. Critchlow Jr., 04/05/1963
- The Consequences of Sin by Delbert L. Stapley, 04/05/1963
- This Same Jesus by Sterling W. Sill, 04/06/1963
- “Where Much Is Given…” by Henry D. Moyle, 04/06/1963
- A New Dispensation by Alvin R. Dyer, 04/06/1963
- God’s Law of Health by Robert L. Simpson, 04/06/1963
- The Book of Vital Messages by Spencer W. Kimball, 04/06/1963
- The Saints Must Stand Firm by ElRay L. Christiansen, 04/06/1963
- “Ye Have Heard My Voice” by S. Dilworth Young, 04/06/1963
- “And the Lamanites Shall Blossom as the Rose” by Marion G. Romney, 04/06/1963
- The Correlation Program by Harold B. Lee, 04/06/1963
- Participation: The Way to Salvation by Hugh B. Brown, 04/06/1963
- Phenomenal Growth of LDS Educational Facilities of the Islands by Henry D. Moyle, 04/06/1963
- Priesthood and Quorums Supply Initial Need by David O. McKay, 04/06/1963
- Keep Faith with Your Family by N. Eldon Tanner, 04/07/1963
- The Restored Gospel–An Ensign to the Nations by David O. McKay, 04/07/1963
- The Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ by N. Eldon Tanner, 04/07/1963
- Evidences of the Resurrection by Howard W. Hunter, 04/07/1963
- Principle with a Promise by Boyd K. Packer, 04/07/1963
- Righteousness Exalteth a Nation by Ezra Taft Benson, 04/07/1963
- The Most Important Message by LeGrand Richards, 04/07/1963
- Some Rain Must Fall by Henry D. Taylor, 04/07/1963
- “To Fill the Whole Earth” by Franklin D. Richards, 04/07/1963
- The Responsibility Placed on a Latter-day Saint by Bernard P. Brockbank, 04/07/1963
- The Force of Family Prayer by Gordon B. Hinckley, 04/07/1963
- Radiation of the Gospel by David O. McKay, 04/07/1963
- The Gospel and the Individual by David O. McKay, 10/05/1962
- The Divine Mission of Joseph Smith by Bruce R. McConkie, 10/05/1962
- Three Challenges by Alvin R. Dyer, 10/05/1962
- “It Cannot Happen Here” by Ezra Taft Benson, 10/05/1962
- Book of Mormon Critics Refuted by Joseph Fielding Smith, 10/05/1962
- To Believe is to See by Howard W. Hunter, 10/05/1962
- “Blessed Are the Peacemakers” by John Longden, 10/05/1962
- The Golden Questions by Franklin D. Richards, 10/05/1962
- What About the Man? by Sterling W. Sill, 10/06/1962
- The Quest for Truth by Hugh B. Brown, 10/06/1962
- “One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism” by Mark E. Petersen, 10/06/1962
- The Errand of Youth by Boyd K. Packer, 10/06/1962
- Spouses and None Else by Spencer W. Kimball, 10/06/1962
- A Time of Testing by Eldred G. Smith, 10/06/1962
- The Greatest Weight by John H. Vandenberg, 10/06/1962
- Testimony–A Motivating Force by Theodore M. Burton, 10/06/1962
- Gratitude for a Call by N. Eldon Tanner, 10/06/1962
- Report from the Correlation Committee by Harold B. Lee, 10/06/1962
- Report from the Correlation Committee by Gordon B. Hinckley, 10/06/1962
- Report from the Correlation Committee by Marion G. Romney, 10/06/1962
- Report from the Correlation Committee by Harold B. Lee, 10/06/1962
- Magnify Your Callings by Hugh B. Brown, 10/06/1962
- “Ye Shall Not Fear” by Henry D. Moyle, 10/06/1962
- Priesthood and Perfecting the Saints by David O. McKay, 10/06/1962
- Obey the Gospel of God by Henry D. Moyle, 10/07/1962
- Look to God and Live by Marion G. Romney, 10/07/1962
- The Change in Juan Fulano by A. Theodore Tuttle, 10/07/1962
- He Knocks–We Open the Door by Robert L. Simpson, 10/07/1962
- Substance or Shadow by Marion D. Hanks, 10/07/1962
- “…Let Us Love One Another…” by Bernard P. Brockbank, 10/07/1962
- I Tell You of Heavenly Things by LeGrand Richards, 10/07/1962
- “…To Forgive Is Divine” by Henry D. Taylor, 10/07/1962
- Jesus Is the Son of God by William J. Critchlow Jr., 10/07/1962
- A Foundation Stone of the Gospel by ElRay L. Christiansen, 10/07/1962
- Cultivate the Spirit of Service by David O. McKay, 10/07/1962
- The Divine Church by David O. McKay, 04/06/1962
- Each Member to Convey Gospel by Alvin R. Dyer, 04/06/1962
- Build Well by Sterling W. Sill, 04/06/1962
- The Oath and Covenant Which Belongeth to the Priesthood by Marion G. Romney, 04/06/1962
- Doing Good by Henry D. Taylor, 04/06/1962
- “Search…Pray…Believe” by Harold B. Lee, 04/06/1962
- Keep the Sabbath Day by ElRay L. Christiansen, 04/06/1962
- Be a Disciple by Alma Sonne, 04/06/1962
- Repentance–Spelled with 7 R’s by William J. Critchlow Jr., 04/06/1962
- Our Business–To Serve the Lord by LeGrand Richards, 04/07/1962
- An Anchor to Our Souls by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/07/1962
- Responsibility and the Priesthood by Antoine R. Ivins, 04/07/1962
- Be Missionaries by Franklin D. Richards, 04/07/1962
- The Transforming Power of the Gospel by N. Eldon Tanner, 04/07/1962
- Catching the Vision by Theodore M. Burton, 04/07/1962
- Spiritual Communication by Spencer W. Kimball, 04/07/1962
- Our Responsibility to Our Dead by Eldred G. Smith, 04/07/1962
- The Blessing of Fasting by Thorpe B. Isaacson, 04/07/1962
- The Church in the Far East by Gordon B. Hinckley, 04/07/1962
- “An Understanding Heart” by Howard W. Hunter, 04/07/1962
- Following Proven Paths by Robert L. Simpson, 04/07/1962
- Goals for Youth by Victor L. Brown, 04/07/1962
- Aaronic Priesthood Responsibility by John H. Vandenberg, 04/07/1962
- Honor the Priesthood by Hugh B. Brown, 04/07/1962
- “Where Your Treasure Is” by Henry D. Moyle, 04/07/1962
- Preparing Young Men for the Priesthood by David O. McKay, 04/07/1962
- This We Believe… by Richard L. Evans, 04/08/1962
- Revelation: Yesterday and Today by Henry D. Moyle, 04/08/1962
- The Lord’s Base of Operations by Ezra Taft Benson, 04/08/1962
- “Are the Latter-day Saints…Christians?” by Hugh B. Brown, 04/08/1962
- Parents Are Responsible for Their Children by S. Dilworth Young, 04/08/1962
- A Challenge to Youth by Boyd K. Packer, 04/08/1962
- The Gospel Growth in South America by A. Theodore Tuttle, 04/08/1962
- The Voice of Appreciation by David O. McKay, 04/08/1962
- The Cause of Liberty by David O. McKay, 09/29/1961
- Design for Living by ElRay L. Christiansen, 09/29/1961
- Preparation, an Antidote for Fear by Marion D. Hanks, 09/29/1961
- Cease to be Idle by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 09/29/1961
- The Book of Mormon, a Divine Record by Joseph Fielding Smith, 09/29/1961
- Beware of Conspiring Men by Delbert L. Stapley, 09/29/1961
- “The World Our Circuit” by John Longden, 09/29/1961
- Whom Do You Worship? by Eldred G. Smith, 09/29/1961
- Listen to the Prophet’s Voice by Spencer W. Kimball, 09/29/1961
- The Spirit of Conversion by Henry D. Moyle, 09/30/1961
- The Pure Love of Christ by Mark E. Petersen, 09/30/1961
- Accomplish the Work of the Lord by Alvin R. Dyer, 09/30/1961
- “Whom I Love I also Chasten” by William J. Critchlow Jr., 09/30/1961
- Seek the Spirit by Marion G. Romney, 09/30/1961
- “One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism” by LeGrand Richards, 09/30/1961
- Men in Step by Sterling W. Sill, 09/30/1961
- The American Heritage of Freedom–A Plan of God by Ezra Taft Benson, 09/30/1961
- New Plan of Coordination Explained by Harold B. Lee, 09/30/1961
- “Elimination of the Insignificant” by Richard L. Evans, 09/30/1961
- Loyalty to the Church by Hugh B. Brown, 09/30/1961
- “Except a Man be Born Again….” by David O. McKay, 09/30/1961
- Revelation: The Challenging Message of Mormonism by Hugh B. Brown, 10/01/1961
- Keeping All of God’s Commandments by Henry D. Taylor, 10/01/1961
- By the Word of Their Testimony by N. Eldon Tanner, 10/01/1961
- An Everyday Religion by Howard W. Hunter, 10/01/1961
- Keep God’s Commandments Now by Milton R. Hunter, 10/01/1961
- Read the Book of Mormon by Alma Sonne, 10/01/1961
- When the Spirit Speaks by S. Dilworth Young, 10/01/1961
- The Amazing Growth of the Church by Franklin D. Richards, 10/01/1961
- Trust the Prophet by Theodore M. Burton, 10/01/1961
- Show Your Faith by Your Works by David O. McKay, 10/01/1961
- The Destiny of Youth by David O. McKay, 04/06/1961
- Lift Up Your Eyes by Sterling W. Sill, 04/06/1961
- “Be Thou an Example of the Believers” by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 04/06/1961
- Put Your Hand to the Plow by Howard W. Hunter, 04/06/1961
- “That the World through Him Might be Saved” by Harold B. Lee, 04/06/1961
- Who’s on the Lord’s Side by Carl W. Buehner, 04/06/1961
- The Book of Mormon by Bruce R. McConkie, 04/06/1961
- “Prove Me Now Herewith…” by LeGrand Richards, 04/06/1961
- The Eternity of Temple Marriage by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/08/1961
- The Greatest Event in Ancient America by Milton R. Hunter, 04/08/1961
- Portrait of the Prophet Joseph Smith by William J. Critchlow Jr., 04/08/1961
- “And None Shall Stay Them …” by Alma Sonne, 04/08/1961
- Joint Heirship with Christ by Delbert L. Stapley, 04/08/1961
- What Makes a Latter-day Saint? by Eldred G. Smith, 04/08/1961
- Young People Away from Home by S. Dilworth Young, 04/08/1961
- “…Walk in My Statutes…” by ElRay L. Christiansen, 04/08/1961
- Toward a Balanced Life by Richard L. Evans, 04/08/1961
- The Unforgettable Holy Land by Spencer W. Kimball, 04/08/1961
- Share the Gospel by Franklin D. Richards, 04/08/1961
- Ready to Harvest by Gordon B. Hinckley, 04/08/1961
- Extend the Hand of Fellowship by Mark E. Petersen, 04/08/1961
- A Time of Preparation by David O. McKay, 04/08/1961
- Our Need for Better Parents by Mark E. Petersen, 04/09/1961
- The Testimony We Give of Him by Henry D. Moyle, 04/09/1961
- The Great Missionary Service by N. Eldon Tanner, 04/09/1961
- A World Message by Ezra Taft Benson, 04/09/1961
- “My Church Shall Be Called in My Name” by Marion G. Romney, 04/09/1961
- Sharing the Gospel by John Longden, 04/09/1961
- “In the Sweat of Thy Face…” by Henry D. Taylor, 04/09/1961
- “…With All thy Getting Get Understanding” by Theodore M. Burton, 04/09/1961
- Serve Your Fellow Men in Love by David O. McKay, 04/09/1961
- “What About Jesus Christ” by David O. McKay, 10/07/1960
- “If It Be Just…” by Henry D. Taylor, 10/07/1960
- Pledged to Obedience and Loyalty by Marion D. Hanks, 10/07/1960
- “God Working with Men” by Harold B. Lee, 10/07/1960
- The Peace That Comes Through Righteousness by Henry D. Moyle, 10/07/1960
- “Judge Not” by Milton R. Hunter, 10/07/1960
- This Marvelous Work by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 10/07/1960
- The Church Is a Stage, Its Members Players by William J. Critchlow Jr., 10/07/1960
- The Day of the Lamanites by Spencer W. Kimball, 10/07/1960
- Answer to the Call by N. Eldon Tanner, 10/08/1960
- I Pledge Myself by Franklin D. Richards, 10/08/1960
- Gratitude by Theodore M. Burton, 10/08/1960
- Cry Repentance by Joseph Fielding Smith, 10/08/1960
- “…Two of a Family…” by Carl W. Buehner, 10/08/1960
- How to Prepare for Missions by Bruce R. McConkie, 10/08/1960
- A Fulfilment of Prophecy by Alvin R. Dyer, 10/08/1960
- Look to Our Young Men by Thorpe B. Isaacson, 10/08/1960
- “I Have Witnesses Miracles” by Gordon B. Hinckley, 10/08/1960
- The Greatest of All Blessings by Eldred G. Smith, 10/08/1960
- Our Historic Tabernacle by LeGrand Richards, 10/08/1960
- Untitled by Marion G. Romney, 10/08/1960
- Untitled by Mark E. Petersen, 10/08/1960
- Untitled by David O. McKay, 10/08/1960
- Untitled by Henry D. Moyle, 10/08/1960
- “I am the Life, the Light, the Way, and the Truth; and the Law” by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 10/09/1960
- The Open Tomb by Hugh B. Brown, 10/09/1960
- Need for Witness of the Spirit by A. Theodore Tuttle, 10/09/1960
- “Keep Faith With Your Family” by Delbert L. Stapley, 10/09/1960
- Communist Threat to the Americas by Ezra Taft Benson, 10/09/1960
- To Magnify the Priesthood by Antoine R. Ivins, 10/09/1960
- Secretly a Disciple? by Howard W. Hunter, 10/09/1960
- Eternal Opportunities by Richard L. Evans, 10/09/1960
- The Destiny of This Church by Alma Sonne, 10/09/1960
- Eternal Association of the Family by ElRay L. Christiansen, 10/09/1960
- It Has Been Glorious by David O. McKay, 10/09/1960
- Untitled by Henry D. Moyle, 04/02/1960
- Untitled by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/02/1960
- Untitled by David O. McKay, 04/02/1960
- As He Thinketh by Howard W. Hunter, 04/03/1960
- Duty of the Church–To Teach Fundamental Principles of a Good Life by David O. McKay, 04/03/1960
- The Aaronic Priesthood by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 04/03/1960
- A Divine Key to Knowledge by William J. Critchlow Jr., 04/03/1960
- Teach Honor by Mark E. Petersen, 04/03/1960
- “All Roads Lead to Rome” by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/03/1960
- The Primary Purpose of the Present Dispensation by ElRay L. Christiansen, 04/03/1960
- My Testimony by Alma Sonne, 04/03/1960
- The Five Worlds by Hugh B. Brown, 04/03/1960
- Watch and Be Prepared by Henry D. Moyle, 04/04/1960
- Eternal Values by Thorpe B. Isaacson, 04/04/1960
- A Look at History by Levi Edgar Young, 04/04/1960
- The Virtues of Fathers by Sterling W. Sill, 04/04/1960
- Joseph Smith’s First Prayer by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/04/1960
- Have Faith … by Delbert L. Stapley, 04/04/1960
- An Holy Nation by Carl W. Buehner, 04/04/1960
- Responsibility to Teach the Gospel by S. Dilworth Young, 04/04/1960
- The Cornerstone by Gordon B. Hinckley, 04/04/1960
- A Prophet Is Born by Spencer W. Kimball, 04/04/1960
- The Threat of Communism by Ezra Taft Benson, 04/06/1960
- The Return of the Jews by George Q. Morris, 04/06/1960
- “Who Shall Prepare Himself” by Marion D. Hanks, 04/06/1960
- To Convince the World by LeGrand Richards, 04/06/1960
- The Work in Great Britain by Harold B. Lee, 04/06/1960
- Drink Deeply from the Divine Fountain by Marion G. Romney, 04/06/1960
- A Marvelous Work by John Longden, 04/06/1960
- Man Will Live Again by Milton R. Hunter, 04/06/1960
- Excess Baggage by Henry D. Taylor, 04/06/1960
- “Did Not Your Hearts Burn…?” by David O. McKay, 04/06/1960
- Preach the Word by David O. McKay, 10/09/1959
- A Portrait of the Man of Galilee by William J. Critchlow Jr., 10/09/1959
- “Going Steady” by Mark E. Petersen, 10/09/1959
- The Value of the Gospel by Joseph Fielding Smith, 10/09/1959
- Reviewing the Revelations by Alvin R. Dyer, 10/09/1959
- “Just One Boy” by Marion D. Hanks, 10/09/1959
- How Are We Worshiping by John Longden, 10/09/1959
- Missionary Work by LeGrand Richards, 10/09/1959
- The Task Ahead by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 10/10/1959
- Eternal Life–Eternal Marriage by George Q. Morris, 10/10/1959
- On Reading the Standard Works by Bruce R. McConkie, 10/10/1959
- My Friend and I by Carl W. Buehner, 10/10/1959
- The Sermon on the Mount by Alma Sonne, 10/10/1959
- To You…Our Kinsmen by Spencer W. Kimball, 10/10/1959
- “That You May Know the Truth” by Eldred G. Smith, 10/10/1959
- Can You Bear Testimony? by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 10/10/1959
- Who Would Justify–A Little Sin? by ElRay L. Christiansen, 10/10/1959
- The Restoration by Delbert L. Stapley, 10/10/1959
- Untitled by Henry D. Moyle, 10/10/1959
- Untitled by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 10/10/1959
- Untitled by David O. McKay, 10/10/1959
- The Ultimate Objective by Richard L. Evans, 10/11/1959
- Know the Truth by Henry D. Moyle, 10/11/1959
- “Not Yet, Dear Lord, Not Yet” by Thorpe B. Isaacson, 10/11/1959
- “…That Ye Love One Another…” by Henry D. Taylor, 10/11/1959
- Advice to Teachers by Levi Edgar Young, 10/11/1959
- Concern for Our Children by S. Dilworth Young, 10/11/1959
- We Believe the Bible by Sterling W. Sill, 10/11/1959
- The Phenomenon of Mormonism by Hugh B. Brown, 10/11/1959
- Call to Repentance by Ezra Taft Benson, 10/11/1959
- The Constitution by Antoine R. Ivins, 10/11/1959
- The Stick of Joseph by Gordon B. Hinckley, 10/11/1959
- A Word in Parting by David O. McKay, 10/11/1959
- The Resurrected Christ Appears by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/04/1959
- “…If Ye Believe Not that I Am He, Ye Shall Die in Your Sins” by Marion G. Romney, 04/04/1959
- Report of European Mission Tour by ElRay L. Christiansen, 04/04/1959
- Keep the Sabbath Day Holy by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 04/04/1959
- Ours–The Greatest Message by LeGrand Richards, 04/04/1959
- Temple Work by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/04/1959
- Aspire Not for the Honors of Men by Alma Sonne, 04/04/1959
- “Whom Say Ye…” by Spencer W. Kimball, 04/04/1959
- The Mightiest Work of All by Levi Edgar Young, 04/04/1959
- One Hundred Percenters by Carl W. Buehner, 04/04/1959
- The Latter-day Prophets by John Longden, 04/04/1959
- Untitled by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/04/1959
- Untitled by Stephen L Richards, 04/04/1959
- Untitled by David O. McKay, 04/04/1959
- What It Means To Be a Christian by Stephen L Richards, 04/05/1959
- Gratitude by Henry D. Taylor, 04/05/1959
- Heed the Whisperings of the Spirit by S. Dilworth Young, 04/05/1959
- Show Us the Father by Sterling W. Sill, 04/05/1959
- Responsibility for the Guidance of Youth by Thorpe B. Isaacson, 04/05/1959
- The Gospel, a Solid Wall of Truth by Harold B. Lee, 04/05/1959
- Training of Youth by David O. McKay, 04/05/1959
- “Something Missing” by Marion D. Hanks, 04/05/1959
- Advice to Youth by Ezra Taft Benson, 04/05/1959
- Happiness by William J. Critchlow Jr., 04/05/1959
- Teaching by A. Theodore Tuttle, 04/05/1959
- His Word Ye Shall Receive by Mark E. Petersen, 04/05/1959
- Individual Commitment in Sustaining Freedom by Henry D. Moyle, 04/06/1959
- Work for the Dead by Eldred G. Smith, 04/06/1959
- Build Up the Kingdom by George Q. Morris, 04/06/1959
- The Messiah and the Jews by Milton R. Hunter, 04/06/1959
- Keeping the Covenants by Delbert L. Stapley, 04/06/1959
- Jesus the Christ by Hugh B. Brown, 04/06/1959
- The Motive by Richard L. Evans, 04/06/1959
- The Need for Inspired Leadership by Alvin R. Dyer, 04/06/1959
- Salvation, A Family Affair by Bruce R. McConkie, 04/06/1959
- Prepare for Missionary Service by Gordon B. Hinckley, 04/06/1959
- Closing Address by David O. McKay, 04/06/1959
- “Hunger for Religion” by Stephen L Richards, 10/10/1958
- Missionary Responsibility by Antoine R. Ivins, 10/10/1958
- God’s Kingdom Is Here by Gordon B. Hinckley, 10/10/1958
- Faith–and the Polynesians by Delbert L. Stapley, 10/10/1958
- “Seek Ye Earnestly…” by Joseph Fielding Smith, 10/10/1958
- The Tempering Process of Life by Eldred G. Smith, 10/10/1958
- Blessings of the Church by Alma Sonne, 10/10/1958
- “A Marvelous Work and a Wonder” by Milton R. Hunter, 10/10/1958
- “In Consequence of Evils and Designs” by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 10/10/1958
- The Saints in Europe by Henry D. Moyle, 10/10/1958
- Let Us Pray Always by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 10/11/1958
- Peace and Brotherhood by A. Theodore Tuttle, 10/11/1958
- “Be Not Weary in Well-doing” by Alvin R. Dyer, 10/11/1958
- Search the Scriptures by Spencer W. Kimball, 10/11/1958
- A Reaffirmation: “We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet” by Richard L. Evans, 10/11/1958
- We Affirm Our Faith by Hugh B. Brown, 10/11/1958
- “Seek Ye Wisdom” by Levi Edgar Young, 10/11/1958
- “Words to Live By” by John Longden, 10/11/1958
- The Uses of Adversity by George Q. Morris, 10/11/1958
- “Teach Your Children” by S. Dilworth Young, 10/11/1958
- Untitled by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 10/11/1958
- Untitled by Stephen L Richards, 10/11/1958
- Untitled by David O. McKay, 10/11/1958
- The Mission of Lay Members by David O. McKay, 10/12/1958
- The Restoration by Marion G. Romney, 10/12/1958
- The Heritage of Freedom by Ezra Taft Benson, 10/12/1958
- The Big Three by Sterling W. Sill, 10/12/1958
- “For Man Is Spirit” by Marion D. Hanks, 10/12/1958
- “…Always Be a Missionary” by LeGrand Richards, 10/12/1958
- “God’s Kingdom on Earth” by Bruce R. McConkie, 10/12/1958
- The General Conference by Carl W. Buehner, 10/12/1958
- A Blessing by David O. McKay, 10/12/1958
- Something Higher Than Self by David O. McKay, 04/04/1958
- Lest We Forget by Sterling W. Sill, 04/04/1958
- Are You a Modern Nicodemus? by Spencer W. Kimball, 04/04/1958
- Know and Worship the True and Living God by John Longden, 04/04/1958
- Entrusted to Our Care…the Youth of Israel by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/04/1958
- How Near to God Are You? by Eldred G. Smith, 04/04/1958
- Blueprint for Life by ElRay L. Christiansen, 04/04/1958
- The Reason for Sin and Evil by George Q. Morris, 04/04/1958
- Joseph Smith a Prophet by LeGrand Richards, 04/04/1958
- The Way, the Truth and the Light by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/05/1958
- The Priesthood of the Covenant by Antoine R. Ivins, 04/05/1958
- The Aaronic Priesthood, Its Powers and Blessings by Carl W. Buehner, 04/05/1958
- We Lay Our Coats Away by Clifford E. Young, 04/05/1958
- Of One Blood All Nations by Ezra Taft Benson, 04/05/1958
- Church Education by Henry D. Moyle, 04/05/1958
- “Let There Be Light” by Levi Edgar Young, 04/05/1958
- “Love Not the World” by Bruce R. McConkie, 04/05/1958
- “Into His Marvelous Light” by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 04/05/1958
- “Life and Peace and Voices from the Past” by Richard L. Evans, 04/05/1958
- Through the Blood of the Lamb by Milton R. Hunter, 04/05/1958
- Untitled by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/05/1958
- Untitled by David O. McKay, 04/05/1958
- Courage to Face the Inevitable through Faith in a Divine Redeemer by Harold B. Lee, 04/06/1958
- The Father and the Home by Stephen L Richards, 04/06/1958
- Be Honest with Yourselves by Marion D. Hanks, 04/06/1958
- Their Souls Are Precious by Thorpe B. Isaacson, 04/06/1958
- Except They Be Agreed by Mark E. Petersen, 04/06/1958
- This by Hugh B. Brown, 04/06/1958
- Can Two Walk Together? by Delbert L. Stapley, 04/06/1958
- “Seek Ye First” by A. Theodore Tuttle, 04/06/1958
- “Only One Answer” by Henry D. Taylor, 04/06/1958
- An Expression of Gratitude by Gordon B. Hinckley, 04/06/1958
- The Church in Mexico by Marion G. Romney, 04/06/1958
- A Summation and a Blessing by David O. McKay, 04/06/1958
- Salvation, an Individual Responsibility by David O. McKay, 04/05/1957
- Know the Truth by Clifford E. Young, 04/05/1957
- With What We Know by Richard L. Evans, 04/05/1957
- “For This Cause…” by LeGrand Richards, 04/05/1957
- The Fulness of Salvation by Bruce R. McConkie, 04/05/1957
- Marriage for Eternity by Harold B. Lee, 04/05/1957
- “Truth Will Prevail” by Alma Sonne, 04/05/1957
- A Sorrowing People by Levi Edgar Young, 04/05/1957
- The Greatest Gift by Henry D. Moyle, 04/05/1957
- The Constitution by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/06/1957
- “Pay Thy Debt, and Live” by Ezra Taft Benson, 04/06/1957
- Gratitude by Milton R. Hunter, 04/06/1957
- The Sabbath–a Day of Rest by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/06/1957
- All Good Cometh of God by ElRay L. Christiansen, 04/06/1957
- To Gain a Testimony by Antoine R. Ivins, 04/06/1957
- “…Seek not to Counsel the Lord” by Thorpe B. Isaacson, 04/06/1957
- “…With a Whole Heart” by John Longden, 04/06/1957
- House of the Lord by Eldred G. Smith, 04/06/1957
- Honoring the Priesthood by Delbert L. Stapley, 04/06/1957
- Untitled by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/06/1957
- Untitled by Stephen L Richards, 04/06/1957
- Untitled by David O. McKay, 04/06/1957
- The Voice of the Spirit by Marion G. Romney, 04/07/1957
- The Wayward by Stephen L Richards, 04/07/1957
- The Importance of Fast Offerings by George Q. Morris, 04/07/1957
- Progress of the South Sea Missions by Hugh B. Brown, 04/07/1957
- Father’s Day by Sterling W. Sill, 04/07/1957
- Ancient Records and the Book of Mormon by Mark E. Petersen, 04/07/1957
- On Missions and Marriage by Oscar A. Kirkham, 04/07/1957
- What Is Distinctive about Mormonism? by Adam S. Bennion, 04/07/1957
- The First Vision by S. Dilworth Young, 04/07/1957
- Our Obligations by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 04/07/1957
- Questions for the Iconoclast by Marion D. Hanks, 04/07/1957
- To Know God by David O. McKay, 04/07/1957
- Spirituality, the Goal in Life by David O. McKay, 10/05/1956
- “Repent Ye Therefore…” by Clifford E. Young, 10/05/1956
- Trust in the Lord by Thorpe B. Isaacson, 10/05/1956
- Steadfastness in Christ by Marion D. Hanks, 10/05/1956
- “For the Perfecting of the Saints” by Marion G. Romney, 10/05/1956
- They Bear Witness by Joseph Fielding Smith, 10/05/1956
- The Gospel to the Jews by LeGrand Richards, 10/05/1956
- “Six Days May Work Be Done” by Oscar A. Kirkham, 10/05/1956
- “…Come the Blessings” by ElRay L. Christiansen, 10/05/1956
- What the Gospel Does for People! by Adam S. Bennion, 10/05/1956
- Our Message to the World by Stephen L Richards, 10/06/1956
- The Origin of Man by George Q. Morris, 10/06/1956
- Sanctify Yourselves by Antoine R. Ivins, 10/06/1956
- The Blessings of Temple Marriage by John Longden, 10/06/1956
- The Expanded Indian Program by Spencer W. Kimball, 10/06/1956
- Preparing for the Millennial Reign by Harold B. Lee, 10/06/1956
- The Dimensions of Life by Sterling W. Sill, 10/06/1956
- Teach by Example by S. Dilworth Young, 10/06/1956
- The Weak Will Confound the Strong by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 10/06/1956
- “Think, then Act Safely” by Mark E. Petersen, 10/06/1956
- The Holy Ghost Testifies by Eldred G. Smith, 10/06/1956
- Untitled by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 10/06/1956
- Untitled by David O. McKay, 10/06/1956
- Faith, the Bedrock of Life by Alma Sonne, 10/07/1956
- “Go Ye Not after Them” by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 10/07/1956
- Prophecy Fulfilled by Hugh B. Brown, 10/07/1956
- The Common Heritage We Have by Richard L. Evans, 10/07/1956
- Testimony of the Restoration by Bruce R. McConkie, 10/07/1956
- Prayer Is America’s History by Ezra Taft Benson, 10/07/1956
- Report on South American Missions by Henry D. Moyle, 10/07/1956
- Life’s Laboratory by Carl W. Buehner, 10/07/1956
- Teach…Words of Wisdom by Levi Edgar Young, 10/07/1956
- Youth and Morality by Delbert L. Stapley, 10/07/1956
- “Lord, Look at Our Hearts” by David O. McKay, 10/07/1956
- Harmony in the Home by David O. McKay, 04/06/1956
- Teach Your Children by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 04/06/1956
- Famine by Sterling W. Sill, 04/06/1956
- “Walk in Truth” by Oscar A. Kirkham, 04/06/1956
- The Standard Works by Levi Edgar Young, 04/06/1956
- Exaltation through Obedience by Eldred G. Smith, 04/06/1956
- Lowliness of Jesus Christ by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/07/1956
- “Bonds–Series F” by Adam S. Bennion, 04/07/1956
- Through Diligence and Obedience by Richard L. Evans, 04/07/1956
- Spiritual Growth and Material Progress by John Longden, 04/07/1956
- Marriage Customs of the Quiche Maya by Milton R. Hunter, 04/07/1956
- Responsibilities to the Lamanites by Delbert L. Stapley, 04/07/1956
- The Significance of the Atonement by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/07/1956
- Anniversary of Church Welfare by Henry D. Moyle, 04/07/1956
- The Strongest Fortification by Alma Sonne, 04/07/1956
- The Law of Justification by Bruce R. McConkie, 04/07/1956
- Gifts of the Spirit by Marion G. Romney, 04/07/1956
- Untitled by Mark E. Petersen, 04/07/1956
- Untitled by S. Dilworth Young, 04/07/1956
- Untitled by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/07/1956
- Untitled by Stephen L Richards, 04/07/1956
- Untitled by David O. McKay, 04/07/1956
- Significance of the Atonement by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/08/1956
- Encouragement for Repenters by Stephen L Richards, 04/08/1956
- Why Should It Be Incredible? by LeGrand Richards, 04/08/1956
- A Faith Based on Truth by Marion D. Hanks, 04/08/1956
- The Power of the Priesthood by Antoine R. Ivins, 04/08/1956
- A Way of Life by Hugh B. Brown, 04/08/1956
- “After All We Can Do” by Harold B. Lee, 04/08/1956
- The Meaning of the Atonement by George Q. Morris, 04/08/1956
- The Need for Charity by ElRay L. Christiansen, 04/08/1956
- Debt–a Great Hazard by Clifford E. Young, 04/08/1956
- Jesus the Christ by Spencer W. Kimball, 04/08/1956
- Closing Address by David O. McKay, 04/08/1956
- An Expression of Gratitude by David O. McKay, 09/30/1955
- The Choir Tour by Richard L. Evans, 09/30/1955
- Why the Latter-day Saints Build Temples by Bruce R. McConkie, 09/30/1955
- The Lord’s Plan by Delbert L. Stapley, 09/30/1955
- The Blessings of the Gospel by Hugh B. Brown, 09/30/1955
- “…by the Name of Jesus Christ” by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 09/30/1955
- The Worthy Saints of Europe by Thomas E. McKay, 09/30/1955
- Building the Kingdom by LeGrand Richards, 09/30/1955
- Spiritual Cornerstones of the Church by John Longden, 09/30/1955
- May the Age of Peace Come to the Earth by Levi Edgar Young, 09/30/1955
- “…When Mankind Will Listen” by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 09/30/1955
- “What Shall I Do with Jesus” by Sterling W. Sill, 10/01/1955
- “Believest Thou the Prophets?” by Alma Sonne, 10/01/1955
- “Be Guided by the Light Within” by Harold B. Lee, 10/01/1955
- “I Am not Ashamed of the Gospel of Christ” by Mark E. Petersen, 10/01/1955
- Unity in the Faith by Eldred G. Smith, 10/01/1955
- The Modern Scriptures–Our Greatest Aids by Milton R. Hunter, 10/01/1955
- Untitled by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 10/01/1955
- Untitled by Stephen L Richards, 10/01/1955
- The Rise of the Kingdom by George Q. Morris, 10/02/1955
- A Testimony for the Children by S. Dilworth Young, 10/02/1955
- Be True to the Faith by Ezra Taft Benson, 10/02/1955
- For Time and Eternity by Antoine R. Ivins, 10/02/1955
- The Faith Which Impels to Action by Adam S. Bennion, 10/02/1955
- What Shall I Do to Inherit Eternal Life? by ElRay L. Christiansen, 10/02/1955
- Repentance Worketh Salvation by Marion G. Romney, 10/02/1955
- “His Wonders to Perform…” by Clifford E. Young, 10/02/1955
- What Shall We Do? by David O. McKay, 10/02/1955
- Untitled by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/02/1955
- Untitled by Stephen L Richards, 04/02/1955
- Untitled by David O. McKay, 04/02/1955
- “Blessed Is He that Cometh in the Name of the Lord” by Harold B. Lee, 04/03/1955
- Righteousness Key to World Peace by David O. McKay, 04/03/1955
- “For Whoso Is Faithful” by ElRay L. Christiansen, 04/03/1955
- Ears to Hear the Living Prophets by Marion G. Romney, 04/03/1955
- “What Is Man…” He Still Stands as God Made Him by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/03/1955
- Christianity Definitions by Stephen L Richards, 04/03/1955
- Humility Builds Faith by Eldred G. Smith, 04/03/1955
- “Upon You My Fellow Servants” by Thorpe B. Isaacson, 04/03/1955
- Zion Must Arise and Shine Forth by Ezra Taft Benson, 04/03/1955
- The Way to Eternal Life by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/03/1955
- No Greater Joy by Oscar A. Kirkham, 04/03/1955
- “Every Good Tree” by Mark E. Petersen, 04/04/1955
- Prayer Makes the Difference by John Longden, 04/04/1955
- The Gospel of Good Works by Levi Edgar Young, 04/04/1955
- The Time Is Now by Carl W. Buehner, 04/04/1955
- Message of the Restoration by Marion D. Hanks, 04/04/1955
- The Straight Gate–Repentance and Baptism by Delbert L. Stapley, 04/04/1955
- Our Twofold Mission by Henry D. Moyle, 04/04/1955
- The Good We Accomplish by Clifford E. Young, 04/04/1955
- What Is Spirituality by Antoine R. Ivins, 04/04/1955
- “Render Unto Caesar…” by Alma Sonne, 04/04/1955
- “That All Men Might Repent” by Hugh B. Brown, 04/04/1955
- “To Kick Against the Pricks” by Spencer W. Kimball, 04/06/1955
- Joys of Childhood by S. Dilworth Young, 04/06/1955
- “Unless We Have His Message” by George Q. Morris, 04/06/1955
- Indian Traditions of the Book of Mormon by Milton R. Hunter, 04/06/1955
- “Men Are, That They Might Have Joy” by Adam S. Bennion, 04/06/1955
- Unity in the Home by Richard L. Evans, 04/06/1955
- Overcome the World by Bruce R. McConkie, 04/06/1955
- “We Believe in God” by Sterling W. Sill, 04/06/1955
- A Marvelous Work by LeGrand Richards, 04/06/1955
- Untitled by David O. McKay, 04/06/1955
- “Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God” by David O. McKay, 10/01/1954
- “To Your Tents, O Israel!” by Hugh B. Brown, 10/01/1954
- Companionship in the Home by Mark E. Petersen, 10/01/1954
- “…and if Ye Receive Not the Spirit Ye Shall Not Teach” by Joseph Fielding Smith, 10/01/1954
- Magnifying Our Calling by Antoine R. Ivins, 10/01/1954
- “…as Pertaining to Our Salvation” by Eldred G. Smith, 10/01/1954
- Our Greatest Responsibility by Sterling W. Sill, 10/01/1954
- Jesus the Christ by John Longden, 10/01/1954
- The Divine Church by Henry D. Moyle, 10/01/1954
- Our Priceless Special Blessings by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 10/02/1954
- A Visit to the Holy Land by Thorpe B. Isaacson, 10/02/1954
- Expressing Appreciation by Thomas E. McKay, 10/02/1954
- As We Labor We Are Blessed by Oscar A. Kirkham, 10/02/1954
- I Bear Witness by Delbert L. Stapley, 10/02/1954
- Blind Obedience or Obedience of Faith by Spencer W. Kimball, 10/02/1954
- “That Your Joy May Be Full” by LeGrand Richards, 10/02/1954
- “Seek Ye Knowledge” by Levi Edgar Young, 10/02/1954
- “The Royal Law According to the Scriptures” by Marion G. Romney, 10/02/1954
- Untitled by ElRay L. Christiansen, 10/02/1954
- Untitled by Stephen L Richards, 10/02/1954
- Untitled by David O. McKay, 10/02/1954
- We Are Not Alone in Life by Richard L. Evans, 10/03/1954
- A Missionary Church by Stephen L Richards, 10/03/1954
- The True Church by George Q. Morris, 10/03/1954
- “…Therefore Ye Are Free Indeed” by Marion D. Hanks, 10/03/1954
- If the Gift of Faith Is There by Clifford E. Young, 10/03/1954
- Responsibilities of Teachers by S. Dilworth Young, 10/03/1954
- Book of Mormon Evidences by Milton R. Hunter, 10/03/1954
- Our Duty as Citizens by Ezra Taft Benson, 10/03/1954
- Some Fundamental Truths by Bruce R. McConkie, 10/03/1954
- Report on the Orient by Harold B. Lee, 10/03/1954
- Let Us Make God the Center of Our Lives by David O. McKay, 10/03/1954
- Untitled by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 04/03/1954
- Untitled by Stephen L Richards, 04/03/1954
- Untitled by David O. McKay, 04/03/1954
- Jesus: Our Risen Lord by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/04/1954
- Present Responsibility of the Church in Missionary Work by David O. McKay, 04/04/1954
- “The Field Is White…” by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/04/1954
- Our Debt to the Past by Hugh B. Brown, 04/04/1954
- Be “Not Ashamed of the Gospel of Christ” by Stephen L Richards, 04/04/1954
- “Our Bible” by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/04/1954
- Be Engaged in a Good Cause by S. Dilworth Young, 04/04/1954
- With Faith in God by Antoine R. Ivins, 04/04/1954
- The Word of God Will Stand by LeGrand Richards, 04/04/1954
- Trust in God and Do the Right by Ezra Taft Benson, 04/04/1954
- Spiritual Power as a Force by John Longden, 04/05/1954
- Concept of the Christlike Life by Harold B. Lee, 04/05/1954
- Letter to German Students by Levi Edgar Young, 04/05/1954
- Be Instructed Young by Mark E. Petersen, 04/05/1954
- The Future Before Us by Richard L. Evans, 04/05/1954
- “If Thou Wilt Be Perfect” by Eldred G. Smith, 04/05/1954
- “Where Is a Church…?” by Bruce R. McConkie, 04/05/1954
- Work for the Living and the Dead by ElRay L. Christiansen, 04/05/1954
- Sharing the Blessings by Clifford E. Young, 04/05/1954
- The Modern Challenge by Adam S. Bennion, 04/05/1954
- The Evil of Intolerance by Spencer W. Kimball, 04/06/1954
- Monumental Gifts of the Church by Marion D. Hanks, 04/06/1954
- A Heritage of Faith by George Q. Morris, 04/06/1954
- In the Service of Our Father by Sterling W. Sill, 04/06/1954
- Faith by Thorpe B. Isaacson, 04/06/1954
- “Men Are, That They Might Have Joy” by Milton R. Hunter, 04/06/1954
- “Labor Today” by Marion G. Romney, 04/06/1954
- “Keep My Commandments” by Delbert L. Stapley, 04/06/1954
- “Live–in All Things Outside Yourself by Love” by David O. McKay, 04/06/1954
- The Kingdom of God or Catasrophe by David O. McKay, 10/02/1953
- One Church, One Gospel, One Savior by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 10/02/1953
- Fulfil Your Responsibilities by S. Dilworth Young, 10/02/1953
- The Joy of Missionary Service by Clifford E. Young, 10/02/1953
- “And This Is My Gospel…” by Harold B. Lee, 10/02/1953
- Not for the Idler by Thorpe B. Isaacson, 10/02/1953
- Don’t Procrastinate Temple Marriage by Eldred G. Smith, 10/02/1953
- The Atonement of the Savior by Marion G. Romney, 10/02/1953
- Testimonies–The Strength of the Church by Alma Sonne, 10/02/1953
- Our Great Responsibilities by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 10/03/1953
- Selling Our Souls by Milton R. Hunter, 10/03/1953
- Keep Your Money Clean by Spencer W. Kimball, 10/03/1953
- Our Advocate and Our Mediator by Joseph Fielding Smith, 10/03/1953
- The Divine Call of the Seventies by Levi Edgar Young, 10/03/1953
- Every Member a Missionary by John Longden, 10/03/1953
- The Lord’s Work by Delbert L. Stapley, 10/03/1953
- Untitled by Mark E. Petersen, 10/03/1953
- Untitled by LeGrand Richards, 10/03/1953
- Untitled by Stephen L Richards, 10/03/1953
- Untitled by David O. McKay, 10/03/1953
- Who Shall Deny or Question the Justice of God? by Henry D. Moyle, 10/04/1953
- The Kingdom of God Is Here by George Q. Morris, 10/04/1953
- Prayer by Matthew Cowley, 10/04/1953
- Come Unto Jesus by Adam S. Bennion, 10/04/1953
- Strengthening the American Home by Ezra Taft Benson, 10/04/1953
- Faith by Bruce R. McConkie, 10/04/1953
- The Greatest of All Gifts by ElRay L. Christiansen, 10/04/1953
- Keep the Faith by Richard L. Evans, 10/04/1953
- Plea for Living the Gospel Expressed by David O. McKay, 10/04/1953
- Two Paramount Obligations of Members of the Church by David O. McKay, 04/04/1953
- Missionaries Labor to Fulfil Promise by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/04/1953
- The Rock of Revelation by Harold B. Lee, 04/04/1953
- Live for the Blessings by Eldred G. Smith, 04/04/1953
- He Is Risen: And He Will Come Again by Levi Edgar Young, 04/04/1953
- Let Us Walk Humbly Before the Lord by ElRay L. Christiansen, 04/04/1953
- Be Thou an Example of the Believers by Antoine R. Ivins, 04/04/1953
- Prayer–The Strength of America by Ezra Taft Benson, 04/04/1953
- Untitled by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/04/1953
- Untitled by David O. McKay, 04/04/1953
- None Other Name Under Heaven by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/05/1953
- Lessons of the Easter Day by Clifford E. Young, 04/05/1953
- “He Went About Doing Good” by Oscar A. Kirkham, 04/05/1953
- Christ Directs His Church Today by LeGrand Richards, 04/05/1953
- The Holy Ghost–A Revelator by Bruce R. McConkie, 04/05/1953
- Immortality and Eternal Life by Milton R. Hunter, 04/05/1953
- A Work of Conversion by Mark E. Petersen, 04/05/1953
- Book of Mormon a Great Converter by Alma Sonne, 04/05/1953
- Security Found in Living the Gospel by Thorpe B. Isaacson, 04/05/1953
- The Faith of a Child by Matthew Cowley, 04/05/1953
- The Lord’s Tenth by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 04/05/1953
- The Lamanites Are Progressing by Spencer W. Kimball, 04/06/1953
- Perfection Through Obedience by George Q. Morris, 04/06/1953
- The Wise Course by Delbert L. Stapley, 04/06/1953
- Nurture a Testimony by Marion G. Romney, 04/06/1953
- Friendship by Henry D. Moyle, 04/06/1953
- Monuments to Spirituality by Stayner Richards, 04/06/1953
- With Faith–And Without Fear by Richard L. Evans, 04/06/1953
- The Same Today, Yesterday, and Forever by John Longden, 04/06/1953
- Final Blessing by David O. McKay, 04/06/1953
- Conditions in Church Encouraging–Prospects Bright by David O. McKay, 10/03/1952
- A Tribute to President David O. McKay by Stayner Richards, 10/03/1952
- Faith–An Effective Weapon Against Wickedness in Men and Nations by Harold B. Lee, 10/03/1952
- “Upon This Rock” by Antoine R. Ivins, 10/03/1952
- “Be Ye Therefore Obedient” by John Longden, 10/03/1952
- The Sacred Triangle by Matthew Cowley, 10/03/1952
- “Suffer the Little Children…” by Mark E. Petersen, 10/03/1952
- Trust in the Lord by Marion G. Romney, 10/03/1952
- The Only Name Given Under Heaven by Milton R. Hunter, 10/03/1952
- Pray Always–Repentant, and with Faith by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 10/04/1952
- Faith Precedes the Miracle by Spencer W. Kimball, 10/04/1952
- “Be Ye Doers of the Word” by ElRay L. Christiansen, 10/04/1952
- Be Not Deceived by Joseph Fielding Smith, 10/04/1952
- Be of Good Cheer by Eldred G. Smith, 10/04/1952
- A Testimony–Our Most Priceless Possession by Thorpe B. Isaacson, 10/04/1952
- “To My Son–Seek Ye the Lord” by Oscar A. Kirkham, 10/04/1952
- The Gospel Embodies All Truth by George Q. Morris, 10/04/1952
- Be Yourself by Henry D. Moyle, 10/04/1952
- Untitled by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 10/04/1952
- Untitled by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 10/04/1952
- Untitled by David O. McKay, 10/04/1952
- Choose You This Day Whom Ye Will Serve by LeGrand Richards, 10/05/1952
- An Invitation by Stephen L Richards, 10/05/1952
- “Seek Ye Diligently” by Levi Edgar Young, 10/05/1952
- The Peace Table of the Savior by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 10/05/1952
- God Intervenes in Human Affairs by Alma Sonne, 10/05/1952
- Blessings Through Faithfulness by Delbert L. Stapley, 10/05/1952
- “Be Ye Clean” by Bruce R. McConkie, 10/05/1952
- Closing Address by David O. McKay, 10/05/1952
- Favorable and Unfavorable Phases of Present-day Conditions by David O. McKay, 04/04/1952
- Blessings Through Faith by Thorpe B. Isaacson, 04/04/1952
- “‘Tis Not Vain to Serve the Lord” by Spencer W. Kimball, 04/04/1952
- An Important Decision by Thomas E. McKay, 04/04/1952
- Fulfilment of Prophecy by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/04/1952
- To Obey Is Better than Sacrifice by S. Dilworth Young, 04/04/1952
- Transforming Power of the Gospel by George Q. Morris, 04/04/1952
- Symbolism in Irrigation by John A. Widtsoe, 04/04/1952
- Political Responsibilities of Latter-day Saints by Henry D. Moyle, 04/04/1952
- Patriarchal Order of the Priesthood by Eldred G. Smith, 04/04/1952
- The Tabernacle by Stephen L Richards, 04/05/1952
- Perfection Through Obedience by Delbert L. Stapley, 04/05/1952
- The Glory of Teaching by Levi Edgar Young, 04/05/1952
- “This Is Life Eternal” by Bruce R. McConkie, 04/05/1952
- America–What of the Future? by Ezra Taft Benson, 04/05/1952
- Our Religion by Albert E. Bowen, 04/05/1952
- Cause for Encouragement by Richard L. Evans, 04/05/1952
- Seeing Beyond the Shadow by Clifford E. Young, 04/05/1952
- Today’s Great Need Is Faith by Antoine R. Ivins, 04/05/1952
- Untitled by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/05/1952
- In God We Trust by Marion G. Romney, 04/06/1952
- Our Destiny Was Planned from the Beginning by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/06/1952
- Requisite for Peace by John Longden, 04/06/1952
- Now Is the Day of Our Salvation by Oscar A. Kirkham, 04/06/1952
- You Are the Leaven by Matthew Cowley, 04/06/1952
- Know for Yourself by Mark E. Petersen, 04/06/1952
- Acceptance of Call to Council of the Twelve by LeGrand Richards, 04/06/1952
- An Inheritance of Faith by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 04/06/1952
- A Sure Foundation by ElRay L. Christiansen, 04/06/1952
- Obedience to God’s Commandments by Milton R. Hunter, 04/06/1952
- Special Witnesses by Harold B. Lee, 04/06/1952
- “What Doth It Profit…?” by David O. McKay, 04/06/1952
- Counteracting Pernicious Ideas and Subversive Teachings by David O. McKay, 10/05/1951
- Special Privileges by Henry D. Moyle, 10/05/1951
- Appreciation by Thomas E. McKay, 10/05/1951
- A True Servant of God by Mark E. Petersen, 10/05/1951
- Our Ratio of Responsibility by Richard L. Evans, 10/05/1951
- Day of Preparation by Harold B. Lee, 10/05/1951
- Out of Ourselves by Antoine R. Ivins, 10/05/1951
- The Strength of Faith by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 10/05/1951
- Forgive and Be Forgiven by Albert E. Bowen, 10/05/1951
- The Family and the Restored Gospel by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 10/06/1951
- A Testimony of the Redeemer by Marion G. Romney, 10/06/1951
- The Search for Truth by Levi Edgar Young, 10/06/1951
- My Testimony by Stayner Richards, 10/06/1951
- Acceptance of a Call by ElRay L. Christiansen, 10/06/1951
- The Spirit Within by John Longden, 10/06/1951
- The Art of Living by Eldred G. Smith, 10/06/1951
- The Spirit Giveth Life by Spencer W. Kimball, 10/06/1951
- Three Great Words by Oscar A. Kirkham, 10/06/1951
- How Do We Find God? by Alma Sonne, 10/06/1951
- Untitled by LeGrand Richards, 10/06/1951
- Untitled by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 10/06/1951
- Untitled by Stephen L Richards, 10/06/1951
- Untitled by David O. McKay, 10/06/1951
- “Man Shall Not Live by Bread Alone” by Matthew Cowley, 10/07/1951
- Awake, Ye Defenders of Zion by Stephen L Richards, 10/07/1951
- Marriage for Eternity by Joseph Fielding Smith, 10/07/1951
- Fasting and Prayer by Delbert L. Stapley, 10/07/1951
- Keep the Faith by Thorpe B. Isaacson, 10/07/1951
- Why Be Foolish? by Joseph F. Merrill, 10/07/1951
- The Missionary Assignment by Milton R. Hunter, 10/07/1951
- Two Great Truths by Bruce R. McConkie, 10/07/1951
- A Lesson from the Missionaries by Clifford E. Young, 10/07/1951
- Let Us Sustain One Another by Ezra Taft Benson, 10/07/1951
- A Plea for Exemplary Living by David O. McKay, 10/07/1951
- A Message of Hope and Courage by Marion G. Romney, 04/06/1951
- Obedience Brings Happiness by Eldred G. Smith, 04/06/1951
- Seven “The Formula of Heaven” by Levi Edgar Young, 04/06/1951
- Zion Must Be Strengthened by Harold B. Lee, 04/06/1951
- Signs of the Times by LeGrand Richards, 04/06/1951
- Faith in the Youth of Zion by Ezra Taft Benson, 04/06/1951
- Repent–Live the Golden Rule by Joseph F. Merrill, 04/06/1951
- “Knock, and It shall Be Opened unto You–“ by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/06/1951
- “How oft would I have Gathered You–“ by Mark E. Petersen, 04/06/1951
- Invocation by LeGrand Richards, 04/07/1951
- Untitled by Matthew Cowley, 04/07/1951
- Untitled by Spencer W. Kimball, 04/07/1951
- Untitled by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/07/1951
- Untitled by David O. McKay, 04/07/1951
- Benediction by Richard L. Evans, 04/07/1951
- Untitled by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 04/07/1951
- Untitled by Richard L. Evans, 04/07/1951
- Untitled by Thorpe B. Isaacson, 04/07/1951
- Untitled by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/07/1951
- Untitled by David O. McKay, 04/07/1951
- Kinship of Spirits by Stephen L Richards, 04/08/1951
- The Transforming Power of Faith in Jesus Christ by David O. McKay, 04/08/1951
- Let Us Search Our Testimonies by John A. Widtsoe, 04/08/1951
- “And, Lo, I Am with You Alway” by Matthew Cowley, 04/08/1951
- Be Valiant by Spencer W. Kimball, 04/08/1951
- Blessings of the Gospel by Clifford E. Young, 04/08/1951
- Zion Must Arise by Delbert L. Stapley, 04/08/1951
- Righteousness and Judgment by Albert E. Bowen, 04/08/1951
- Truth and Righteousness Will Triumph by Alma Sonne, 04/08/1951
- Fellowship, Unity and Love by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/09/1951
- Not Where You Serve, but How by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/09/1951
- Confidence in the Promises of the Lord by Stephen L Richards, 04/09/1951
- The Greatest Responsibility…The Greatest Honor by David O. McKay, 04/09/1951
- Liberty under the Constitution by George Albert Smith, 09/29/1950
- Keep the Commandments by Joseph Fielding Smith, 09/29/1950
- Children of the Covenant by Bruce R. McConkie, 09/29/1950
- Be Thou an Example by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 09/29/1950
- Gathering the Faithful by Matthew Cowley, 09/29/1950
- A Pure Religion and Undefiled by Clifford E. Young, 09/29/1950
- Stand up and Be Counted with the Lord by Oscar A. Kirkham, 09/29/1950
- Anniversaries in Scandinavia by John A. Widtsoe, 09/29/1950
- Seek Ye the Lord by Eldred G. Smith, 09/30/1950
- Will a Man Rob God? by Milton R. Hunter, 09/30/1950
- “The Work Among the Lamanites” by Spencer W. Kimball, 09/30/1950
- Why a Church? by Albert E. Bowen, 09/30/1950
- Prayer a Blessing and a Privilege by Thorpe B. Isaacson, 09/30/1950
- “If Any Man Love the World, the Love of the Father Is Not in Him” by Henry D. Moyle, 09/30/1950
- Warning Sounded Against Heresies by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 09/30/1950
- Untitled by David O. McKay, 09/30/1950
- Untitled by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 09/30/1950
- Untitled by George Albert Smith, 09/30/1950
- Be of Good Courage by John A. Widtsoe, 10/01/1950
- Quests Determine Man’s Successes by David O. McKay, 10/01/1950
- A People of Culture by Levi Edgar Young, 10/01/1950
- Inflation or Selfishness Self-controlled by Joseph F. Merrill, 10/01/1950
- Perfecting the Welfare Plan by Marion G. Romney, 10/01/1950
- Fortified by an Unshakable Testimony by Harold B. Lee, 10/01/1950
- There Is No Middle Ground by Alma Sonne, 10/01/1950
- With Faith for the Future by Richard L. Evans, 10/01/1950
- Face the Future Unafraid by Ezra Taft Benson, 10/01/1950
- When a Man Says, “I Am Not Religious” by LeGrand Richards, 10/01/1950
- “It Becometh Us to Fulfil All Righteousness” by George Albert Smith, 10/01/1950
- The Pathway of Righteousness by George Albert Smith, 04/06/1950
- “This Is My Work and My Glory” by George F. Richards, 04/06/1950
- Free Agency…A Divine Gift by David O. McKay, 04/06/1950
- The Power of Prayer by Thorpe B. Isaacson, 04/06/1950
- The Basis of Christian Faith by Albert E. Bowen, 04/06/1950
- Repentance…or Slavery by Joseph F. Merrill, 04/08/1950
- “A Land of Thine Inheritance” by Levi Edgar Young, 04/08/1950
- Strongest Is the Gentle Hand by Eldred G. Smith, 04/08/1950
- Jews Return to Palestine and Fulfil Prophecy by Ezra Taft Benson, 04/08/1950
- God’s Purposes Are Ripening in the Earth by Alma Sonne, 04/08/1950
- Hearken…and Obey by Marion G. Romney, 04/08/1950
- The First and Second Great Commandments by Milton R. Hunter, 04/08/1950
- Let Us Be as One! by Harold B. Lee, 04/08/1950
- The Power and Privilege of Repentance by Richard L. Evans, 04/08/1950
- The Hand of God by LeGrand Richards, 04/08/1950
- Untitled by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/08/1950
- Untitled by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/08/1950
- Untitled by George Albert Smith, 04/08/1950
- He Is Risen by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/09/1950
- Spirit of Discernment by Matthew Cowley, 04/09/1950
- Universal Brotherhood by John A. Widtsoe, 04/09/1950
- The Atonement of Christ by Bruce R. McConkie, 04/09/1950
- Spiritual and Temporal Security by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 04/09/1950
- God’s Abundant Blessings by Clifford E. Young, 04/09/1950
- “In the Morning of the Resurrection” by Henry D. Moyle, 04/09/1950
- “Except the Lord Build the House” by Oscar A. Kirkham, 04/09/1950
- “Be Ye Therefore Perfect” by Mark E. Petersen, 04/09/1950
- Founded in the Wisdom of God by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/09/1950
- Gifts of the Gospel by Stephen L Richards, 04/09/1950
- A Humble Heart and a Contrite Spirit by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/09/1950
- Closing Address by George Albert Smith, 04/09/1950
- Our Father’s Work by George Albert Smith, 09/30/1949
- The Need for Repentance by Eldred G. Smith, 09/30/1949
- The Supreme Test of Religion by Levi Edgar Young, 09/30/1949
- Delegation of Responsibility by Richard L. Evans, 09/30/1949
- Apostasy from the Truth by Ezra Taft Benson, 09/30/1949
- Freedom…or Monopolistic Domination by Selfish Groups by Joseph F. Merrill, 09/30/1949
- Fruits of the Gospel by Marion G. Romney, 09/30/1949
- The Language of Sincerity by Matthew Cowley, 09/30/1949
- Fulfilment of Prophecy by LeGrand Richards, 09/30/1949
- Powers of the Gospel by Harold B. Lee, 09/30/1949
- Preserve Our Heritage by John A. Widtsoe, 10/01/1949
- A Working Faith by Clifford E. Young, 10/01/1949
- A Testimony of Jesus Christ by Milton R. Hunter, 10/01/1949
- The Message of the Restoration by Bruce R. McConkie, 10/01/1949
- Sustain the Authorities by Mark E. Petersen, 10/01/1949
- A Testimony of the Truth by Joseph Fielding Smith, 10/01/1949
- Look Up at the Spires by Oscar A. Kirkham, 10/01/1949
- A Message to the Elders of the Church by Stephen L Richards, 10/01/1949
- Honesty by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 10/01/1949
- Observe the Sabbath Day: Keep It Holy by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 10/01/1949
- Untitled by LeGrand Richards, 10/01/1949
- Untitled by David O. McKay, 10/01/1949
- Untitled by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 10/01/1949
- Missions and Missionaries of the Church by David O. McKay, 10/02/1949
- “Except Ye Repent…” by Spencer W. Kimball, 10/02/1949
- Foundation for Faith by Antoine R. Ivins, 10/02/1949
- The Struggle of Life by Albert E. Bowen, 10/02/1949
- “God so Loved the World…” by George F. Richards, 10/02/1949
- Palmyra Pageant a Great Missionary by Thorpe B. Isaacson, 10/02/1949
- Blessings of Welfare Work by Henry D. Moyle, 10/02/1949
- Welfare Program, a Wonderful Thing by George Albert Smith, 10/02/1949
- Our Homes Divinely Ordained by Ezra Taft Benson, 04/03/1949
- From a Prophet to His People by George Albert Smith, 04/03/1949
- “Choose You This Day Whom Ye Will Serve” by David O. McKay, 04/03/1949
- The Word of God Must Go Forth by Levi Edgar Young, 04/03/1949
- Faith in the Future by Richard L. Evans, 04/03/1949
- Some Fundamentals of Gospel Teachings by Joseph F. Merrill, 04/03/1949
- There Is Power in Prayer by Thomas E. McKay, 04/03/1949
- The Book of Mormon by Marion G. Romney, 04/03/1949
- The Source of Happiness by Eldred G. Smith, 04/03/1949
- The Power of Truth by Harold B. Lee, 04/03/1949
- The Things That Matter by LeGrand Richards, 04/03/1949
- We Should Improve Our Communities by Henry D. Moyle, 04/04/1949
- Immortality and Eternal Life by Milton R. Hunter, 04/04/1949
- Gospel Positives by Antoine R. Ivins, 04/04/1949
- Second Address by George Albert Smith, 04/04/1949
- Authority in the Ministry by Bruce R. McConkie, 04/04/1949
- Report from New England by S. Dilworth Young, 04/04/1949
- “Seek and Ye Shall Find” by Thorpe B. Isaacson, 04/04/1949
- “Who Is My Neighbor?” by Spencer W. Kimball, 04/04/1949
- Untitled by David O. McKay, 04/04/1949
- Untitled by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/04/1949
- Untitled by George Albert Smith, 04/04/1949
- Third Address by George Albert Smith, 04/06/1949
- Sacredness of the Eternal Marriage Covenant by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/06/1949
- Keep the Commandments by Stephen L Richards, 04/06/1949
- My Testimony by Mark E. Petersen, 04/06/1949
- Teach the Truth by John A. Widtsoe, 04/06/1949
- Prayer by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 04/06/1949
- “Beware of False Prophets” by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/06/1949
- Concluding Address by George Albert Smith, 04/06/1949
- What the Lord Has Done by George Albert Smith, 10/01/1948
- The World’s Great Need by George F. Richards, 10/01/1948
- God the Eternal Father by Milton R. Hunter, 10/01/1948
- Repent and Be Saved by Thorpe B. Isaacson, 10/01/1948
- “What Think Ye of Christ?” by Bruce R. McConkie, 10/01/1948
- Responsibilities of Parents by Henry D. Moyle, 10/01/1948
- “No Man Can Serve Two Masters” by LeGrand Richards, 10/01/1948
- The Latter-day Saint Home by Harold B. Lee, 10/01/1948
- Fundamental Teachings of the Church by Joseph F. Merrill, 10/02/1948
- Some Problems and Principles by Richard L. Evans, 10/02/1948
- Be Builders, Not Wreckers by Thomas E. McKay, 10/02/1948
- “And Ye Shall Bear Record” by Marion G. Romney, 10/02/1948
- Not a Prophet–but a Listening Ear by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 10/02/1948
- The Importance of Stability by Albert E. Bowen, 10/02/1948
- Teach Your Children by Eldred G. Smith, 10/02/1948
- Joseph Smith by Levi Edgar Young, 10/02/1948
- Responsibilities of the Priesthood by Ezra Taft Benson, 10/02/1948
- Untitled by LeGrand Richards, 10/02/1948
- Untitled by David O. McKay, 10/02/1948
- Untitled by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 10/02/1948
- Untitled by George Albert Smith, 10/02/1948
- Hunger in the Midst of Plenty by John A. Widtsoe, 10/03/1948
- A Plea for Better Environment by David O. McKay, 10/03/1948
- Draw Near to the Lord by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 10/03/1948
- Builders of Faith by Mark E. Petersen, 10/03/1948
- Keeping the Commandments of God by Joseph Fielding Smith, 10/03/1948
- Among the Polynesians by Matthew Cowley, 10/03/1948
- Concluding Address by George Albert Smith, 10/03/1948
- “Feed My Sheep” by Henry D. Moyle, 04/04/1948
- Counsel and Encouragement by George Albert Smith, 04/04/1948
- Tithing by George F. Richards, 04/04/1948
- The Way to Happiness by Thorpe B. Isaacson, 04/04/1948
- A Prophet of God by Milton R. Hunter, 04/04/1948
- Walk by Faith by Clifford E. Young, 04/04/1948
- “My Peace I Leave With You” by Antoine R. Ivins, 04/04/1948
- The Testimony of the Spirit by LeGrand Richards, 04/04/1948
- Now Is the Day of Our Salvation by Bruce R. McConkie, 04/04/1948
- The Spirit of Gathering by Harold B. Lee, 04/04/1948
- Facing Another World Crisis by David O. McKay, 04/05/1948
- Eat Flesh Sparingly by Joseph F. Merrill, 04/05/1948
- Testimony by Marion G. Romney, 04/05/1948
- Be Ye Therefore Perfect by Levi Edgar Young, 04/05/1948
- America: Land of the Blessed by Ezra Taft Benson, 04/05/1948
- Working Out Our Own Salvation by Albert E. Bowen, 04/05/1948
- “Be What You Say” by Oscar A. Kirkham, 04/05/1948
- “Without Purse or Scrip” by S. Dilworth Young, 04/05/1948
- Build or Destroy by Spencer W. Kimball, 04/05/1948
- Untitled by Richard L. Evans, 04/05/1948
- Untitled by David O. McKay, 04/05/1948
- Untitled by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/05/1948
- Untitled by George Albert Smith, 04/05/1948
- Against the Time of Need by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/06/1948
- Elijah’s Mission to the World by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/06/1948
- Behold, Lord, Here Am I by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 04/06/1948
- Truth by John A. Widtsoe, 04/06/1948
- “The Lowly Cigarette” by Mark E. Petersen, 04/06/1948
- Keep the Commandments by George Albert Smith, 04/06/1948
- The Growth of the Church by George Albert Smith, 10/03/1947
- Sermon on the Mount an Ordination Sermon by Levi Edgar Young, 10/03/1947
- The Lamanites by Spencer W. Kimball, 10/03/1947
- Responsibilities of the Latter-day Saint Home by Ezra Taft Benson, 10/03/1947
- Liquor Advertising by Joseph F. Merrill, 10/03/1947
- Principles of Truth by Marion G. Romney, 10/03/1947
- Necessity and Value of the Welfare Plan by Henry D. Moyle, 10/03/1947
- Faith in Christ by Albert E. Bowen, 10/03/1947
- Obedience, the Way of Exaltation by George F. Richards, 10/04/1947
- Valiance to the Truth by Bruce R. McConkie, 10/04/1947
- Spiritual Re-birth and Death by Harold B. Lee, 10/04/1947
- Duties of Parents by LeGrand Richards, 10/04/1947
- Teachers of Men by Matthew Cowley, 10/04/1947
- The Challenge to Youth by Thorpe B. Isaacson, 10/04/1947
- The Blessings of Eternal Life by Milton R. Hunter, 10/04/1947
- A Strong America by Mark E. Petersen, 10/05/1947
- The Significance of World Trends by David O. McKay, 10/05/1947
- Achievements from Following Counsel by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 10/05/1947
- Men Are That They Might Have Joy by Thomas E. McKay, 10/05/1947
- Practical Usage of Religion by Stephen L Richards, 10/05/1947
- The Sin of Ingratitude by Joseph Fielding Smith, 10/05/1947
- The Responsibility of Women by John A. Widtsoe, 10/05/1947
- They of the Last Wagon by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 10/05/1947
- Closing Address by George Albert Smith, 10/05/1947
- Opening Address by George Albert Smith, 04/04/1947
- Untitled by Clifford E. Young, 04/04/1947
- “Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness” by George F. Richards, 04/04/1947
- Untitled by S. Dilworth Young, 04/04/1947
- The Principle of the Fast Offering by Matthew Cowley, 04/04/1947
- Untitled by Bruce R. McConkie, 04/04/1947
- Building Faith Among Youth by LeGrand Richards, 04/04/1947
- On Earning Salvation by Harold B. Lee, 04/04/1947
- Faith and the Pioneers by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/05/1947
- Untitled by Milton R. Hunter, 04/05/1947
- Untitled by Thomas E. McKay, 04/05/1947
- Faith in Israel by John A. Widtsoe, 04/05/1947
- “How Often Would I Have Gathered Thee…” by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/05/1947
- Untitled by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 04/05/1947
- What Did the Pioneers Bring? by Stephen L Richards, 04/05/1947
- Love of Neighbor by Mark E. Petersen, 04/05/1947
- The Son of God by Albert E. Bowen, 04/06/1947
- Honoring the Utah Pioneers–and Lasting Values by David O. McKay, 04/06/1947
- A Look Into the Past and Future by Levi Edgar Young, 04/06/1947
- Untitled by Marion G. Romney, 04/06/1947
- Untitled by Oscar A. Kirkham, 04/06/1947
- Did Joseph Smith See God? by Joseph F. Merrill, 04/06/1947
- Weep O World, for the Indian by Spencer W. Kimball, 04/06/1947
- Strength of the Gospel by Henry D. Moyle, 04/06/1947
- The Work of God by George Albert Smith, 04/06/1947
- Dissemination of the Gospel by George Albert Smith, 10/04/1946
- Responsibility of Latter-day Saints in Building for Peace by John A. Widtsoe, 10/04/1946
- Untitled by Thomas E. McKay, 10/04/1946
- “Train Up a Child” by Mark E. Petersen, 10/04/1946
- Untitled by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 10/04/1946
- A Most Vital Principle–Marriage by Joseph Fielding Smith, 10/04/1946
- Untitled by Milton R. Hunter, 10/04/1946
- Testimony from the Book of Mormon by Charles A. Callis, 10/04/1946
- Law and Labor by Albert E. Bowen, 10/04/1946
- Our Duty by Levi Edgar Young, 10/05/1946
- My Redeemer Lives Eternally by Spencer W. Kimball, 10/05/1946
- Untitled by Antoine R. Ivins, 10/05/1946
- The Gloomy Outlook and a Remedy by Joseph F. Merrill, 10/05/1946
- Untitled by Marion G. Romney, 10/05/1946
- Demand for Proper Respect of Human Life by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 10/05/1946
- “Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God” by Matthew Cowley, 10/06/1946
- Safeguards Against the Delinquency of Youth by David O. McKay, 10/06/1946
- Untitled by Alma Sonne, 10/06/1946
- Untitled by Clifford E. Young, 10/06/1946
- The Book of Mormon an Aid to Testimony by LeGrand Richards, 10/06/1946
- Love for Mankind by George F. Richards, 10/06/1946
- “The Abundant Life” by Harold B. Lee, 10/06/1946
- Closing Address by George Albert Smith, 10/06/1946
- Our Blessings and Privileges by George Albert Smith, 04/05/1946
- The Way to Peace by John A. Widtsoe, 04/05/1946
- Some Current Problems by Joseph F. Merrill, 04/05/1946
- Joseph Smith by Levi Edgar Young, 04/05/1946
- Untitled by Marion G. Romney, 04/05/1946
- Untitled by Antoine R. Ivins, 04/05/1946
- The Pattern of Martyrdom by Spencer W. Kimball, 04/05/1946
- Untitled by Richard L. Evans, 04/06/1946
- Rely Upon the Lord by Joseph F. Smith, 04/06/1946
- Living in the Bonds of Brotherhood by Harold B. Lee, 04/06/1946
- The Fruits of Right Living by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/06/1946
- The Way of Life by LeGrand Richards, 04/06/1946
- Untitled by Clifford E. Young, 04/06/1946
- Untitled by Marvin O. Ashton, 04/06/1946
- Truth Will Prevail by George F. Richards, 04/06/1946
- Untitled by S. Dilworth Young, 04/06/1946
- Untitled by Alma Sonne, 04/06/1946
- The Lord’s Sacrament by David O. McKay, 04/06/1946
- The First Great Cause by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/06/1946
- Value of Testimony by George Albert Smith, 04/06/1946
- Faith under the Atomic Bomb by John A. Widtsoe, 04/07/1946
- Untitled by Milton R. Hunter, 04/07/1946
- Spiritual Safety by Charles A. Callis, 04/07/1946
- Untitled by Thomas E. McKay, 04/07/1946
- “The Field Is White Already to Harvest” by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/07/1946
- Untitled by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 04/07/1946
- In Defense of Liberty by Mark E. Petersen, 04/07/1946
- The Worth of Great Men by Albert E. Bowen, 04/07/1946
- Concluding Address by George Albert Smith, 04/07/1946
- Obedience Brings Blessings to the Church and to Individuals by George Albert Smith, 10/05/1945
- On Keeping the Commandments by George F. Richards, 10/05/1945
- “…If Ye Are Not One, Ye Are Not Mine” by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 10/05/1945
- Live by Love by Joseph F. Smith, 10/05/1945
- Seek the Kingdom of God by LeGrand Richards, 10/05/1945
- Our Responsibility before God and Men by Harold B. Lee, 10/05/1945
- Living Worthily–the Duty of Latter-day Saints by Matthew Cowley, 10/05/1945
- Our Work–Missionary Service to the World by Stephen L Richards, 10/06/1945
- Untitled by Nicholas G. Smith, 10/06/1945
- Our Best Today–Better Tomorrow by Levi Edgar Young, 10/06/1945
- The Significance of Belief by Albert E. Bowen, 10/06/1945
- Untitled by Alma Sonne, 10/06/1945
- Untitled by Thomas E. McKay, 10/06/1945
- Our Glorious Destiny by Charles A. Callis, 10/06/1945
- Untitled by John H. Taylor, 10/06/1945
- “Be Ye Not Deceived” by Mark E. Petersen, 10/06/1945
- Obligations of the Priesthood by Joseph Fielding Smith, 10/06/1945
- Untitled by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 10/06/1945
- Untitled by Milton R. Hunter, 10/06/1945
- Untitled by David O. McKay, 10/06/1945
- Untitled by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 10/06/1945
- Untitled by George Albert Smith, 10/06/1945
- Foundations for Peace by Spencer W. Kimball, 10/07/1945
- Old Battles Yet to be Fought–New Victories to Win by David O. McKay, 10/07/1945
- Scientific Proof for the Word of Wisdom by Joseph F. Merrill, 10/07/1945
- The Principle of Revelation by John A. Widtsoe, 10/07/1945
- “In Mine Own Way” by Spencer W. Kimball, 10/07/1945
- Untitled by Marion G. Romney, 10/07/1945
- Principles of Cooperation by Ezra Taft Benson, 10/07/1945
- Truth and Simplicity in Church Ordinances by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 10/07/1945
- Closing Address by George Albert Smith, 10/07/1945
- Keep the Commandments of God by Heber J. Grant, 04/06/1945
- The Church Welfare Plan by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/06/1945
- Essentials for Spiritual Development by Stephen L Richards, 04/06/1945
- Christian Principles the Only Security by Albert E. Bowen, 04/06/1945
- On Sustaining Authority by Mark E. Petersen, 04/06/1945
- Heirs of the Promises by Charles A. Callis, 04/06/1945
- “The Idler Shall Not Have Place in the Church” by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/06/1945
- Untitled by Clifford E. Young, 04/06/1945
- Postwar Planning by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/06/1945
- “Thy Son Liveth” by Spencer W. Kimball, 04/07/1945
- Untitled by Nicholas G. Smith, 04/07/1945
- Joseph Smith by Levi Edgar Young, 04/07/1945
- Untitled by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 04/07/1945
- Untitled by Milton R. Hunter, 04/07/1945
- Untitled by John H. Taylor, 04/07/1945
- Untitled by Marion G. Romney, 04/07/1945
- Full Service by John A. Widtsoe, 04/07/1945
- Untitled by Antoine R. Ivins, 04/07/1945
- Untitled by S. Dilworth Young, 04/07/1945
- Untitled by Alma Sonne, 04/07/1945
- Untitled by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/07/1945
- The Importance of Missionary Work by Ezra Taft Benson, 04/07/1945
- The Value of the Individual by Joseph F. Merrill, 04/07/1945
- Untitled by David O. McKay, 04/07/1945
- Admonition by George F. Richards, 04/08/1945
- The Origin of Man and Prophecy Fulfilled by George Albert Smith, 04/08/1945
- Marriage and Divorce by David O. McKay, 04/08/1945
- Untitled by Marvin O. Ashton, 04/08/1945
- The Lessons from History by Joseph F. Smith, 04/08/1945
- The Value of Missionary Experience by LeGrand Richards, 04/08/1945
- Challenge to the Priesthood by Harold B. Lee, 04/08/1945
- Concluding Address by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/08/1945
- Admonition and Blessing by Heber J. Grant, 10/06/1944
- Postwar Planning in the Home by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 10/06/1944
- Untitled by Nicholas G. Smith, 10/06/1944
- Winning the Peace by Joseph F. Merrill, 10/06/1944
- Untitled by John H. Taylor, 10/06/1944
- Untitled by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 10/06/1944
- Ye May Know the Truth by Spencer W. Kimball, 10/06/1944
- The Returning Soldier by John A. Widtsoe, 10/06/1944
- Untitled by Marion G. Romney, 10/07/1944
- Untitled by Antoine R. Ivins, 10/07/1944
- The Firing Line by LeGrand Richards, 10/07/1944
- Untitled by Samuel O. Bennion, 10/07/1944
- On Detecting Truth from Error by Harold B. Lee, 10/07/1944
- Will Nations Avert a World War III? by David O. McKay, 10/07/1944
- The Test of Christianity by Levi Edgar Young, 10/07/1944
- Living All Truth by George F. Richards, 10/07/1944
- Untitled by Richard L. Evans, 10/07/1944
- True to the Faith by George Albert Smith, 10/07/1944
- Untitled by Marvin O. Ashton, 10/07/1944
- The Significance of Patriarchal Blessings by Joseph F. Smith, 10/07/1944
- Guidance by Charles A. Callis, 10/07/1944
- America a Choice Land by Ezra Taft Benson, 10/08/1944
- Watchmen of the Vineyard by Mark E. Petersen, 10/08/1944
- Power of Repentance by Joseph Fielding Smith, 10/08/1944
- Untitled by Clifford E. Young, 10/08/1944
- The Test of Propriety in Conduct by Albert E. Bowen, 10/08/1944
- Untitled by David O. McKay, 10/08/1944
- Untitled by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 10/08/1944
- Testimony and Blessing by Heber J. Grant, 04/06/1944
- The Foundations of Happiness by George Albert Smith, 04/06/1944
- Gospel Thoughts by George F. Richards, 04/06/1944
- Truth, Beauty, Goodness by Levi Edgar Young, 04/06/1944
- Tithes and Offerings by LeGrand Richards, 04/06/1944
- Untitled by Richard L. Evans, 04/06/1944
- Our Perpetual Debt by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/06/1944
- Spirituality–a Safeguard Against Delinquency by Ezra Taft Benson, 04/07/1944
- Untitled by Thomas E. McKay, 04/07/1944
- Untitled by Antoine R. Ivins, 04/07/1944
- An Indissoluble Oneness by Joseph F. Smith, 04/07/1944
- Untitled by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 04/07/1944
- The Gospel Plan by Harold B. Lee, 04/07/1944
- Courage for Crisis by John A. Widtsoe, 04/07/1944
- Untitled by Nicholas G. Smith, 04/07/1944
- Untitled by David O. McKay, 04/07/1944
- The Way of Unity by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/07/1944
- The Resurrected Christ by David O. McKay, 04/09/1944
- “He Is Risen from the Dead” by Albert E. Bowen, 04/09/1944
- After the War by Charles A. Callis, 04/09/1944
- Untitled by John H. Taylor, 04/09/1944
- Untitled by Marion G. Romney, 04/09/1944
- The Sabbath Day by Spencer W. Kimball, 04/09/1944
- Untitled by Alma Sonne, 04/09/1944
- Efficacy of Prayer by Joseph F. Merrill, 04/09/1944
- Untitled by David O. McKay, 04/09/1944
- Untitled by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/09/1944
- Church Finances by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 10/01/1943
- Response to a Call by Spencer W. Kimball, 10/01/1943
- Stake Missionary Work by Richard R. Lyman, 10/01/1943
- The Home Front by David O. McKay, 10/02/1943
- Untitled by Oscar A. Kirkham, 10/02/1943
- Untitled by Richard L. Evans, 10/02/1943
- Untitled by Marion G. Romney, 10/02/1943
- “And Ye Would Not!” by George Albert Smith, 10/02/1943
- Priesthood Obligations by George F. Richards, 10/02/1943
- Untitled by John H. Taylor, 10/02/1943
- Nourishing the Spirit by Charles A. Callis, 10/02/1943
- Untitled by Rufus K. Hardy, 10/02/1943
- Untitled by Thomas E. McKay, 10/02/1943
- The Promise unto the Children by LeGrand Richards, 10/02/1943
- Untitled by Samuel O. Bennion, 10/02/1943
- On Being a Minority by Joseph F. Smith, 10/02/1943
- On Common Ground by Levi Edgar Young, 10/02/1943
- Education–The Church View by Albert E. Bowen, 10/02/1943
- Precept and Example by Joseph F. Merrill, 10/02/1943
- Assignment to Youth by Stephen L Richards, 10/03/1943
- Of Dreams and Visions by Joseph Fielding Smith, 10/03/1943
- Untitled by Alma Sonne, 10/03/1943
- Wells of Living Water by Harold B. Lee, 10/03/1943
- Untitled by Antoine R. Ivins, 10/03/1943
- The Nature of Peace by John A. Widtsoe, 10/03/1943
- Untitled by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 10/03/1943
- Untitled by David O. McKay, 10/03/1943
- Untitled by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 10/03/1943
- Thanksgiving and Blessing by Heber J. Grant, 04/04/1943
- “Blessed Is the Nation whose God Is the Lord” by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/04/1943
- Nobility of Character Essential to a Great Nation by David O. McKay, 04/04/1943
- A Great Work by Rudger Clawson, 04/04/1943
- Missionaries of the Stakes of Zion by Levi Edgar Young, 04/04/1943
- Untitled by Marion G. Romney, 04/04/1943
- Untitled by Marvin O. Ashton, 04/04/1943
- Untitled by Alma Sonne, 04/04/1943
- The Way of Salvation by John A. Widtsoe, 04/04/1943
- Untitled by John H. Taylor, 04/05/1943
- Shepherds of the Flock by LeGrand Richards, 04/05/1943
- Untitled by Clifford E. Young, 04/05/1943
- Untitled by Rufus K. Hardy, 04/05/1943
- Millennial Hope by Charles A. Callis, 04/05/1943
- Valiant in the Covenants by George F. Richards, 04/05/1943
- Our Obligations by Joseph F. Merrill, 04/05/1943
- On Taking Ourselves Seriously by Joseph F. Smith, 04/05/1943
- Untitled by Oscar A. Kirkham, 04/05/1943
- What We Are Fighting For by Richard R. Lyman, 04/05/1943
- Righteousness and Gratitude by George Albert Smith, 04/05/1943
- In These Times by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 04/05/1943
- Peace…The Concern of the Church by Albert E. Bowen, 04/06/1943
- Untitled by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 04/06/1943
- Hearing the Voice by Harold B. Lee, 04/06/1943
- Untitled by David O. McKay, 04/06/1943
- Message of the First Presidency by Heber J. Grant, 10/03/1942
- Remarks by Joseph F. Smith, 10/03/1942
- To Be Called the Sons of God by Joseph Fielding Smith, 10/03/1942
- In Holy Places by Stephen L Richards, 10/03/1942
- My Call to the Apostleship by Heber J. Grant, 10/03/1942
- The Lord’s Mercy to the Repentant by Rudger Clawson, 10/03/1942
- Untitled by Oscar A. Kirkham, 10/03/1942
- Untitled by Rufus K. Hardy, 10/03/1942
- The Power of Example by LeGrand Richards, 10/03/1942
- Sowers and Reapers by Levi Edgar Young, 10/03/1942
- Untitled by Joseph L. Wirthlin, 10/03/1942
- Our Aspirations and Covenants by George F. Richards, 10/03/1942
- Immutables by Albert E. Bowen, 10/03/1942
- Untitled by Marion G. Romney, 10/03/1942
- Rededication by Charles A. Callis, 10/03/1942
- Untitled by Antoine R. Ivins, 10/03/1942
- Untitled by John H. Taylor, 10/03/1942
- Untitled by Samuel O. Bennion, 10/03/1942
- True to the Faith by George Albert Smith, 10/03/1942
- Untitled by Clifford E. Young, 10/03/1942
- Private Ownership…under the United Order by J. Rueben Clark Jr., 10/03/1942
- The Light that Shines in Darkness by David O. McKay, 10/04/1942
- Liquor, Immorality, and Our Armed Forces by Richard R. Lyman, 10/04/1942
- Remaining Steadfast by Harold B. Lee, 10/04/1942
- Leadership by John A. Widtsoe, 10/04/1942
- Personal Testimony of the Lord’s Providence by Heber J. Grant, 04/04/1942
- The Blessings of the Priesthood by Rudger Clawson, 04/04/1942
- Upholding the Hands of Our Leaders by George Albert Smith, 04/04/1942
- Untitled by Marion G. Romney, 04/04/1942
- The Importance of Genealogical and Temple Work by George F. Richards, 04/04/1942
- The Necessity of Working on Our Own Lineage by Joseph Fielding Smith, 04/04/1942
- The Light of Truth by Levi Edgar Young, 04/04/1942
- Who Will Win the War by Richard R. Lyman, 04/04/1942
- “If Ye Are Prepared Ye Shall Not Fear” by John A. Widtsoe, 04/04/1942
- Leadership in the Aaronic Priesthood by LeGrand Richards, 04/04/1942
- Untitled by Alma Sonne, 04/04/1942
- An Humble and Contrite Heart by Charles A. Callis, 04/04/1942
- Untitled by Marvin O. Ashton, 04/04/1942
- Untitled by Richard L. Evans, 04/04/1942
- Untitled by Rufus K. Hardy, 04/04/1942
- Untitled by Samuel O. Bennion, 04/04/1942
- “Whom Say Ye That I Am?” by Albert E. Bowen, 04/05/1942
- “Had We Listened to the Prophets” by Stephen L Richards, 04/05/1942
- The Church and the Present War by David O. McKay, 04/05/1942
- Unity for the Welfare of the Church and the Nation by Harold B. Lee, 04/06/1942
- Message of the First Presidency by Heber J. Grant, 04/06/1942
- Concluding Message by Heber J. Grant, 04/06/1942
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