How can I Join the Church?
by -The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has brought peace and meaning into the lives of millions. Hundreds of thousands of people join the Church every year. If you’d like to join, simply follow these five easy steps:
- Learn more about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
- Research reputable church-related sites like and Be aware of anti-Mormon sites, some of which are quite professional looking. Obviously, the best way to learn about the church is from church members themselves.
A missionary visiting Brazilian friends in Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil. All potential converts need to meet several times with our missionaries. Most people choose to meet with the missionaries in their homes, but you can choose to meet them elsewhere if you like. Missionaries, though not trained theologians, can help converts learn all they need to know to be productive, happy members of the Church. You can request a visit from our missionaries online.
- Visit the Church.
- It’s important that your decision to join the church be an informed one. Before joining the church, spend some time worshiping with us in our Sunday meetings. You can locate the chapel nearest your home online, or you can simply ask the missionaries. Try to get to know the members of the church in your area. Try to get to know the bishop or branch president of the congregation.
- If possible, join us for one of our congregation’s social gatherings during the week. Ask the missionaries about mutual, seminary, institute, enrichment meeting, Elder’s quorum sporting events, and ward dinners and picnics.
What are Mormon missionaries like? - Prior to baptism, there’s an interview with a missionary not directly involved in teaching you. In some cases, an interview with the mission president may also be necessary.
- Don’t stress these interviews too much. They simply serve to make sure you’re ready for baptism.
- Baptism and the Gift of the Holy Ghost.
- Baptism by immersion is usually a community affair. Members of the congregation meet together to pray, sing hymns, and offer words of support and acceptance to the person being baptized. Feel free to invite family members and friends, even if they are not members of the church. Let them know about this important commitment you’re making so they can support you as well.
A video made by a recent convert to celebrate her third-year anniversary as a member of the Church. - After you become a member of the Church, try to invest some time in better understanding your new spiritual home, theologically, culturally, and socially. Don’t be afraid to ask for help; for some, joining the church brings significant lifestyle changes. Because we have a distinct cultural and ethnic identity, some new converts experience some transient “culture shock.” Talk to other members of the congregation about the challenges you face. They’ll be happy to help you make this wonderful transition in your life. Good luck!
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