How to Change: Introduction
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We can be healed through Jesus Christ (Reflections of Christ)
However, though my intent was to serve, I am the one who has most benefited by listening to the uplifting stories of the addicts I’ve come to know. They face great challenges, but through faith in Jesus Christ, they are working hard to make their lives better. There’s something profoundly inspiring about people who are trying to change their lives through Jesus Christ. Even those of us who don’t struggle with addictions still need to change, to be better. Whether we struggle with addictions, sins, maladaptive defense mechanisms, etc., we can all benefit from the topics discussed in these meetings.
The Church has created an excellent workbook entitled “Addiction Recovery Program Guide” that, in my opinion, every member of the church should study, addict or not. Over the course of the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing my thoughts on each of the twelve steps of Alcoholics Anonymous from a Mormon perspective. I hope these articles, together with the workbook, help those who are struggling and want to grow closer to Jesus Christ.