We are grandparents and have two grandaughters that are close to be adopted by a mormorn couple. The oldest child is close to 5 and youngest is close to 4. We received the adoption request form and this couple wants to change their first names. We have no problem with the middle or last name change but do have a concern about changing their first name. Is there some requirement by the Mormon church for name changes for an adopted child?

Eric from Marietta, Ga,

4 Responses to “We are Grandparents and Have two Grandaughters That Are…”

Mateo Ramos
2013-04-07 11:27:04
Hi Eric. Thanks for your interesting question. There is nothing in LDS doctrine or practice that would require adoptive parents to change the name of their children. In my personal opinion, given that your grandchildren are already old enough to understand the concept of a name, it makes little sense to change their names at this point. I invite you to discuss this issue with the Mormon couple if possible.

For what it's worth, I was raised in the LDS Church, and it was a wonderful experience. The church offers a great support system for families in general and children specifically. There are special classes for children to teach moral values and Christian doctrine. There are many activities as well to foster healthy friendships. It really is a great way to grow up.
2013-04-06 09:23:02
There is no requirement for that in the Mormon Church... That was probably a personal choice of the couple. Probably to be more familiarized with them since the beggining.

It has nothing to do with the fact they are member of the Church.

Best Regards,

Pamela Bonta
2013-04-06 12:01:51
Not to my knowledge. However, some adoptive couples, regardless of religious affiliaton, do choose to do this for many different reasons.
2013-04-06 17:51:40
The answer is "no". The the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints holds zero requisites on the naming of any child, adopted or not. This is strictly a subjective matter of preference on the part of the adopting family.

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