3 Responses to “Today at school one of my good friends…”
2013-02-24 18:58:06
When we fast, we donate a "fast offering" to our church. Basically, the money that we would normally spend on two meals is instead used to buy food for the needy. It's part of our church's humanitarian program.
2013-04-03 00:32:36
I know the reason I fast is because I want to sacrifice something for Jesus Christ, like he gave up his life for us, so why shouldn't I give up something as well? Fasting is a symbolic way of honoring Christ's sacrifice.
2013-04-10 03:39:30
We fast because the scriptures tell us to. And because it can be a great way to focus our prayers on certain important issues. For instance, If you have a family member who is an addict, you might fast and pray for an extra boost of patience and love. Fasting works as a way to augment our prayers and to show ourselves and our Savior that this issue is very important to us.
3 Responses to “Today at school one of my good friends…”