What are mormon beliefs? Many wonder what mormons believe. There's actually very few core doctrines in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It's important that all members of the church believe in these core doctrines. Some members of the church are still pondering and praying about these doctrines so they can arrive at a true belief. That's okay too.
Who do Mormons Believe in?Mormons believe that God is our Eternal Father. We also believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Savior and Redeemer of the world. We make promises (covenants) with God to do the things Christ has asked of us. We promise to "take His name upon us" by becoming His disciples. Keeping the promises we make with Christ is central to our faith. In addition to God the Father and God the Son, We also believe in the Holy Ghost.
Joseph Smith was a modern-day prophet who restored Christ's ancient church in our days
Just as God called prophets anciently, He calls them in our days. We believe that in the 19th century, God called a boy named Joseph Smith to be a modern-day prophet. Through him, Jesus restored His ancient church in our days. That church is called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
We believe that the current president of our church, Thomas S. Monson, is also a modern-day prophet. Prophets are not perfect, but they do receive messages from God that are important for us to know. We support our president as a "prophet, seer, and revelator," the only person who has the complete authority needed to run Christ's church on the earth and to perform sacred ceremonies in His name.
Just as Christ called apostles anciently, He has called some in our modern days. We support these apostles as "prophets, seers, and revelators" as well. We also support the other leaders of our church, both general and local.
What Mormons Really BelieveWe believe that, to truly accept Jesus, we have to do the things He's asked us to do. This includes:
1. Honoring what we call "the law of chastity." This means sexual intimacy should only occur between a husband and a wife. Prior to marriage, self control is very important.
Christ Himself taught the beauty and sacredness of earthly sacrifice
2. Paying tithing. Mormons donate 10% of their income to the church. This money isn't used to pay the local pastor; it goes directly to building chapels and temples and financing the church's missionary work. Tithing helps Mormons show God that they are truly dedicated to Him. They're not just paying lip service to God. They are willing to contribute.
3. Keeping the Mormon dietary standards, collectively called the "Word of Wisdom." God has asked the members of His church to avoid addictive substances. Addiction can make it hard to connect with God. That's why Mormons avoid illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco, coffee, black tea, etc.
4. Honoring the "Sabbath day." Mormons believe Christ has asked them to come to church each Sunday whenever they can. Worshiping as a community is very important in our culture.
Mormons believe Jesus suffered for our sins in a garden called Gethsemane and on the cross
Finally, Mormons believe in Jesus' power to save us from our sins. He sacrificed Himself for each of us as sinners; that's why He is our Savior and Redeemer. When we make mistakes, He wants us to ask Him for forgiveness and promise to abandon our sin. When someone fails to do the things Jesus has asked us all to do, he needs to apply Christ's sacrifice in his life so he can be freed from his sins. This process, called repentance, allows us to be morally clean once again.
Aside from these core doctrines, Mormons are pretty much free to believe whatever they like. Actually, there's quite a diversity of thought among the Mormon people. If you'd like to get to know our community better, please feel free to visit one of our chapels any Sunday at 9:00 to see how we worship. Mormons love visitors.
Having learned what Mormons believe, you might also be interested in learning what mormons can do. Thanks for reading!
Who do Mormons Believe in?Mormons believe that God is our Eternal Father. We also believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Savior and Redeemer of the world. We make promises (covenants) with God to do the things Christ has asked of us. We promise to "take His name upon us" by becoming His disciples. Keeping the promises we make with Christ is central to our faith. In addition to God the Father and God the Son, We also believe in the Holy Ghost.
We believe that the current president of our church, Thomas S. Monson, is also a modern-day prophet. Prophets are not perfect, but they do receive messages from God that are important for us to know. We support our president as a "prophet, seer, and revelator," the only person who has the complete authority needed to run Christ's church on the earth and to perform sacred ceremonies in His name.
Just as Christ called apostles anciently, He has called some in our modern days. We support these apostles as "prophets, seers, and revelators" as well. We also support the other leaders of our church, both general and local.
What Mormons Really BelieveWe believe that, to truly accept Jesus, we have to do the things He's asked us to do. This includes:
1. Honoring what we call "the law of chastity." This means sexual intimacy should only occur between a husband and a wife. Prior to marriage, self control is very important.
3. Keeping the Mormon dietary standards, collectively called the "Word of Wisdom." God has asked the members of His church to avoid addictive substances. Addiction can make it hard to connect with God. That's why Mormons avoid illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco, coffee, black tea, etc.
4. Honoring the "Sabbath day." Mormons believe Christ has asked them to come to church each Sunday whenever they can. Worshiping as a community is very important in our culture.
Aside from these core doctrines, Mormons are pretty much free to believe whatever they like. Actually, there's quite a diversity of thought among the Mormon people. If you'd like to get to know our community better, please feel free to visit one of our chapels any Sunday at 9:00 to see how we worship. Mormons love visitors.
Having learned what Mormons believe, you might also be interested in learning what mormons can do. Thanks for reading!
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