I am a Latter Day Saint and I’m proud of that (I feel with all my heart that The Book of Mormon is a Book witch comes from our Heavenly Father), but I have 2 questions (The Elders have no time to have lessons with me because they have a lot of investigators who will be baptized this mounth):

1. Is that true that in our church was practiced polygamy because God did that? (a boy who was a missionary told me that on facebook).

2. When was Jesus born? (D&c20:1). Our Christmas day is on April-7th?

God BLESS all the members of His Church!!! Love you all…


2 Responses to “I am a Latter Day Saint and I’m proud of that (I feel with a…”

Fernando Campos
2012-03-19 01:22:37
Book of Mormon
The Book of Mormon has been translated into many languages.
Hi Gina. I'm happy you have such a strong testimony of the Book of Mormon. It's always good to hear from someone who is as excited about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as I am. :) Let me answer your questions.

1) The Church does not teach that God was or is a polygamist.

2) We aren't certain when Jesus was born. D&C 20:1 suggests to some that He was born in April, but others question that interpretation. He was probably not actually born on Christmas day, but Mormons choose to celebrate His birth on Christmas together with most of the Christian world.

I hope this answer helps!
2012-03-18 18:35:07
I have been a member many, many years and I have never heard the claim that God practiced polygamy.

As for the birth of Christ, the Scripture you mentioned in D&C 20 does place the Birth of Christ as April 6th. However, this does not mean that we celebrate Christmas on this date. You can do an internet search and find information regarding why the date is December 25th. None of them will claim that Christ was actually born on that date. There is speculation of dates on almost every month of the year. It appears that the December date was selected to be convenient with other existing Holidays in Rome and other places than to be an accurate belief of the Savior's actual birth date

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