Do you believe that Adam is the Godfather?


6 Responses to “Do you believe that Adam is the Godfather?”

Mario Rubio
2011-09-12 01:21:17
Hi friend. I thought the Godfather was Don Vito Corleone. I don't think Adam appeared in that film... but I'm no movie buff. (Sorry, I couldn't resist... especially since you are actually from Italy...)

I assume you're really referring to the rumor that Mormons believe Adam was God the Father. To answer your real question, no, Mormons believe Adam and God the Father are not the same person. While we respect Adam as a prophet, we worship God the Father. I hope this answer helps! Si prega di perdonare mie battute. :)
2011-09-14 22:54:49
Hi, thanks for answering. Actually my english is not very good and I appreciate your joke. :)

I asked that because I'm reading a lot about mormons beliefs because my boyfriend is Mormon (not so active indeed). I thought it's better to ask some questions to devoted people rather than people outside the church.
Mario Rubio
2011-09-19 08:10:00
I'm happy you appreciated the joke, friend. :) Actually, your English is excellent. It really is amazing that godfather and God the Father mean such very different things in English. My wife is from Brazil, and she points out what a crazy language English is all the time. :)

I'm very happy that you're interested in learning more about Mormon beliefs. I encourage you to talk with your boyfriend about his faith. Perhaps you can even get him to return to full church activity; that would definitely be a huge blessing in his life. It's actually a very exciting time to be a Mormon in Italy, since a Mormon temple is being built in Rome and is expected to be completed in 2014. I really love being a member of the LDS Church, and I love talking about the church with interested people like yourself.
2011-09-21 00:11:18
Thanks for answering again :) Well.. My Boyfriend is American, He told me his family is very religious and He's really reserved about his faith. He joined the army several years ago, although He left it He chose to stay here in Italy but It's planning to moved back to US. Probably he's focused on the differences between what we've been taught on Christianity. Whenever He will be ready I'll try to talk about common teachings. That's why I started reading a lot about LDS in order to learn something about his background. I was scared at the beginning because the first sources where anti-mormons, but now I'm happy to talk about it to somene like you.
Mario Rubio
2011-09-26 02:41:41
The Church's missionary program is one of its most recognized characteristics.
Hi again friend. I think you're going about your investigations in a very responsible way. For many Mormons, including many Mormons who are less active, Mormonism is not just a religion. It's an important part of our cultural identity. You are right in thinking that learning about your boyfriend's culture is an important way to understand him better. I'm also happy that you've already figured out that anti-mormon sites are not a good way to learn about our true beliefs. For reasons I don't completely understand, many people have an irrational fear of Mormons and do not hesitate to misrepresent our beliefs and practices.

While I encourage you to continue to read and post on this site, you might also be interested in talking in person with some Mormons in your area. You could learn the address of the Mormon chapel nearest to your house online, for example, in case you'd like to visit. The Mormon missionaries in your area could also provide you with a lot of useful information. Hopefully in time your boyfriend will be comfortable discussing his faith with you as well.

Best of luck to you! It's very nice to meet someone who is open minded and sincerely interested in learning the truth about us Mormons instead of focusing only on the invented scandals the anti-Mormons make up. Good luck to you!
John Jeremiah Conroy
2011-10-10 01:20:01
No I do not believe adam is God the Father. Our Heavenly Father is the only one that is God the Father. This claim is often used by anti mormons and critics of the church to confuse people who are in and out of the church. Our modern prphets in the church have warned us to be aware of false doctrine that is not in harmony with the four standard works and the teachings of the church prophets that is official church doctrine. We must not let problematic theological anomalies shake our faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ and his restored gospel that has been restored back on the earth through the fullness of times dispensation. Through careful prayer and study of the scriptures and careful research through primarily sources and the guidance of the Holy Ghost you will recieve the truth.

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