I come from a musician family and im acoustic piano/keyboardist player, if there is opportunity for me I can join and serve in your church and live in the united states. Please sent me an application form. Thank you.
3 Responses to “I come from a musician family and im acoustic piano/keyboard…”
Luciano Delgado
2011-07-04 05:16:00
Hi Victor. The church usually doesn't get involved in specific secular activities like immigration, but certainly music is a wonderful way to help people connect with God. For us, music can be like a prayer to God. There may well be a lot of service you could offer in your own, local Mormon community.
Pamela Dean Bonta
2011-07-03 15:22:08
Hello Victor,
Callings (unpaid positions) and most employment in our church are offered to people who are already members, people who have received a testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ and believe that this is His true restored church. If you do believe this or would like to learn more, then I would invite you to contact the missionaries either by calling your local church or visiting mormon.org.
Members are encouraged to stay in their home countries and continue spreading the Gospel. However, if you felt the need to move to the U. S., you should contact Homeland Security and follow the proper process to begin immigration proceedings.
2011-08-01 14:15:05
Hi Victor, the church is always looking for piano players, ask the primary and the Priesthood.
Start with talking to some missionaries, that is the "application" and assignment to go through in order to become a member. See http://www.mormon.org the link to talk to someone is at the top, and you can read stories of already LDS (Mormon) people.
Don't worry it's not like a test as much as it is like a process of learning and understanding, with open book and open help from God.
Callings (unpaid positions) and most employment in our church are offered to people who are already members, people who have received a testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ and believe that this is His true restored church. If you do believe this or would like to learn more, then I would invite you to contact the missionaries either by calling your local church or visiting mormon.org.
Members are encouraged to stay in their home countries and continue spreading the Gospel. However, if you felt the need to move to the U. S., you should contact Homeland Security and follow the proper process to begin immigration proceedings.
Start with talking to some missionaries, that is the "application" and assignment to go through in order to become a member. See http://www.mormon.org the link to talk to someone is at the top, and you can read stories of already LDS (Mormon) people.
Don't worry it's not like a test as much as it is like a process of learning and understanding, with open book and open help from God.