In the pre mortal existence in Job 38 stars refer to us and sons of God refer to angels? It seems like this verse would refer to both us and the angels because angels are mentioned in the pre mortal life as the annointed cherub in Ezekial 28: 11-19 and satans fall in Isaiah 14:12-14. Job 1:6. And we are referred to in the premortal existence in Jer 1:4-5 Eph 1: 4-5 John 9:1-2 Job 38:7 Gen 1:26? From what I’ve seen in the scriptures the pre mortal life doctrine covers the pre existence of Angels Isiah 14:12-14, us spirit beings Job 38:7, Jer 1:4-5 and Jesus Christ in John 8:58 and in John 1:1-3. I know that pre existnce is true.
One Response to “In the pre mortal existence in Job 38 stars refer to us and …”
Luciano Prado
2010-10-18 05:43:42
The Angel Moroni, who had an important role in the restoration of Christ's ancient church in these modern days.
Hi john. Thanks for your list of very interesting scriptures. Another interesting dimension to this question is the fact that, for mormons, the difference between human beings and angels is blurred. Any being that acts as a messenger for God can be considered an angel. For example, moroni, an ancient-American prophet, returned as an angel to show Joseph Smith where the ancient Book-of-mormon record had been hidden. Peter, james, and john returned as angels to restore the Melchizedek priesthood, and john the Baptist returned as an angel to restore the Aaronic priesthood. Some also believe that the mortal Noah is the same being as the angel Gabriel, and that Adam is the angel Michael. Anyway, there's a lot to thing about! Thanks for your comments.
One Response to “In the pre mortal existence in Job 38 stars refer to us and …”