What happens to someone who breaks the law of chastity? What steps should I take if I’m excommunicated?


One Response to “What happens to someone who breaks the law of chastity? What…”

Fernando Ramos
2010-09-27 08:47:39
Jesus Christ
A statue of Jesus Christ at temple square in Salt Lake City.
Hi friend. It's a very serious sin to have sexual relations outside of marriage. The repentance process required for sins of this kind is not easy. The specific steps required will depend on your experience in the Church, your sincere remorse, and perhaps some other factors. I suggest you talk with your bishop. I'm sure he'll be happy to help guide you through the repentance process.

Not all people who break the law of chastity are excommunicated. However, those who are excommunicated must understand that they are not being "kicked out of the Church." Excommunication is simply a step in the repentance process. After repentance is done, excommunicated members can be rebaptized. They can recover all the spiritual blessings they had before they sinned. That's the miracle of Christ's atoning sacrifice.

Remember always that Jesus loves you. He loves you so much that He gave His life for you. You can show your love for Him by taking advantage of that sacrifice and getting back on the right path. Your bishop can help you. God bless you during these difficult times.

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