Hi. I want to know more about your religion. My main question is whether or not I can join your chruch if I’ve already been confirmed in the Catholic Church. Thanks for your help.


One Response to “Hi. I want to know more about your religion. My main questio…”

Lucas Silva
2010-04-26 08:41:53
Hi friend. I'm very happy that you're interested in learning more about my church! Being a Mormon Christian has brought me a lot of spiritual peace. Like millions of others, this church has helped strengthen my relationship with Jesus Christ. I know the church can help you too, which is why I'm so happy that you're interested in learning more!

Mormons have a sincere love and admiration for their Catholic brothers and sisters. There are many good and true things taught in the Catholic Church, and Mormons have worked with Catholics on many humanitarian projects. In fact, there are many Mormon converts who were once Catholic. My wife is a good example!

Catholic baptisms and confirmations are very important, and I'm sure your baptism and confirmation meant a lot to you and your parents. However, it is important to be baptized when old enough to make a conscious decision. Also, baptism should be by immersion. When we go down into the water, it represents the death of our old, sinful self. When we come up out of the water, it represents a new birth as a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Most importantly, baptized should be realized by someone who possesses the apostolic authority to act in God's name. This important authority, which Christ gave to his apostles thousands of years ago, was lost for many centuries, as prophesied in the Bible. Fortunately, the apostolic authority was restored in recent centuries. Mormon baptisms are performed by someone who holds this important authority.

For these reasons, those who have been baptized and confirmed in other religions are rebaptized and reconfirmed when they choose to join the "Mormon Church." Thus your previous baptism and confirmation, which were important for you and your family, will not prevent you from joining The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!

Mormon Missionaries
A missionary visiting Brazilian friends in Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil.
To begin the process, I invite you to meet with two of our Mormon missionaries. There are over 50,000 volunteer missionaries in the world who visit people to teach them more about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm sure they'll be very happy to meet with you! You can schedule a missionary visit online.

I also invite you to visit one of our chapels next Sunday so you can see what our worship services are like. You can learn the address and the meeting time of the Mormon chapel nearest your house online as well.

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