I’ve fallen in love with a great guy, but he’s not a member of the church. He’s a very understanding person. I know the church doesn’t strictly forbid dating people from other religions, but I worry that it doesn’t feel right. What should I do?


2 Responses to “I’ve fallen in love with a great guy, but he’s not a member …”

2009-12-13 03:55:08
Hi friend. I think it's great that you've fallen in love with a wonderful guy. It's very difficult when we fall in love with someone who is not a member of the church. We may love them very much, but, as you know, there are many cultural differences between Mormons and those of other religions. Most Mormons also want to marry in the temple so their marriages can last forever, even after death.

Many good people of other faiths learn about the restored gospel through their romantic interests. Perhaps you could talk about the Gospel with this friend of yours. Maybe if he knew more about the church, he would be interested in joining too.

Many people who are not members of the church have a hard time understanding why we want to be married in the temple so our families can be together forever. From what you've written, though, it sounds like this friend of yours is a very understanding person. I think he will be kind as you describe your cherished beliefs to him.

Good luck! Let me know if there's anything more I can do to help.
Maryann Taylor
2009-12-23 11:03:03
I think the answer to your question is in your own words: "I worry that it doesn't feel right." The church encourages dating within our own faith because usually we eventually marry someone we have dated. You say you have fallen in love. It is important that you date someone who can take you to the temple. That is the most important decision you will ever make because you will want to have an eternal family with children who will be born in the covenant and sealed to you forever. You will also want to have a husband who has the ability to give priesthood blessings when illness comes or as other needs arise. There is also great joy in sharing your life with someone who has a strong testimony and can be a strength and spiritual support to you. Nothing else will compensate for the loss of these blessings in your life.

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