Are mormons allowed to marry people who are not of the mormon faith? Or is this strictly forbidden? Thank you


2 Responses to “Are mormons allowed to marry people who are not of the mormo…”

Manuel Castro
2009-09-20 19:11:20
Hi friend. In the "Mormon" Church, nothing is "forbidden". The Church obviously does not force anyone. The Church simply helps people come to know God's will, and they then freely choose their own path. Joseph Smith once said, "I teach them correct principles, and they govern themselves."

Many practicing Mormons do choose to marry only those who share their same faith. There are two reasons: cultural and theological.

Mormon culture is in many ways very distinct from the "mainstream" cultures of the United Kingdom and the United States, for example. That's not to say we're totally foreign-English Mormons like fish and chips, and American Mormons like hamburgers (unfortunately)-but the cultural differences between Mormons and others are sufficient to complicate a marriage. For example, studies have shown that when American Mormons marry other Mormons, they have one of the lowest divorce rates in the country; in contrast, when they marry those of other faiths, they have one of the highest divorce rates in the country. Mormons are sufficiently distinct from other groups that many scholars consider Mormonism to be a new, transracial, transnational ethnic group. For example, there are twelve pages in the Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups dedicated to the distinct culture of the Mormons.

These cultural questions aside, many Mormons marry those of their same faith for theological reasons. Mormons believe that if they are married by one with the appropriate authority in a ceremony called a sealing, they can be together as a family forever, even after death. These kinds of weddings only take place in Mormon temples. While our weekly meetings held in Mormon chapels are open to the public, entrance into a Mormon temple requires a lot of spiritual preparation, including baptism. As one of another faith cannot be adequately prepared to enter the temple, Mormons who marry outside of the faith cannot be sealed to their spouse. Most practicing Mormons highly value the sealing ordinance, and so look for love within the Mormon community.

Hope this helps! Feel free to ask any more questions, or to contact the Mormon missionaries if you'd like to receive a visit in your home. Best of luck to you.
2009-10-11 21:29:12
In the church there are two types of marriages. A "marriage for time" is usually performed in a chapel by a mormon bishop or branch president. This type of marriage lasts until death separates the couple. You could be married for time in a mormon chapel with your catholic boyfriend. I suggest you talk with your bishop.

The second type of marriage, called a sealing, lasts even after death. This kind of eternal marriage is performed in the temple. Admittance to the temple requires much preparation, including baptism. Therefore, only church members may be sealed in the temple.

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