The Church does not have an official position on the existence of the dinosaurs. However, I don't think I've ever met an educated member of the Church who questioned their existence.
I know some religions have troubles accepting dinosaurs because they believe the earth was literally created in seven days, and science tells us that the dinosaurs preceded humans by many millions of years. Mormon theology is, in general, much more friendly towards science. Many Mormons, for example, believe that the seven "days" described in Genesis were actually seven creative periods, each comprising millions of years. The Church also has no position on biological evolution, and many Mormons believe evolution was the very tool that God used to create life on earth. I myself am a "Mormon Darwinist." Thanks for your question.
2009-07-15 18:51:46
We know that Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden, but we don't know how long they were there. Given that information who's to say that dinosours, or overgrown lizards and eliphants didn't roam the earth free from human preditors for heaven knows how many years?
We have dinosour bones found today and even though we don't know the exact nature of the creatures they belonged to, scientist today have put together some very interesting bone formations dug out of the ground.
This may be one of those questions whose details are not truly important and that an answer be found in this life. God has given that his children on this earth are given enough inteligence and information to make it back to him at which time all things shall be revieled.
Pamela Dean
2009-07-21 02:18:08
A very thorough commentary on LDS beliefs on evolution and pre-modern man can be found here:
I know some religions have troubles accepting dinosaurs because they believe the earth was literally created in seven days, and science tells us that the dinosaurs preceded humans by many millions of years. Mormon theology is, in general, much more friendly towards science. Many Mormons, for example, believe that the seven "days" described in Genesis were actually seven creative periods, each comprising millions of years. The Church also has no position on biological evolution, and many Mormons believe evolution was the very tool that God used to create life on earth. I myself am a "Mormon Darwinist." Thanks for your question.
We have dinosour bones found today and even though we don't know the exact nature of the creatures they belonged to, scientist today have put together some very interesting bone formations dug out of the ground.
This may be one of those questions whose details are not truly important and that an answer be found in this life. God has given that his children on this earth are given enough inteligence and information to make it back to him at which time all things shall be revieled.